Birthday Plans

Days passed by so quickly, like a subtle wind passing by that I lost track of the days only to be surprised after discovering that it's been two weeks weeks since Ace's successful operation. It's been two weeks since discovering that Ace and I weren't divorce which basically means I'm legally his wife and he…. My husband. 

There wasn't a day in my life I didn't think of him. He was like a shadow following me wherever I went. Even when I closed my eyes at night he was there telling me to wait until he came back. I believe he would come because I feel he would and I trust him so much that he wouldn't give up knowing his family was waiting for him. 

Life wasn't easy without Ace. But with every passing day, my new found strength taught me to move forward and patiently wait until he comes back home. That's the only wish I have for my birthday which I didn't realize would be four days from now.

"Phoenix? Are you awake?"