Over the course of the next five years, a lot happened. The two of us learned to coordinate to the point he could dance a jig on my back mid-combat. Well, not too serious of a fight, but the same idea. It was amusing how shocked he was at finding how ripped he'd gotten from constantly arm-wrestling dragons...not that he was much bigger--still slim as always. I grew to be almost the same size as my mother, just slightly smaller, and Xyon got taller--almost lankier. It turns out that he's only three years older than me. Besides that, my father has just gotten worse, his mind slowly slipping. That fight had been far too brutal to survive without any side-effects. At the moment, I'm watching my mother and Xyon battle one another. He's using his dark magic to every advantage he can think of, and she's not even sheathing her talons anymore. His magic is so cool...some of the things it does are creepy though. It can look goopy or like mist, but it's constantly changing forms. Ah, speaking of forms, he's still in the process of mastering using his dark magic to shapeshift. Surprising no-one, he can easily become a wolf...but other creatures are quite hard. He's gotten good at becoming a cat though. His magic wrapped around my mother's torso and held her there. Not one to give up easily, she began using lava, forcing him to release her in order to dodge the blob that came his direction. My job is to pay attention to learn, as well as interfere if necessary. She roared and dived, pinning him against the icy snow in a cage of talons. "My win." He stayed still, then sighed, dropping his head and breathing hard.
"That was...really difficult."
"If you can't beat me, you'll never beat the green dragon." She released him and walked off my way. "Time for you to take and do your rounds. Build up your stamina." I ducked my head and went to Xyon, who was still sprawled on the ground.
"Again?" His voice was telling of his exhaustion.
"Yeah." He sighed again, then got up to his feet, waiting for me to crouch.
"Your mother is just too strong for me. Why would she ever think I could beat her?" I helped him climb onto my back before standing up and going to the edge.
"The fact that you can hold on for as long as you do is amazing. I don't think there are very many who could solo a dragon...she's just unusually strong for a dragon."
"Don't think I didn't hear that." We both flinched. "Stop chatting! Get going!" She swung her tail and I leapt off to dodge it. My mother has made me fly to his home and back once every year of our training, the same amount of times she duels one of us. Like she just did. Normally both Xyon and I are fighting together against her. I think it's her way of seeing how much we've grown compared to the previous year.
"I haven't been home in a long time. Maybe I should grab my flute this time."
"Don't see why not." It was interesting to have him sleeping in the cave. Since he gets cold easily, he was always cuddled up with me and my mother at night...my father's reaction was one of pure rage that soon turned into boredom. She had sweet-talked my father into letting Xyon stay. I played with the gentle breeze, using it to rise higher effortlessly. "So...she made you run a mile before fighting her? Do you know why?"
"According to her, it was to force me to use my energy sparingly. Why?"
"She's going to duel me after this...I just wanted to know what you got out of it." I'm always tired anymore, most likely due to how hard she drives us.
"Are you okay?"
"Hm? Yeah, why do you ask?"
"Your wings-beats aren't even. Your breath is short, and you keep wriggling." Ugh...why's she have to teach him how to nag better?
"I'm just hungry. Everyday occurrence out here. Only thing to eat is monsters and the occasional fish." We fall silent for a while longer, cruelly leaving me to my thoughts. I like talking, because then I'm not thinking about weird things, nor do I have to admit that I died and came back to life five years ago. Although...there was one thing that I haven't managed to shake off--make that two things. First, I ate half of that stone in my world, and I only have the other half here with me. Second, can Xyon shapeshift into a dragon? His magic doesn't only change his appearance, but all the way down to the biological stuff that I'd rather not think about. Magic is more useful than science in this world anyway. I can only ask. "Xyon, have you tried any other creatures to turn into?"
"Mostly just the smaller ones."
"Have you thought about attempting becoming a dragon?" I craned my neck around to look at him. He blinked at me in surprise, like I'd caught him off-guard.
He opened and shut his mouth a few times before he got out more than a gasp. "I...hadn't even thought of that! It would be so cool! I could fly alongside you, Zavi!" It struck me with unexpected force--he wouldn't be a dragon rider anymore. I turned my head back to the front so he couldn't read my face. He would fly next to me and experience what I do...but then what about my job? Wouldn't he become strong enough to fight the enemy on his own by then? I would become useless. "Probably not for very long...but it would be a good trump-card. I could use it when you're not able to reach me in time, or even to save you. Too bad I can't hold it very long." My wings stalled for a moment when I heard him. That's right! He won't be a dragon forever, only temporarily!
