
'A part of me just died. Life will never be the same again.'

I sat outside one of the wooden benches outside the hospital, but I was still unable to stop crying. After seeing Mom again, I felt my whole world collapse at my feet. It felt like a huge part of me had been taken away when the truth finally sunk in that she's gone. Though I cried a river it felt as if it wasn't enough.

For a moment I allowed myself to mourn my loss, knowing that I have to get up and continue with life again after this. With my face buried in my palms, I sobbed, not the slightest bothered by the casual attention I'm getting from passersby.

'With my greatest ally gone, I have to face the cruelty of the world on my own now.' I thought to myself, making me only sob harder.

"You can have my handkerchief, don't worry it's clean." A woman's voice said.

I reluctantly raised my head and saw a young woman about the same age as me.