Finally Awake

The sound of the beeping monitor and the hurried footsteps echoing from the hallway woke me up from a deep dream. Slowly, my eyes parted open, instantly revealing a pristine white ceiling.

Pushing myself up to have a clear view of my surroundings, pain seared through my arms and legs, and I fell back on the bed, wincing at the overpowering headache that made the pain in my legs and arms feel mild. With a clenched jaw, I waited for the pain to subside before slowly easing my body in a sitting position until my back was resting on the headboard.

Comfortable with my position, my gaze surveyed the room. What I saw told me I was in a hospital room. The hospital gown loosely hanging on my frail body, and the monitor constantly beeping beside the bed, was another proof of that.

I haven't been sitting for long and skimming the room with my eyes when the door bursts open. A man wearing a plain t-shirt and jeans strode inside with a frown etched deep into his temples.