Chapter 35

"I heard that it is a kind of witchcraft?"

Li Ang has a black line in his head. He doesn't know how to explain this topic. He wants to let foreigners know what Chinese medicine is. I am afraid that if you say three days and three nights, they will still be completely forced. Finally, they will ask. In a word, this is Bonita Arango Miss.

Li Ang sent Bonita Arango Miss back to the apartment, just sent home, there is no bridge that has many dogs.

However, when he left, Li Ang hesitated and said, "Arango Miss, let me give you a prescription. You can take this prescription to the China pharmacy in Chinatown and ask them to take medicine for you. For you – well, there is healing and relief for that."

"Are you a Witch Doctor?" Bonita Arango asked with surprise.

"It's Chinese medicine." Li Ang shrugged, and it seemed that the other person still didn't believe it. Then forget it, he turned and left.

"Wait a minute." Just as Li Ang was about to turn and leave, Bonita Arango shouted. "Is it paper and pen? Is it a pen? A ballpoint pen? A pen? Is the effect of different pen castings different?"

"As long as it is, paper and pen, you can." Li Ang said in one word and a word, with a stubborn smile on his face.

"Xiangfu, dried tangerine peel, rose flowers, Ai Ye each five money, decoction; boy child mother grass a five-point money, water bitter one or two, Ai Ye, black medicine, white 芍 three money, angelica five money, safflower two money. Li Ang wrote on a piece of paper.

Bonita Arango looked at the man. At this time, she did not doubt that Li Ang was a doctor. She looked at Li Ang, who was seriously written, and was slightly fascinated. The serious man was the most charming.

"Okay." Li Ang handed the prescription to Bonita Arango. "You take this to the Chinese pharmacy, they will give you the medicine." Here, Li Ang is on another piece of paper, using Spanish. Written, "Every time before the menstruation comes three stickers, one month will work."

The prescription is Chinese, and the precautions are Spanish.

"Your words are beautiful," Bonita Arango praised. "Although I can't read your words, it looks so beautiful, and I have never seen a person writing Spain text so beautiful."

"Thank you." Li Ang smiled and responded. As a traditional Chinese medicine family, writing a good hand is the first and foremost condition. If the word is like a person, this is not a fake. The word can be self-cultivating and remove the impetuous temper. Li Ang's nature is not so calm. When he was upset and confused, he used his own words to calm himself down.

Li Ang left without saying that Bonita Arango invited Li Ang to enter the room to have a cup of coffee and talk about life. Does this also mean that these two people are more self-disciplined?

Going back to his apartment, Li Ang is resting on the couch, and he has one thing in his heart. He has always been a little upset.

That is, after winning the game with Barcelona, ​​he has been trying to contact the system with his mind, but he has not received a response.

What's wrong? System Still not awake? Isn't it true that winning the game with Barcelona will the system wake up?

At this time, an idea came out of my mind.

"Common with Bonita Arango, trigger the mission, trigger the mission… This is a very important task, it matters, you must pay attention, be sure to pay attention."

Hearing this broken thought, Li Ang was shocked first, then overjoyed, this is the system awakened, the real system wakes up, the system that claims to be the dream Mr. wakes up.

The bottom of the 25 chapter pyramid and the spire!

"Hey, is that you?"

"it's me!"

"Are you really awake?"

"Yes, I woke up, thank you for your hard work, you saved me, I will be grateful to you."

"That, you are the system, can you not talk like this?"

"Do you want me to be the cold electronic sound?"

"Oh, okay, keep your style." Li Ang touched his nose.

This is his communication with the waking system.

"And, I hope you can call me a dream Mr.."


"I like this title, this system is born because of dreams, so I think –"

"Okay, system, hey, dream Mr., I know, I will pay attention." Li Ang quickly surrendered, he still has too many questions, too much puzzled, need to be with this dream Mr. Communicate, don't toss and waste time on this so-called title.

"So, is this rescue mission a success?"

"Of course, otherwise I will continue to sleep and sleep forever."

"Is there any special reward?" Li Ang asked, although the temporary system said that there was no bonus for this rescue mission, but he still did not give up, still a little expectation, life, not just looking forward to Is that a little surprise?



"Special rewards: Harvest 100 experience points, already counted in the experience system." Li Ang received this prompt.

"100 experience points." Li Ang is very curious now, this experience value plays a role in the upgrade, that is, how much experience value is needed to upgrade.

After communication, Li Ang has also learned that this experience reward is not used to upgrade himself, but to upgrade this "dream system". Generally speaking, the experience value of the medical system can be used to upgrade the medical system. The experience value of the football system can be used to upgrade the football system. That is to say, the two branches of the two-way system are independently developed, but close Contact, if necessary, the experience values ​​of both parties can be interchanged, which is universal. Of course, this requires an application to the system. Li Ang has a flat mouth and wants to pay a price.

"When the level reaches a certain level, there is no need to pay extra for the experience value exchange," explains Dream System.

"So, if I want to implement experience value swapping at this stage, what do I need to do?" Li Ang asked a key question.

"Square missions. There will be random spurt missions. The completion of missions is not only rewarded by missions, but also allows for the conversion of experience values."