Chapter 45

Hey! Thinking of the dumbfounded look of yesterday, and Bonita smirking with a small mouth, old Arango's slightly smug old boy, Li Ang still couldn't help but smile. I am stupid, I am asking why the other side can guarantee the job… There is no eyesight, this is really shameful.

In addition to being surprised, Li Ang has another puzzle.

He still remembers that the medical system he received was to help Bonita treat, and then the system hint was completed, and it would have some connection with his future career. That's right, it's right to say this later. Because of this chance, he got to know Mr. Sporting de Gijón's chairman, Mr., and got a new job.

However, the problem is that he hasn't had time to personally treat Bonita. Last night, Li Ang was resting at the hotel, and with the old Arango, he never had a chance to talk to Bonita about the treatment, Li Ang thought This first medical task of his own can't be completed. He is still worried. If he can't complete the task, there will be punishment. Then, this morning, he received a reminder from the system that he has completed the treatment for Bonita. The task of rewarding the 50 experience value, and the special gain, the system is also clear, is to get a new job.

The problem now is that when the task is completed, he also gains special gains and gets a new job, which proves that the system is not empty.

However, Li Ang couldn't figure out how he accomplished the task. To be exact, how is Bonita treated? He is thinking and smearing. Obviously, since the system recognizes the completion of the task, it is indeed that he treated Bonita's dysmenorrhea. He opened the prescription for Bonita a few days ago and did not personally treat Bonita for other treatments.

Wait, the prescription? !

Li Ang felt that he had seized the key and opened his own prescription. Bonita should take his own prescription to take medicine in Madrid's Chinatown, and then take the medicine… So that's it? !

Li Ang shook his head subconsciously. The prescription he opened was mild, and the treatment was half a month at the earliest. How could it be so effective?

However, apart from this explanation, there seems to be no other explanation.

His fingers tapped the window lightly: Why do people need a course of treatment after taking the medicine? This is because the body absorbs the drug effect, and each time it is limited, so to achieve the effect, it takes a long time to take the medicine and slowly recover. In fact, according to the most ideal calculation, the dose of one dose, if the body can fully absorb and use it, is enough, but unfortunately, it is only idealized, because the 10% that ordinary people can absorb the effect is quite good.

So, does this mean a possibility?

Bonita Arango has an abnormal body and has a remarkable effect on the absorption of the drug. !

Li Ang's eyes lit up, and he immediately judged that it should be this possibility, because, besides this, he couldn't figure out that there are other possibilities.

He suddenly had a strong interest in Bonita's body. Don't think about it, this is a subconscious research impulse as a doctor. This is the first time Li Ang has met someone with this strange physical condition, of course, if his guess is accurate.

He suddenly looked forward to seeing goodbye with Bonita. He wanted to invite her to dinner and thanked him seriously. Although he also believes that he has won the job with his ability, Li Ang knows that Bonita plays a role in this, precisely because he has met with Bonita to create the opportunity behind him, and he does not want to deceive himself. If he doesn't know Bonita, but he takes the initiative to recommend himself to Sporting de Gijón, it is unlikely that eight-eight-nine will get the job. Even the old Arango, who is now impressed with him, is probably not looking at him.

For him, Bonita is a lucky star, and this girl created an opportunity for him.

The silhouette of the beautiful girl emerged in her mind. Li Ang put the backrest back, and the whole person was more comfortable. He wanted to sleep for a while, but he couldn't sleep.

Li Ang didn't notice that in the hidden taskbar of the medical system, there was a shimmer of flicker and disappeared. The first medical task he completed, although the system confirmed the unknown harvest, was the job of the Sporting de Gijón Athletic B team. However, what the system said has some connection with his future development. Does this sentence really mean that he really understands…

