
"It doesn't end there, Beatrix." He said carefully, watching the expression on my face. His arms tightened around me, crushing me into the hard muscles of his chest until I could barely breathe. He was holding me possessively, fearing I would escape if I have the chance.

His breathing roughened, his heartbeat intensified. He was having difficulty saying the next words out of his mouth. I closed my eyes firmly, bracing myself for another wave of seething pain as the words finally sprung free, making me painfully aware of reality. "On the day of our fifth wedding anniversary, I asked for a divorce." His voice broke when he said the last words.

I thought I was fully prepared to face the painful truth…. I was wrong. Nothing could have prepared me for that news. The harsh truth sliced through me like a steel knife. Losing my daughter was impossibly unbearable and hearing the man I'm in love with say he ended our marriage of five years is unbelievably difficult to believe.