Chapter 61

"Get a trip from Real Madrid." This made Manuel Arango's eyes gather. He stared at Li Ang. What do you mean?

Old Arango is a little excited, in Spain, what is the highest?

Making money from Real Madrid and benefiting from Real Madrid is the highest thing!

Although the Royal Madrid at this time has not been like a decade later, the buyers must start at tens of millions of Euros. However, in Spain football, there is an indisputable fact that Royal Madrid buys people, that is open. To be expensive!

Li Ang immediately explained what he meant. Probably, this Parada is still very marketable. It is said that Real Madrid wants to get this kid. We can sell Parada to Real Madrid. Real Madrid made a profit.

Old Arango was quite heart-warming. It was natural to make a profit from Real Madrid. However, when he thought about it, he still shook his head. He didn't think that a Parada could make Real Madrid out how much blood. .

Yes, Genius youngster loves everyone, but, after all, it's just a young player. It's just 5%. Even if Real Madrid buys someone, it just values ​​the future of this person, so it's unlikely to sell for a big price.

In this case, why sell Parada to Real Madrid? In fact, the old Arango did not give up Parada. He still appreciates this young man. If Parada can be successful in the future, then selling this young man now will definitely be a very uneconomical deal.

At this time, the old Arango reacted. He pointed to Li Ang. "I almost got your job."

Yes, it was Li Ang who proposed to sell Parada to Real Madrid. Chairman Mr. was brought into the ditch at the beginning, and almost subconsciously recognized the proposal.

Li Ang smiled, shrugged and looked innocent.

"Royal Madrid is not likely to spend much on a young player," Manuel Arango said. "So, don't expect to allow Real Madrid to transfer a lot of transfer fees, so I disagree with this suggestion. "

"Who said to Real Madrid 掏Transfer fee?" Li Ang asked.

"Don't you say you want to get a piece from Real Madrid?" Chairman Mr. astonished, then he looked at Li Ang, and he understood the meaning of Li Ang. Because, he remembered the identity of this person before the arrival of Sporting de Gijón, the Royal Madrid 17-year-old manager of the youngster A team…

This is the corner of the old club. Old Arango suddenly smiled.

"It seems that you are very optimistic about your previous player." Old Arango said with a smile.

"Although I have complaints about Real Madrid, I am very confident about my former player. They are very innate talent. It is a very good child. It works hard! It is different from the Genius baby here." Li Ang said, at the same time surprised to see the old Arango, the old man is very powerful, directly guessed his intentions. That's right, he just wants to dig the corner of Real Madrid.

"Talk about your plans and requirements." Old Arango said, he ignored the ridicule of Li Ang's second half of the sentence. He is really interested now. In the Chamartín training base of Royal Madrid, it is Genius. Ah, the Royal Madrid's youth camp has made a significant contribution to the entire Spain, and Real Madrid is a quality guarantee. Using Francisco José Parada to change players from Real Madrid, this will be a real deal than Li Ang said, Real Arango does not know, but he feels that at the very least should not lose.

Li Ang himself must be full of confidence, he knows the future. Don't say anything else, this is Francisco José Parada of Sporting de Gijón, although Li Ang can't know if history hasn't changed if he didn't come to Sporting de Gijón, how is the future of this player, but there is One thing is certain, that is, this Parada is absolutely unpredictable, certainly not in the La Liga team has a place. Well, this judgment is enough. Li Ang is the player of Real Madrid's youngster A team under the age of 17. In almost every future, at least the famous player is the most successful player in the future. This is also Real. Madrid First Team's substitute Goalkeeper, although it is a million-year substitute. Others such as Mata, Negredo, Callejón, Xabi García, which are well-known Football Star, innate talent ability is undoubted, the future is guaranteed.

The most important thing is that Li Ang knows that these children's future achievements are considerable, but others don't know.

Take Royal Madrid to see Francisco José Parada, it seems that they think Parada is a makeable, and obviously, in the eyes of Real Madrid, Francisco José Parra Innate talent and ability to be able to interact with Mata, Callejón and the others is based on equal terms. I think they are the same starting point now. Even if Real Madrid's Scout evaluates Parada higher, they may even think that Parada's innate talent and ability are above Callejón and the others.

Obviously, this is why Li Ang thinks he has an opportunity to work. It is the capital he wants to earn from Real Madrid.

"I have no other requirements," Li Ang said. "What I need most now is your support. Unconditional support."

"Unconditional support?" said Manuel Arango.

"Yes, you give me support, I will give you a return." Li Ang said with a smile, "You just wait and see, this time we will definitely make a big profit from Real Madrid."

Manuel Arango understood the meaning of Li Ang, which was to ask him to ignore the protests and complaints from Tersten Kuyareguet José Parada and continue to give him as Sporting de Gijón. Trust and support for the work of Team B Manager.

"Well, I will give you the support you need," said Old Arango.

Li Ang didn't think that the chairman made a decision so simply. He thought he needed to pay more.

"Thank you, Chairman Mr.." Li Ang said.

"Li, you have to thank yourself… a person who can eat that many bitter and still don't give up on dreams, how can he not cherish the job now?" Speaking of here, the president's eyes are looked at towards the office wall. A photo of a player family portrait in the most beautiful time of Sporting de Gijón in the last century. It was a team that was enough to make Real Madrid and Barça jealous. Then he regained his gaze. Do it well, I believe in my own vision." He gently pats Li Ang's shoulder.

Li Ang looked at the old Arango's gaze and saw the photo of the family portrait of Sporting de Gijón during the glory days. He took a deep breath, although he is now a coach of Sporting de Gijón, but he can't I accepted this team emotionally within two days. He doesn't know much about Sporting de Gijón, except that she knows that she has been brilliant since that team magazine. He is not a sports club of Sporting de Gijón.

However, at this moment, the old Arango patted the two on his shoulder, but it raised a warmth in his heart.

"I believe in my own vision."

In a very simple sentence, gently pat the shoulders, very simple movements, but as a "foreigner", a Chinese that swayed and suffered a lot in the Western World, this warmth is precious.

He decided to do a good job and do his best.

In addition to the dreams that I have always insisted on, in addition to the deep ambitions inside, at this moment, there is also a touch of emotion for this warmth and trust.

"Do not worry, Mr.. You will be proud of your vision." Li Ang smiled and said.

Chapter 49!

In the afternoon, Li Ang appeared on the team's training ground.

This immediately caught the attention of the players.

Rumors about the team's new manager's poor situation and possibly even dismissal have spread, thanks to the fact that Francisco José Parada has been promoting and spreading.

Most of the players are still worried, and they still have some expectations for this new manager. At the very least, this is the first Manager who dares to treat Parada severely and treats the players equally and pays attention to the training attitude of the players. This has made many people see hope.

At this moment, I saw that Li Ang appeared again on the training ground. Many people's worried hearts finally relaxed a little, and they began to be happy and their training attitude was more serious.

"The coach is fine, great," Victor Pérez said happily.

"I can't say that now," Pablo Santos said. The player has always been speculating on the worst conditions. However, seeing Li Ang appear on the sidelines, his heart is naturally happy.