

Regan's expression flickered. She didn't know how to answer but she knew what she had to say.

"No, you can't," Regan muttered, looking away from him. 

Antonin looked at Regan. Her answer wasn't strong.

"Why?" Antonin asked, leaning in closer to Regan. 

It wasn't that he didn't know that he needed to stop, it was that he didn't want to. Everything in his mind was pushing the stop button but his two souls and body were pressing green. There was a churning feeling in his stomach when he looked at Regan. He was nervous beyond belief but there was something that gave him confidence. The hesitancy in her steps, the way they looked at each other, and the silence in the room. 

She was nervous too.

"Y-you can't dummy," Regan sighed, "what about Ryder?"