"Ha, 'not for very long'? Eventually you may be able to stay in a different form for days, possibly getting up there at months."
"Surely not. There's no way I'm that skilled."
"Oh, come on. Don't give up before you even try." The forest zoomed into view in front of us, spreading out in the distance.
"You're going too fast...won't you run out of energy?"
"Perhaps, but she never said I couldn't pause briefly."
He laughed, wrapping his arms around my neck in a hug. "You're enjoyable, but I hope you know your mother as well as I do. She won't like that if she finds out." I glance at him, understanding exactly what she meant. All hell would break loose.
"You think you're so smart?"
He smirked, sitting up straight and crossing his arms. "Why, of course I am. While you may have a mighty heart, your brain is rather small."
My eyes glinted. "It's bigger than your pea-brain."
Under my challenge, he countered, "That's because yours is swollen from being used." I snorted--something between a scoff, a cough, and a laugh, with a small plume of smoke added in. WIth a few rapid-fire adjustments, I was immediately upside down. Since I'd moved too fast for him to catch on to my motive, he cried out and grabbed my spikes, his legs dangling in the air.
"Think you can use that intelligence of yours to get out of this?"
"Zavi…! That's not fair! But...neither is this!" He let go, his magic swirling around him, obscuring him in a cloud of darkness. When he came back in sight, he'd turned into a hawk. How do I know that's him and not just some random bird? His feathers are pitch black and his eyes are blue, not to mention the fact that he can't quite get rid of the fur that appears around his ears in every form. I watch him closely as he flies next to me. I'm still flipped over, which is really hard to keep doing. The look in his eyes though...I narrowed my golden eyes at him in suspicion. What's he planning? My attention switched to the approaching forest, wondering if I would clear the trees at this height. That was a mistake. He suddenly dove at me, not necessarily at my eyes, but my face in general. If I wasn't a reborn human, I might have swatted at him. Good thing he's doing this to me and no-one else in my family. Dark mist started coming off of him, signalling how close he was to being forcibly turned back. He'll fall. I swiped at him, careful to keep my talons sheathed so I didn't hurt him. He'd moved away fast enough that I only grabbed him by his right wing, making it a bit harder to not hurt him. The mist swirled around him, turning him back. Now that he was in his natural form, it was his right arm that I had hold of. "Hey!" He wriggled and I rolled back over, placing him on my back.
"You shouldn't do that. It's dangerous. Anyway, other than that, we have arrived at your house." He sighed at me, closing his eyes and laying down. I think he's just tired, bored, and excited all rolled into one. Was he trying to see how long he could maintain that form while exerting more energy than normal? That, or he only had annoying me on his mind. Either way, it won't do much good to dwell on anything in the past when I have to do a marathon.
"I'm not sure I want to go back. Those guys from the village have always done something to me."
"Why don't you just fight back?" He fell silent for a few minutes--so quiet I began to wonder if he'd fallen off.
"I...don't want to hurt them." There was an undertone I couldn't quite interpret, especially since he moved on quickly. "I'm just hoping you do better today."
"What do you mean?"
"Remember the last time? You were found passed out halfway between."
"I was just...uh…"
"You were just…?" I gave him a glare and he only laughed, raising a brow. He's trying to make me admit it.
"I was just taking a nap. Never thought I would sleep for multiple days."
"No, no, I clearly remember that you ate too much and went into 'evolution'--," He made air quotes, smirking. "--and then you were stuck like that for the next two weeks." Instead of trying to retaliate and make it worse than it already is, I ignored him, furling my wings to go into a dive. The cold wind hissed as it passed over my scales, making my approach less than quiet. What happened earlier has me thinking...if he can't read my sudden movements, what's going to happen if I have to make a last-second dodge? But that doesn't seem to align with what my mother taught us. In other words, he needs to be secured down--not to the point he can't get free of it, but enough that he doesn't fall. What would that be? I should think about this later. I pulled up to land, crouching to let Xyon get off. "Right...you have to leave me here?"
