Chapter 11

After a few days, there was a major change in the family. Li Ang seemed to have grown up overnight. He had to take up the responsibility he had to bear, and the notebook was locked in a drawer at home. Then, after a big fire, everything will be burned. He also buried his last innocent memories of his youngster period.

How can this diary appear here?

What is his relationship with himself? !

Li Ang felt that she had found a key to unlocking her own destiny.

Li Ang trembled and opened the diary.

At first he read as a bystander and read it as a story, but gradually, he sank into it and felt that this person is himself, he is himself, he is himself.

The story that happened is like a personal experience, and the feeling is so deep.

The date the diary begins is very special.

It was he who decided to resolute his family and learn Chinese medicine. He also made a decision to go abroad to find a football dream.

This Li Ang didn't give up, he also dreamed of becoming a Football Star, and he signed up for a club training camp abroad.

In this training camp, Li Ang worked hard for more than two years, worked very hard, and finally, because of the innate talent problem, had to give up the dream of playing football.

Many of the training camps also have the dream of football, but the children of the innate talent are very quickly returned to the country after being eliminated.

However, Li Ang, who loves football from the heart, is not willing to give up his football dream. Since he can't be a player, what about the coach? !

At this time, he made a choice that made everyone very surprised – transfer to work as a coach!

Li Ang made this decision and he did not return to the country like other young people.

He chose to stay in Europe, he made up his mind, and continued his football dream in Europe, only one purpose, to get the coach qualification certificate, and then to fight to become a professional coach, coach a team… As for why not want to return to China This is because he himself knows that if the domestic player's strength is very general, the level of domestic football coaches is even worse. The most advanced football concept is only Europe, which is not a foreigner, this is a cruel reality.

The family selling iron in the pot allows him to come out to participate in this training camp. He also holds the head of single thought. If Li Ang can succeed, then it would be better. If it is not successful, Li Ang will be completely relieved. In fact, at home. The idea is to favor the latter. After all, Li Ang's innate talent is clear to everyone, but this child is not willing to give up his dreams. The family can only support the teeth and pity the parents.

Now, after Li Ang is eliminated, he is not willing to give up the football dream that is ridiculous to many people. He still wants to stay in Europe and be a football coach.

The whole family is opposed, some uncles, Uncles, and seven aunts and eight aunts, and even think that this child is crazy and enchanted.

But his parents strongly supported him, even if he borrowed money for it.

Li Ang stayed in Europe in the name of the staff of the training camp, working hard while trying to get a coach qualification certificate.

This is a task that is almost impossible for a young Chinese with a high level of education and a bad foreign language level. In addition, Li Ang's life is also extremely embarrassing, despite the debt support at home. However, after all, it is not a rich family. The living expenses given by the family are only enough for him to pay the rent. He can only rely on his own hard work to support the cost of study and living.

The most difficult time, one day, three, three meals.

In order to survive, in addition to working in the training camp, fighting for a meager salary, he has done all the work – brushing the dishes, making leaflets, and even doing the coolies… but these have not changed his inner dreams. pursue.

Finally, he obtained the coach certificate, and is also the FIFA A-level coach certificate, which is the top of the list.

After the certificate arrived, he cried a lot, and all the persistence and hard work received a return at this moment.

However, the reality is cruel. Although he got the coach certificate, he did not go to work afterwards. He even went to the wall. Some Clubs even suspected that his coach certificate was a fake certificate that he bought for money. He would not listen to him. Explain that occasionally Club is willing to listen to him, and call to verify the authenticity of the coach certificate, but in addition to being surprised at a Chinese, a young Chinese can get a FIFA A-level coach certificate, but did not agree to give him Opportunity, the reason is simple: they look down on China football and look down on China coaches! Still so young!

Li Ang's footprints are all over Europe, France, Italy, Germany, Netherlands, and United Kingdom. He has tried and got some work, long and short, and has suffered a lot. Of course, he has accumulated valuable experience.

Later, he came to Spain and came to Madrid. Seeing that Royal Madrid recruited less than 17-year-old Youth Team coaches, Li Ang decided to apply for it. Maybe someone would think he was too arrogant, but Royal Madrid, what qualification do you qualify for this position? !

However, Li Ang believes in his ability, he is very confident, and he has made rapid progress in these years.

Besides, don't try it, who knows the result? !

It is this enthusiasm that is the reason why he step by step to the present, otherwise, in the face of that many temper and suffering, he has long been unable to continue.

The Royal Madrid Marmart training base, which is responsible for the youth training base, is very curious about applying for a Chinese.

That's right, just curious, a Chinese to apply for the coach of Royal Madrid, which is as surprising as Espanyol to apply for the coach of China Table Tennis Team.

This curiosity prompted him to give Li Ang a chance, an opportunity for an interview.

After that, everything is dreamy, but it seems to be as it should be by rights, Soldado is amazed at Li Ang's youth, and even more amazed at the colorful and moving experience of this young man's dream for football, and Li Ang He was later proved to be capable in the exam.

Soldado is almost in the air, hiring Li Ang as the coach of the Royal Madrid under the age of 17 Youth Team, but given the opposition, he can only fight to sign Li Ang for a year, and to protect Li Ang The Mr. also volunteered to remind Li Ang to add a penalty clause to the contract.

In a sense, Soldado is Li Ang's Bo Le and mentor.

Closing the diary, Li Ang burst into tears, he was able to feel it all, all this effort, all the sadness, all the persistence, all the don't give up, all the pain.

There is also the joy of success.

He felt very deep, alive, from the feeling of the depth of one's soul, he was Li Ang, and Li Ang was himself.

This is my own story.

Suddenly, an idea appeared in my mind, and Li Ang was shocked.

In his World, he gave up his pursuit of dreams and chose to inherit his family's origins because of a change at the age of fifteen.

His father had a car accident on the way to send him to the school. He died unfortunately.