Many Chinese Fans contacted the Sporting de Gijón Athletic Team because of China's international Li Yi. There are rumors that the Emperor had traveled to Sporting de Gijón for a trial session when he was young. In fact, Sporting de Gijón is also considered to be older in the Spain Club. The Sporting de Gijón Athletic Club, founded in 1905, has a history of 110. However, since the team started participating in the Professional League, more than half of the time in the Spain secondary league, only 40 season's La Liga history is not very dazzling. However, this does not affect Sporting de Gijón's reputation, which was the most glorious period in the history of Sporting de Gijón in the late XXXXX and early 1980s. Sporting de Gijón The number one football star in the history of the Athletics team was the leader of Sporting de Gijón in that period. A total of 70 goooooaaaaaaal's former Spain for the Club led Sporting de Gijón to win the La Liga runner-up in 272/1978season. The season did not reverse the championship situation until the last rounds of Real Madrid. During that period, Sporting de Gijón was the third pole of Real Madrid Barça and was a frequent visitor to the Intercontinental competition. In the early 1980s, they continued to enter the King's Cup finals.

The long-distance bus arrived at Sporting de Gijón and Li Ang got off the bus. He took the suitcase and waited for a taxi outside a kiosk.

Thaksin Shinawatra picked up a magazine and found that it was actually a sports magazine for Sporting de Gijón.

A paragraph on the cover page:

In the north of Spain, there is a beautiful beach with a star in the beach, that is Sporting de Gijón.

In the north of the city, there is a small and exquisite building called Mareo.

From here, he walked out of Quinney, walked out of Luiz Enrique, and walked out of David Villa…

1976-1996, remember the golden 20 year.

In these two decades, you have been strong and strong, and you have never retreated. In the glorious El Molinón, you have faced Spain's doubles numerous times and beat them many times.

You are a Legendary. We are the Red and White Army – Rojiblanca!

In a simple paragraph, Li Ang is also a bit of a bloody one.

For the first time, he knew that he was about to command the sports nickname Sporting de Gijón: Red and White!

Mareo is the training base of Sporting de Gijón, the destination of Li Ang.

Sporting de Gijón Athletics, Mareo, for the first time entered Li Ang, the life of a stranger who suddenly broke into.

Let his young heart begin to boil.

He remembered a sentence, a lyric: Who can resist each other in the 20-year-old? !

At this moment, this extremely overbearing and bloody words, used in the sports of Sporting de Gijón, he did not feel any inappropriate.

Chapter 34 Chapter Molinong Stadium's China Coach

Where is the most beautiful Spain city on the Atlantic coast? The answer for most people will be San Sebastian. But Sporting de Gijón is just as beautiful, with a quiet port, a lively fish market, and an artistic beach… I used to see the same rules in the northern port of Spain, the harmonious coexistence of Sporting de Gijón and the city and sea. Let people find a little peace in the busy life of the city. In the busy season, Sporting de Gijón will always bring a quiet beauty.

In fact, the city has a very special destination for the Sporting de Gijón competition – the Molinanon Stadium.

This Stadium is currently the oldest Stadium in Spain and even Europe. The Molinanon Stadium has been hosting football since 1908. The Sporting de Gijón's home ground can accommodate 30000 people. The Stadium is beautifully shaped and works with the river flowing through the field, giving it a beautiful appearance. The 1982 World Cup, the Federal Republic of Germany, used Sporting de Gijón as their base. They played 3 games here and successfully teamed up. Many music stars on World will also use the Mollynium Stadium as an important stop for the tour. From the Rolling Stones to Bon Jovi to Paul McCartney, the Molinanon Stadium has a high status in the art world.

Sporting de Gijón Athletics arranged accommodation for Li Ang, which is closer to the Mareo training base. Of course, it is not far from the Molinanon Stadium, because the two places are close together.

Li Ang's Dormitory Building is located in an apartment about six seven hundred meters outside the training base, and the back door of the apartment is only three hundred meters from the side door of the Mareo training base. It comes in from the side door and is planted along one side. The path of Fatong took a short walk, which is the office building of the Mareo training base.

Said to be an office building, in fact, is a small building of 3-Layer.

The size and construction of the training base of Sporting de Gijón is naturally incomparable with the bigshot Royal Madrid.

On the first day of his arrival at Sporting de Gijón, Li Ang was accompanied by a staff member and walked around the Mareo training base to get acquainted with the environment.