
Breathlessly, I emerged out of my hiding place. My cheeks burning in humiliation. I wonder how he was able to know I was there. 

Lucas Nicholas, as if he read my thoughts, gestured to my foot which was still wrapped with a bandage. "Your toe was sticking out." He supplied the information for me. 

The remark turned the color on my cheeks even brighter. 

If the situation were a bit different I could have laughed at my own stupidity. But instead of laughing I found myself swallowing hard by the way he looked at me. His melting gaze was turning my knees into jell-o that if it weren't for the crutches supporting me, I would have fallen to the floor. 

"Come here." He ordered, patting the space beside him on the long Victorian sofa. "We need to talk." He added with a dangerous glint upon his black onyx eyes.