Chapter 33

Royal Madrid's corner.

The opportunity is coming!

Li Ang stood on the sidelines and through the dense rain, he saw Rubén de la Red kicking the football out. Seeing Negredo jump high in the penalty area, jumping higher than everyone else, and then fiercely kicked the football into the net.

This time, Li Ang didn't run and celebrate. He stood there. In the downpour, the man opened his arms and closed his eyes. He was enjoying…

The main referee almost made the goooooaaaaaaal effective gesture, followed by the whistle of the end of the game, Royal Madrid under the age of 17 youngster A team beat the Barcelona seventeen youngster A The team, Messi and his boys suffered the first defeat in the past six months. And it was lost to the Royal Madrid, one of the most adversary they didn't want to lose!

Barcelona's players are mostly dumped in mud.

The Real Madrid team's players ran together, and they rushed to the side of the field, surrounded by their Manager.

"What are you doing? Ah! little bastard -"

I don't know which child shouted, and then people saw that the children lifted their coaches and threw them up…

The biggest difference between three to zero and two to zero is that three to zero has a greater reason for celebrating and cheering.

Three to zero, it is called victory.

A victory that no one thought of!

After the 23 chapter

Zero to three!

No one thought that Barcelona would lose the ball again, they were beaten three to zero!

Vilanova looked bitter and looked at the discs of the dumbstruck in the Stadium.

"Tito, if you calm down and analyze the game. You should find that the other side's Tactics is very targeted," Cruyff said. "This heavy loss is a tuition fee."

Vilanova didn't talk, he pouted and paid tuition? Losing to the Royal Madrid three goals, this tuition is too expensive.

Messi, who lost the ball, leaned over in the rain, his hands on his knees, his mouth sighing and gasping, and the rain poured on the child's body. His long hair was wet on his head, and it looked like he was embarrassed. How embarrassed is it…

In this game, Messi worked very hard, especially in the second half. Barcelona's offense was basically done by him. He constantly used speed and flair/technique to attack the Royal Madrid's defense line on a bad venue, which required consumption. Great physical strength.

In addition to fatigue, there is a failure… the feeling of failure, just like the ant is biting his heart, he is very uncomfortable and uncomfortable.

He is not reconciled.

Messi looked up at the coach surrounded by the opponent's player!

Messi is a very smart player. He is keenly aware that the coach's placement in this game is extremely targeted, which is an important reason for Real Madrid to win.

I and Barcelona actually lost a ratio of three to three, and the whole game played so boring, as if there is strength but do not know where to go, it feels too uncomfortable.

Next time, there won't be anything that can delay my footsteps, no one can stop me goooooaaaaaaal.

As Cruyff had previously taught, this game is also a temper for Messi.

Messi bit his teeth and headed down to the Stadium.

Although losing the ball, Vilanova was very graceful. He took the initiative to shake hands with Li Ang and Cruyff followed him.

"Congratulations, you have won the game…" When Vilanova said this, she was naturally uncomfortable, but he was not a loser. After calming down, he also had to admit that Li Ang's Tactics and substitutions were very targeted, just to contain Barcelona's offensive.

Li Ang is in a good mood and can hear congratulations from the mouth of adversary. This is the most pleasant thing: "You are also very good. You have a bunch of excellent players."

He is not a compliment, Li Ang is the most clear of these people who know how brilliant the 87 generation is.

Vilanova obviously didn't have the mood to do more chills, squeezed a smile and turned away.

Cruyff, who was wearing an umbrella, did not follow, but stood in front of Li Ang.

Li Ang was surprised. He saw it, and Cruyff didn't leave, just waiting for himself.

This is Barca's Godfather, the most famous big man Li Ang has seen so far.

But he won't ask first. That would make you look too diligent… but he is the winner, he wants to maintain a certain restraint.

So, Cruyff held the umbrella in front of Li Ang. Li Ang stood in front of Cruyff in the rain. It's a very interesting scene for no one to talk.

The journalists on the sidelines are attracted to this scene. What is the intersection of Barca's Godfather and the coach of the Royal Madrid Little Youth Team? They rushed over.

It was chilled by the rain, Li Ang saw a smug smile in the corner of Cruyff's mouth, single thought head flashed in his heart, this old man would not be intentional, right? !

Was it discovered? Cruyff blinked.

Just as Li Ang couldn't help but speak, Cruyff spoke.

"Congratulations, young man. You did a great job. Your team deserves this victory." Barca's Godfather said that the speed of speech is not fast, not slow, and the wording is serious, but it makes him more like a winner.

"Hey, thank you, Cruyff Mr., if there is nothing else…" Li Ang pointed to himself and was wet.

"Hello, sorry. Don't catch a cold." Cruyff smiled. "Goodbye, young man."