Making Love

If you ever feel I'm loving 

you too much,

Remember, I have lost too

many years of loving you

before I met you.

So I'm just compensating.


I shuddered and moaned loudly when Ace's lips found the sensitive bud between my legs. My cheeks burned, it must be the color of tomato now. I didn't know if it's right or wrong. All I could feel is the wicked rhythm of his warm tongue slithering against my exposed flesh.

My hands tightened its hold on his hair. Not quite sure if I want to push him away. But I don't want to let go…. I don't want him to stop. He woke up something deep within me and now I couldn't just push him away without reaching the promising bliss waiting ahead of me.

His tongue played the sensitive bud between my legs. My head collapsed on the pillow. Soft moans erupt from my lips. I couldn't even believe that such erotic sounds was emanating from me.