In business or whatever you do human interaction and learning from each other is part of a learning process to gain more knowledge so that decision making process will produce better result.
I want to relate you to a story and you may find it useful to analyse and think of what I've just mentioned above.
I was in a huge furniture store with my lovely wife and we were looking for a particular storage for one of our retail store. We went in and go around to look for it for almost 30 mins with no luck. We knew that this store will have this particular storage rack as we got information from the store manager stationed at another retail outlet. That was also part of the reason why we tried to find it ourselves. Still desperately looking around we decided to ask one sales assistant for it. He gave us the wrong direction and we still could not find that particular storage. We ask another sales assistant and the result was similar. So we ended up in the store at level 2 going round to and fro for almost 1hr with no luck. On the third attempt we asked another sales assistant but this time we showed a clear picture of the storage rack, well this time we got lucky and finally managed to locate the storage rack which was at the first floor.
Now why am I telling you all this? Let me summarise what we have learned from this event:
1) To get results you must be clear and ask the question correctly in more detail so that you will get the most accurate answer.
2) Ask the right person for the right answer.
3) Never give up asking until you get the right result to your question.
In life we go through failures only to immerge being successful when we tried hard enough to get what we want. This attitude of never giving up trying is actually human nature and should be applied so that you will get what you want in life.