
My eyes fluttered open.

The first thing I noticed was Ace's tired, red-rimmed eyes. He shifted his gaze away once he noticed I was quietly watching his face.

"You almost died." He told me.

I couldn't decide whether to be glad or disappointed that I survived. A part of me believed that waking up in the afterlife would have been preferable to facing the man I never wanted to see again.

"Your heart stopped beating..." He continued, turning to look at me. "You've been unconscious for two days straight."

His voice cracked and he sounded upset. I wondered why but could it because I survived? Without me, he could have married Angela without the need for a lengthy divorce process.

"Go away, Ace," I whispered weakly, looking away. I heard him gasp. I could feel his gaze lingering on me.

"Phoenix—" He protested but I cut his words off before he could complete them.

"I said go away! I don't want to see you!"

He must have heard the finality in my tone that he did not argue. He obediently left the room and closed the door behind him.

When he was gone, the tears I'd been trying hard to suppress escaped and rolled down my cheeks.

Why did I live? Why continue to live in this miserable life of mine, with my Mom gone and a husband that no longer loved me?

Three days later, I was discharged from the hospital. The doctor allowed me to go home but he warned in a strict tone that I should not stress myself.

I should have visited mom in the morgue but I couldn't bring myself to do so. Once I see her cold, lifeless body, I would die of grief.

Ace had been with me during those three days, much to my great disappointment. It seemed to be doing more harm than good. The doctor advised me to reduce stress, but with him around, it was impossible to do so.

"Go home Ace. Don't follow me around like a lost dog." I snapped.

He no longer needed to look after me as if he cared about my well-being for all I know he's doing this to make me feel indebted to him so that he could get through our divorce smoothly.

"I can't leave you in this state." He insisted. "What if something bad happens to you?"

Those words came from a man who demanded divorce on our fifth wedding anniversary. I couldn't help but laugh. "Don't pretend you care! You never cared about me, not even once."

The doctor's warning came to my thoughts but I pushed it aside. If anything were to happen to me, I hoped Ace would carry the burden of guilt for the rest of his days.

"I don't want to argue with you, Phoenix. You may label me as stubborn or heartless, but I refuse to leave you alone." He spoke in a tone that indicated his determination, as if asserting, 'you can't stop me,' and I knew that further argument would not work.

"I'll be waiting outside once you're done changing." He replied firmly and marched out of the room.

A deep sigh escaped my lips. I changed into a plain shirt and navy blue jeans before leaving the room.

For a moment, I entertained the thought of fleeing in the opposite direction from where he stood waiting, but then I questioned how far could I go? Once he noticed I escape he'll pursue me. Knowing I was not in good shape, I wouldn't get far with walking. This left me with one option: to cooperate.

Ace was waiting for me at the hospital door. I walked past him but he followed behind me. Since there's nothing I could do to stop him, I pretended that he wasn't there.

A gloomy sky welcomed my eyes when I stepped outside. It looked like it was going to rain. The air was cold and I shivered under the thin layer of my t-shirt. I crossed my arms underneath my chest to protect myself from the cold.

Ace took off his jacket and without asking for my permission, he draped it over my shoulders. I did not protest because I was shivering. I did not thank him either, I did not ask for it.

We walked to his car in silence.

He opened the car door for me and I quickly climbed inside to escape the cold wind. Ace occupied the driver's seat and turned the engine on. The car sped away from the hospital. I settled on my seat and shifted my attention to the passing view.

Rain began to pour from the sky. The tiny drops looked like crystals falling to the ground.

The rain, as if sympathizing with my mood, poured even heavier until I couldn't see anything except rain splatters.

"We're going home, Phoenix."

I was shocked. How could he take me back to the place I hated the most?. He took Angela, his mistress, to the Greyson Mansions. I will never set foot there. He had to kill me first before he could bring me back there again.

"No! I will not allow you to take me there." I spat.

"Don't be stubborn. It's best for you to stay there." He insisted.

"Best for me? Don't pretend as if you care, Ace. If you did care for me, at least give me respect! You should have waited for our divorce to be finalized before bringing your mistress to the Mansion."

"I didn't know you came this morning." He said. He wasn't the least surprised to know that I saw him with his mistress.

"I didn't want you to. I came to take my things." My remark made him fall silent.

"If you insist on taking me to the Greyson Mansion, I'm gonna get out of this car and find a place to stay on my own."

He looked at me with a clenched jaw. His mouth opened as if to argue but then changed his mind. He let out a resigned sigh. "I'll take you to the hotel then."

"Good," I replied icily and looked away.

Ace drove into the nearest hotel available — Greyson Hotel. The regal building stood proud and majestic in the heart of the city.

It was one of the family businesses Ace had inherited as the eldest son of Mr. Greyson, a rich and hard-working businessman that built his empire from scratch.

The black Mercedes-Benz pulled into a stop in the parking lot. I did not wait for Ace to open the door. Instead I flung it open and strode into the hotel, wishing he would disappear from my life forever.