"Yep, just like the other times." He gave me a nod and entered his house, leaving me standing there alone. He's gotten so much stronger and his personality has changed a bit from living with dragons and doing constant training. It's a fact that there is unbridled hatred lurking behind his eyes, staring accusingly into the distant soul of the dragon who stole his family. I'm glad he doesn't look at me like that. I jumped, spreading my wings and beating them down with a powerful sweep. The trees closest to me rocked, the snow falling off. I'm qualified as an adult dragon now, being sixteen, so at any time I'll receive knowledge of a new magic...every dragon does when they turn sixteen. Although, seeing as I have a human soul, will that still occur? I flew in silence, moving quickly. Before, it was no big deal to travel to visit him every now and then, but...after having him so close for so long, it feels like a sibling has left and might never come back. At the speed I'm going, it'll only take a little longer to get there. The tall glacier-mountain thing that held my home came into view slowly. Don't get me wrong, it took around half an hour to get this far, but with my mind so distracted it was fast. I adjusted my wings, folding in one slightly and making slight changes to the positions of the wing struts, bringing me in for neat landing inside the cave.
"Nicely done, Zavi. That was faster than the other times." Why does she sound rushed? "Since you've done so well, why don't you take a break when you get back...perhaps a few hours." The worry in her voice is scaring me, sending shivers down my spine and making my spine-spikes stand straight. "What are you waiting for? Get going." She urged me out, forcing me to leave. "See you later, Zavi!" A note hit her voice that sounded sad. What's going on?
"Okay...bye…" My fear sped my flight as it turned into a sprint. So scared! I'm so scared! Her eyes! They were haunted! Her posture! It was guarded! Something isn't right and she's trying to keep me away…! By the time I reached Xyon's house, I had managed to somewhat calm down...until I saw them. The same boys from before cornered Xyon against the side of his house, sneering. Why won't he fight back?! Then I saw his face. He's scared. Just as I was moments ago. No, not quite fear...that look is trauma. They've hurt him so many times that he can't resist. My previous fright turned into rage and I was done. My mother just kicked me out for a reason unknown and I returned to find Xyon being tortured. A force inside me rose that I had forgotten--my talons twitched, my fangs itched, my tail waved, and it felt like I needed to clear my throat. I settled for a low growl and furled my wings, unconsciously going into attack-mode. Xyon! The stress stemming from what happened with my mother was making me act differently, to the point I didn't really understand how I felt anymore. Hold on, what am I doing?! I pulled up short at the last second, crashing with an explosion of snow and a loud thump. Ugh...have I still not gotten used to my dragon mind and nature? Forgot to keep control of my emotions. I was only about fourteen feet away from them, where they were all covering their heads in surprise and panic. But Xyon, he was hiding his face and cowering, his whole body shaking.
"What was that?!" The boy who seemed to lead the others was the first to respond. He's got quick reflexes and a sharp mind...too bad he's a horrible person. The sight of Xyon was heart-breaking. His strong will and carefree attitude was gone, replaced by someone who was stalked by constant terror, something always waiting to pounce and ruin him. The anger made me start growling again, standing. "Wha?!" The guy stumbled away, his eyes wide. He sees me, but the others don't. "Why is there a dragon?!" Xyon shuddered when he mentioned a dragon...but that was all. I need to save him. Ah, I couldn't see this guy's features last time, but it seems he's got reddish-brown hair and hazel eyes. I'll never forget. I held back a roar, not wanting to make my mother worry more than she is. I have to deal with this on my own. "This isn't good! Oi, all of you, we need to get out of here!"
"Huh? Why?" They sound drowsy...did they get hurt when I fell? Not that it matters. The one I want is the guy in front of me. I growled louder, stepping closer and flaring my wings. The motion cleared away whatever was left of the cloud of snow, making my presence obvious. I pinned him down with a glare, doing my best to hold back any form of magic. He's a human, I'm a dragon...it won't be hard to win with just physical strength alone.
"You…" I started to whisper, not quite ready to talk.
"Huh?!" The other two boys fled when they saw me, leaving their 'leader' behind. Figures they would do that. Not very much trust between them. "Where are you going?! Don't leave me!" He jolted when I hissed the moment he tried to run.
"You...it was you! You!" His eyes bulged as I yelled, clearly surprised. "You hurt him!" He began shaking his head, raising his hands nervously.
"T-the dragon's...t-t-talking…" Of course I am..I'm not stupid.
"How dare you hurt him!"
He ducked his head. "Who? H-how have I offended you? I don't understand."
I snarled, "Don't lie. He's right in front of you." His eyes flicked around and landed on Xyon.
