Chapter 21

Cruyff came over at this moment. He glanced at the Stadium, the corner of the mouth raise, and patted Vilanova's shoulder. "This is definitely the Real Madrid team's intention. This is a new situation, be careful. Well, didn't you just break it?"

"Nothing," said Vilanova, who took the dry towel from the assistant coach Alex García and wiped the mud on the clothes, but the more ugly, the more violent, the Vilanova threw the towel fiercely on the floor, allowing The Mas Mas, who is recognized for his good temper, is like this, and Real Madrid is too much for today.

Li Ang is arranging the players to conduct pre-war talks. The situation on Barcelona has caught the attention of the little players. Seeing that Vilanova wanders to the ground, the children are heartlessly laughing, they are not like Barcelona. The player still has to laugh. When they first saw that their usual training and competition venues became muddy, they were as surprised as the Barcelona people. They also suffered a lot in this muddy land. It was a common practice to slip, and now they saw the adversary coaches. In the middle of the move, that straight music.

Real Madrid's laughter caused a strong dissatisfaction over Barcelona.


"How can Real Madrid people do this?"


Li Ang coughed, "Laughter! There is no public morality. Don't laugh!"

Callejón and his guys got the hard work.

Li Ang took a look at the moving towards the other side and found that Cruyff did not replace the command of Vilanova to exercise the Manager. Instead, he stood on the side of the chest and watched the little players of the Barcelona Youth Youth Team play around to listen to Vilanova. He is completely relieved, and he is sure that Cruyff will not intervene in the game today.

"I repeat it again -" Li Ang's words were interrupted.

"I protest! I protested on behalf of Barcelona -" Barcelona's assistant coach Alex García came over to protest the bad situation.

Li Ang moved towards Pablo · Banderas squeezed his eyes and the latter greeted him directly. The assistant coach is the assistant coach, and this is equal.

We continue—" Li Ang signaled that the little players were more closely surrounded by the city. "What does the adversary of this game mean, I don't need to say more."

"Barcelona!" Xabi García shouted excitedly.

Other players are also forced nodded. This name explains everything.

"Very good! On the first day of my arrival in Madrid, someone told me that killing Barcelona is the obsession of every Real Madrid person in the bones. I like the word obsession, which means that it is from The desire to fight in the depths of the heart is the cry of the battle!" Li Ang waved his fist hard. "Win ​​this game. I believe this is the belief of all of you! This is what you can endure in this muddy land. Training, rolling in such a bad venue, battered and exhausted! Think about the mud on the white sacred jersey after you train in this terrible venue, you must be very unhappy, isn't it?!"

The little players are hard nodded.

"You must be broken, want to vent?"

of course!

"Good, go! Fight your adversary! Go, soldiers! This is a hand-to-hand combat! Only cold teeth and a strong heart can win the final victory!" Li Ang's eyes are red, almost Come out, "Go! For victory!"

The little players were not motivated by this. The "soldiers" in the coach's mouth made them more excited. They thought it was a war. They screamed and excited, and they looked completely excited from their faces. Come it out!

"Real Madrid Real Madrid. Victory!" The little players shouted together and ran up.

"You are a natural speaker." Pablo Banderas, who had finished the Barcelona protests, came back and heard the words of Li Ang's screaming children screaming, said with a smile.

"I prefer you to say that this is the general's mobilization order for the soldiers!" Li Ang tilted his head and stared at the little players who ran to the Stadium. At this moment, he really felt that he was sending his soldiers to the battlefield. Inexplicable excitement and tension, and expectations. He entered the show. At this moment, Li Ang really felt the feeling of a Manager for the first time. The game with Getafe CF is not counted. This game is because of the strength of the adversary and the critical situation, so that Li Ang can be said to be 200% full investment, and he feels more profound.

Real Madrid's shouts caught the attention of Barcelona, ​​and Cruyff, who was standing on the side and listening to Vilanova's mobilization to the little players, was also drawn to the eye. He turned his head and saw Li Ang's head tilted and watched the Real Madrid small player enter the scene. The young man's eyes were so serious and impressive.

The stadium's venue was so bad, no need to ask, it was also the hand of the Real Madrid coach. Cruyff was a little surprised and frowned, but it was just that. He was used to the big scene. He was scornful for these two tricks. At the same time, Cruyff wanted to see it. The Youth Team, with Messi as the core, how to deal with such a bad game venue environment. This can also be regarded as a temper.

Originally, Cruyff thought that Li Ang was a coach who only played tricks. This is evident from the rude behavior of this person who had previously shaken hands with Vilanova and the method on the field.

In short, the impression is not good.

However, at this moment, looking at Li Ang's focused and serious eyes, Cruyff laughed again. At the very least, this kid is not annoying at this moment, a person who focuses on football.

"Interesting." Cruyff groaned.

Li Ang didn't know that Barca's Godfather was observing himself. He went back to the coach seat, stood there, his hands in his trouser pockets, and his mouth snorted with a voice that only he could hear, this is a battle!

He is a little nervous, just nervous, not afraid.

It is nervous with excitement.

Chapter 15 is the anger of a hardcore Real Madrid fans!

Just now Barcelona Manager Vilanova brought together the players, the most important thing is to make temporary arrangements and responses to the bad situation of the venue.

However, this is an unexpected situation, completely out of the expectations of the Barcelona people, they did not expect Real Madrid to dare to play in order to win this game, specifically they do not understand Real Madrid coach Mr. win the game Crazy obsession.

Vilanova's pre-competition adjustments and explanations were not enough to make his player adapt quickly to the venue.

Barcelona Youth Youth Team showed a lack of adaptability to the bad venue after the start of the game. Many of the usual successful matches were made into mistakes due to the venue.

The power of the pass is small, and the football stops in the mud after a few laps.

Pass Power is great, the slippery turf is like a slide, and football can fly out of bounds directly.

This creates great trouble for the player who catches the ball. If you run fast, you can't stop the car, it is likely to slip to the ground. If you run slow, you can't get the ball.

Barcelona These small players are indeed very strong, with a very tacit understanding, plus the existence of a BUG like Messi, in the Green youngster echelon league can be said to be slaughter all sides.

However, this game is obviously not a copy of the Barcelona people's habits!

Site situation!