When I woke, I had to pause to figure out what was happening. A cloudy blue opal paw was gently pressed against me protectively. It's...my father! My anxiety disappeared and I grabbed a tight hold of him, desperate for comfort. He woke up and hugged me back. "I'm so sorry...when I got back, I never expected to find you in here in that state. You were so limp I thought you were dead at first." I cried, pressing my muzzle against his. "Your mother had to switch roles with me. Apparently, the humans have seen me too many times and filed a hunting report on me, so she had to go. Also, it would be rather hard to teach you anything in just a few days." He spoke gently, trying to soothe me. "She might be gone longer than I was...nah, she'll definitely be gone for a few years. I always had to rush back to find her the proper amount of food and help her heat up before she perished. I'm afraid this arctic cold could be deadly to her." I only rubbed my face on his scales with a strange sense of joy. I wasn't left behind! He came back and she'll be home later! "I understand that must have been harder on you than we thought...you didn't think we abandoned you, right?" I laughed while sobbing again. I'm just glad I was wrong!
"Father...please don't do that again…" He made a crooning noise that was much deeper than mother's had been.
"Alright, little one. Do you want to just rest today?" I nodded and he smiled. "Then training can wait til tomorrow." We cuddled closer and stayed there all day, enjoying one another's company.