Chapter 40

Don't do things so absolutely!

Li Ang opened a maple leaf that fell on his head, which seemed awkward. He had two bags on the left and right sides of his shoulders, a backpack on his back, and a suitcase under his feet.

He was swept out of the house.

Before in the square outside the Santiago Bernabéu Stadium, he wanted to call Bonita Arango, but suddenly realized that he did not have the contact details of the beauty, and then he could only choose to return to his place of residence, but did not expect to go to the apartment door. They were informed by the property that they received a call from Chamartín asking Li Ang to move out from here immediately and the property was responsible for supervision.

This hit Li Ang a completely unprepared, he did not think that the young base director Mr. so no product, actually did so.

Now, the first question is, where are you going to settle down tonight?

Li Ang's first choice is to find a motel that is cheap, which fits the thickness of his purse now.

Then, it was his job hunting, and it became even more urgent. Otherwise, he had to go to the Retiro Park outside Madrid's Al Carla to book a lounge chair.

In this way, Li Ang had some difficulty in carrying the luggage Walk On, he needed to go outside the apartment, there is a bus stop, call a taxi? He has no money, and now for Li Ang, it is not a good idea to stay in the park before finding a job.

Walking, I met Bonita Arango who walked on the sidewalk.

Bonita Arango saw Li Ang, more surprised than Li Ang saw her. Obviously, she didn't expect to meet Li Ang here, or it could be said that she met Li Ang, who looks like this.

Looking at the black cropped trousers in a white shirt, a beautiful blonde freely draped, it seems that even Bonita Arango, Li Ang, who has a youthful taste in the air, said with a smile: "Good!"

Bonita Arango looked at Li Ang's wolverine, smiled and said, "Yeah, it's so good!"

Li Ang asked, "Hey, take a walk?"

"Yeah." Bonita Arango nodded, then asked: "What about you? Is this ready to move? Yes, I went to Chamartín today to see the training, I didn't see you."

Li Ang said strangely: "You go to see the training of the Youth Team?"

Bonita Arango said, "Yeah, is it weird?"

Li Ang is dumb with a smile: "It's a bit. general speaking, not the game day, to see less Youth Team training is mostly the parents and relatives of the small player."

Bonita Arango listened and said, "What is your situation?"

"This is also why you went to see training today and didn't see me." Li Ang raised the two bags in his hand, and the whole body swayed. It looked stupid, and Bonita Arango smiled at puchi.

Li Ang glanced at the girl, who made a sorry expression and motioned for you to say.

"I resigned." Li Ang said concisely, "I went back to the apartment and found that I was driven out."

Bonita Arango opened her mouth slightly and was amazed. Obviously, she did not expect this situation. Li Ang's work at Real Madrid's youngster under the age of 17 has always been excellent. She has not just led the team. Three to zero wins Barcelona, ​​how do you resign after resigning? However, this is a clever female child. She guessed something from Li Ang's second half of the sentence and was driven out? Who was driven out? Only Real Madrid, Li Ang as a coach, the apartment I lived in is provided by Real Madrid, and has just been resigned before being evicted. This is not in line with common sense. Generally, Club will be more human, there will be a transition period, stay The time to find a house for you, like this, has just been resigned and was driven out, it must have been torn apart with Club.

"I want to contact you this afternoon, but I forgot to have your contact information." Li Ang decided to take this opportunity to talk to Bonita Arango about it.

This made Bonita misunderstand. She looked at the wretched guy in front of him. What did he do for himself? Single thought The head jumped out of her mind, this person won't want to take him by himself?

how is this possible? I am not familiar with him!

"No—" Bonita Arango replied subconsciously.

"Ah?" Li Ang was dumbfounded. He hadn't said anything yet. Why was it rejected? Can't do this! Li Ang is a little anxious, although I don't know if there will be any punishment for this task if it is not finished, for example, what kind of experience is deducted, but he has always said to system that completing this task is related to his future development. This is very concerned, especially in the current difficult situation, he is even more need to complete this task, although I do not know how this task will help his future, but perhaps an opportunity, well, although he also I feel a bit outrageous.

"I can't say it." Bonita Arango tried to make a fierce look, but she didn't know that she had a small waist on her hands and a small mouth, adding a little bit of cuteness.

Li Ang is completely forced, what is the situation of his MA, what is this chick? What is the stimulus?

However, he is not a person who can't be able to tell good from bad. In this case, Li Ang nodded gestures, then turns around, dragging the suitcase, hanging a few big bags on his body, and some of them are slowly dejected and walk away.

poor thing.

Bonita Arango feels that she is a bit too much. Fortunately, this person has brought happiness and pleasure to himself a few days ago… Hey, of course, she is referring to Li Ang's winning team.

At this time, suddenly water drops on the face.

Bonita quickly opened the umbrella, and the raindrops hit the umbrella and smashed.

The rain came very urgently, very fierce, and the raindrop hua hua fell on the ground, hitting a thin layer of maple red leaves. It's so sad.

Not far away, a certain guy was suddenly poured a soup, it seems to be very embarrassing, and now it is utterly bleak.

Li Ang's temperament is awkward, and what about Madrid's God's life? I was just swept out of the house, and then I was inexplicably rejected by Bonita, causing the task to be impossible to complete. The whole person was a little aggressive, and now it's a fucking sudden rainstorm. It's just playing Aaah.

"Hey–" suddenly shouted behind him.

The rain was heavy and the sound was very noisy, but Li Ang listened very clearly, which is really a magical thing.

He turned and looked at it. Through the dense rain and fog, the girl struggled to hold the umbrella and shouted, "Do you want to go to my house to avoid the rain."

Li Ang almost barely fell on the girl, and shouted "Oh!" The voice is full of joy. He is so excited. Even, he lifts the luggage directly and gives him joy. The feeling of getting up.

Seeing this person so happy, and immediately politely promised, Bonita Arango instantly regretted, isn't he too sloppy? Is this a wolf into the room?

In the elevator, Bonita Arango didn't talk. She was a little worried on the one hand, and she didn't feel shy. This is the first time she invited the opposite sex to her home. Although it was an accident, it always felt weird. .

When she didn't talk, Li Ang was even more silent. He was still very happy. The reason why he promised so quickly was that he was the last chance to complete the task. He also intended to talk to the girl and improve his feelings. Look for opportunities to talk about that topic. After all, it is a girl's privacy. If he comes up directly, he said, "Bonita, let me treat you with dysmenorrhea." Ten-eight-eight is directly Game-Over.