"Y-you mean Senra?! How could he possibly be related to a dragon?!" I swept my tail under his legs, tripping him. "Ah?!"
"I've seen you. You're always hurting him. I'm tired of watching."
"I'm sorry!" He lowered himself, bowing on all fours. What…? "Please let me go!" I could only stand and stare. Is he seriously giving himself up like that? He's vulnerable when he exposes his neck. Does he understand how much meaning that has?
"Why?" I watched him carefully when he raised his head to look at me. "Just leave. I have no interest in ending a life as pathetic as yours…" What he said to Xyon flashed through my head. How will he feel if I use them on him? "You're 'too disgusting for someone like me to touch', was it?" He jolted. "I feel the same way about you." His arrogance had been replaced by total guilt and complete terror. He hopped to his feet and fled, vanishing into the thick forest. Wow, it hurt way more than I thought to say something like that, even to that kind of person. Let's never do that again. I lay down with a sigh, exhausted. I flew too fast, I used energy from my ragin emotions, and then I 'attacked'. That was way too much exercise. My attention turned to Xyon, who was still quivering. Not okay. I got back up to go to him, pulling him closer. "Xyon…" I cooed his name the way my mother always did when I was scared or sad. He lifted his head slightly, acknowledging my presence. "Calm down…" This is just horrible. They've scarred him for life with no end in sight.
"Yep." When I saw his face, I was enraged again, flames roiling audibly inside of me. His eyes were soulless, as if he'd been abandoned with no hope of being saved. There was the beginnings of a bruise on his left cheek, his ears were drooped, and his tail was submissive, tucked between his legs. He should never have had to go through that. As he stared into my own golden eyes, his slowly became clearer and brighter, eventually giving way to his trapped joyous self.
"Hey, you're loud, you know that?" I grinned at him--which, being honest, must look like I'm baring my fangs...a lot of sharp, long fangs. If it wasn't for how expressive my eyes are then he might've mistaken it as such.
"Yeah, yeah, what'd I do, disturb your beauty sleep?"
"Well, it does take a lot of effort to look this good, you know." I nipped his coat, being careful not to hurt him. He's far too sassy for his own good.
"Are you full of yourself now?"
"Why, of course!" Even the drama is unnecessary. Too bad he has a side that is so scared of everything.
I don't really want to say anything, but I can't just leave it be either. "Why did you give in? You're much stronger than them."
He cast his eyes aside, refusing to look at me. "They are superior...they hold a higher position than me." Is he thinking in wolf pack terms? That's the only thing that would make any sense right now.
"Hmmm...then why don't you try to rise in the ranks? You'd be at the level of omega, right?"
"No, no, no...I'm the scum the omegas walk upon." I shook my head.
"Why not simply overtake the 'omegas' then? You give up too easily. As far as I'm concerned, you're worthy of being at the rank of alpha."
"No I'm not. I'm weak."
"Fine. Block this." I took a step back and whipped my tail, proving him wrong when he blocked it effortlessly--with his bare hands, even. "Liar. If you were weak, that would've sent you flying. How would someone as powerful as you be at the bottom?" I'm doing my best to make him understand, but it's starting to confuse me.
"My strength is irrelevant. If I can't face them then I'm still the weakest." I'll never get him over their bullying.
"Alright, then I'm done discussing this. Be the weakling in their...pack, but don't be in ours. Make sure to keep going. Now, I'm tired and ready to collapse." I got down and curled up, barely able to keep my eyes open.
"Why did you come back so soon?"
"Hm? My mother frightened me...she looked scared and told me to leave for a few hours." I almost forgot about that. "I returned to see them hurting you." I'm no longer a hatchling--I can protect him this time.
"What do you think was wrong?"
"I don't know. All I know is the way she refused to let me enter the cave, the urgent tone in her voice, and how much it scared me."
"Are you sure it was a good idea to leave? What if there was something bad happening?" He walked over, positioning himself in the crook of my front left leg and my curved neck, using the bend in my 'elbow' as if he was sitting in a chair. He's tiny and warm...it's nice.
I moved my head even closer, opening my left eye to peer at him. "Maybe, but she didn't want me there. It's not that easy to disobey a terrified powerful dragoness. I just want to sleep and go back to find everything is perfectly fine."
"Okay...I hope that's all that happens." We both allowed ourselves to fall asleep, giving up worrying about something we knew nothing about.