The Mistress

It was early morning when I kissed Mom goodbye and hurriedly left the hospital. Time was of the essence, I needed to leave early to sneak into the Greyson Mansion to retrieve my belongings while my soon-to-be ex-husband was at work.

I didn't have my car with me and I decided to take a cab.

When I arrived at my destination, I told the servants to not inform Ace that I came to take my things. I didn't want him to know I came back, even if it was for a good reason.

I gathered all my belongings together, preparing to pack them all in my large suitcase. I purposely left the gifts Ace gave me in the past behind. I didn't care if it was a box of priceless jewelry, limited edition branded bags or customized designer shoes, I didn't want any hint of him in my new life.

I was so absorbed in packing that I almost didn't hear the sound of a woman's laughter echoing through the mansion. It could have been a helper, but then I heard Ace's voice too, along with the sound of hurried footsteps.

A deep frown instantly formed on my forehead as I heard them talking cheerfully.

The woman's voice sounds familiar - as though I had heard it many times in my head. Could it be her?

Angered, I sat on the edge of my marriage bed. I held my breath in surprise. Why was Ace here? He should be at work! I knew his work schedule, and he had never lazed around at home in the morning.

A nagging curiosity got over me, I had to know what he was doing at home. I turned on the eighty-inch flat screen TV in my bedroom - it was connected to the CCTV. I could spy on my husband and the mysterious woman.

It was Angela. The laughing woman was Angela. They were smiling and hugging. My heart fell to the floor and shattered yet again. My worst fears have come to life - my husband was indeed having an affair with her!

I was on the verge of breaking down but I held myself, willing myself to calm down. It could be a misunderstanding. They could be meeting here for work. They could be happy because of work.

I continued to watch in silence.

With my heart in my throat, I watched as they entered the kitchen to take an expensive wine from the cellar. I bit my tongue in surprise. My husband had forbidden me to even touch a single bottle, but now he was willing to open and serve it to another woman?

I increased the television volume to better eavesdrop on them.

"You look good today." Ace said, eyeing Angela, his secretary. His eyes sparkled with admiration as he took a sip from his wine glass.

The sight hurt me beyond description. He never once looked at me like that, that look he gave her was tender and it made my heart ache with jealousy.

"That dress makes you look beautiful. Your curves are so sexy. You wore it better than the models I saw on the runways."

His compliment gave me another harsh wake-up slap. Ace never gave me a compliment before, even after five years of marriage!

"Thank you," Angela responded, taking a demure sip of her wine. She batted her eyes in mischief as she gently bit on the bottom of her scarlet lips, shooting a coy look over her wine glass.

She was out to seduce him! I was furious that I wanted to rip that smile off her lips, but there's nothing I could do except continue to watch the unfolding drama.

Ace set his wineglass aside and strolled towards her. His muscular arms slithered around her tiny waist, pulling her closer to him until their bodies touched, until nothing could pass between them, not even air.

"I'm afraid your wife will see us, Ace." Angela warned, gently pushing him away. But Ace held her firmly.

"It doesn't matter," He replied. "I asked her for a divorce and she agreed."

Angela smiled triumphantly and her eyes lit up like fireworks on the fourth of July. "You did?"


"I'm so happy," She exclaimed, clinging to his neck like a delighted child. "You're a saint for staying with a woman like her for a long time! I've always wondered how you could bear to stay married to her all these years. She's not even pretty, with her eye bags and pale lips. The clothes she wears are way old-fashioned! She's too unsuitable as your wife."

My cheeks turned beet red from all the insults. I felt humiliated.

"Let's not talk about her, Angela."

"But I want to know more about her." she insisted maliciously.

"Was she good in bed? I'm curious?"

My fist curled into a tight ball. The secretary's angelic name does not suit her one bit. She was a snake in sheep's clothing.

He shrugged his shoulders. "You probably don't want to hear about boring stuff, so I suggest you stop asking, Angela."

A soft chuckle escaped Angela's lips and she pulled him closer. I watched in horror as their lips touched.

My heart crumbled to the floor and shattered into millions of shards as I watched him kiss her passionately, with no signs of stopping anytime soon.

The ringing in my ears grew louder, and I realized that if I stayed there, I might do something I'd regret for the rest of my life.

I shakily turned the TV off, unable to watch any longer. Lugging my heavy suitcase behind me, I hurriedly left the room.

I ran out of the gates, my emotions raging in me. I felt like a volcano ready to erupt at any moment. I had no clue of my destination - I didn't care where my feet took me. As long as I'm far away from this hell hole that's the Greyson mansion, anywhere else is fine.

My worst fears were confirmed—my husband was having an affair with his secretary.