The Nightmare

Lucas opened his mouth as if to say something but changed his mind at the last minute and closed it again. 

The flicker of tenderness I thought I saw crossed his face was nowhere to be seen. Instead a face masked with a paper blank expression is what was staring back at me. 

"You must be tired. You can go back to your room and rest. I'll take good care of my child. " He told me in a tone which was filled with a chilling civility. 

He was right, I need to go back to my room. I have no reason to stay in his room any further. 

My gaze stared back at Niall. There was a dull ache in my chest as I wiped the wetness at the corner of his eyes. I still wanted to stay, to hold him in my arms like a mother should but I felt that Lucas didn't want me there at all. 

I couldn't blame him for hating me. I've done something unforgivable and no matter how much regret I have now, It's impossible to make him forgive me, especially that the wound was still raw.