Chapter I: Extradimensional

At the Star Lou Empire's border, in a small backwater town, a child was born during the storm of storms. The winds raged over one hundred kilometers per hour, destroying everything in its path. A babe cried in the arms of his mother as she cried her heart out.

Two men in robes stood at the doorway of the mother and newborn's house. They had come to take the child away. With the newborn in hand, the two robed men left the house in a hurry, for the longer they stayed, the more they risked their survival.

Unfortunately, the two men wouldn't make it far when they were about twenty meters away. The storm suddenly intensified, and a barrage of lightning had destroyed the house of the child's mother.

"Kan, this storm isn't normal. We should hurry and get the boy to the Supreme Pontiff. You go ahead, and if that lightning was them, then I'll hold them off."

Then the man called, Kan, tightened his hold of the babe, and gave a firm nod before pushing off in the direction of sanctuary, Spirit Hall.

The man that stayed behind had long silver hair and crimson eyes. He was a rather tallish man. He stood at 5 feet and 11 inches tall, and he was built like a hulk.

It was no more than a few moments before a man with reddish-brown skin arrived and punched a hole through the robed man's chest.

"Akuma, was that necessary? We have to find out where we are. Go and catch the other man before he leaves the range in which we can sense him" A woman with long onyx black hair appeared next to Akuma.

"Hmm, no matter where I am, my fate is to be the strongest. I--"

"Your fate is what I say it is. You owe me a life debt. Until it's paid in full, do as I say and bring that man here!" She interrupted the demonic-looking man, and he grunted in response before fading away like a phantom.

When Akuma returned, he held the man in white robes by the throat, and the newborn baby cradled in his left arm. Akuma looked at the boy with intrigue. It was something about him that Akuma resonated with. He just couldn't understand what was so appealing about the babe at the time.

"You take the man, and I'll keep the boy." Said Akuma. As he threw the man to the ground

The woman nodded, and her eyes turned crimson, and tattoos appeared on her left arm. The woman stepped forward and grabbed the robed man by the crown of his head. The woman's nails morphed into claws that penetrated the man's skull.

Images and information began to flow into the woman's mind. When she was finished, She had all of the information she had needed, and the robed man had once again fallen to the ground. This time, as a cold corpse, never to rise again.

The woman looked at the babe with curious eyes as she regained her human appearance.

"What is it, Kazumi?" Asked Akuma

"First, we must leave this place and find a town away from Spirit Hall." She replied

Akuma was confused, but he followed Kazumi without objection. The two of them took off at what their old world would have considered incredible speed. But Kazumi was nervous. She had learned things that had shaken her to the core. Things that she hoped Akuma would understand and deter him from his usual antics.

Weeks later. Akuma and Kazumi stopped on the outskirts of Holy Spirit Village in the Heaven Dou Empire.

"Stay here. I'll go to the village. You might...scare people" Kazumi then continued to the village.

It was a small place. Full of commoners whose families lived in the village for generations. Kazumi was easily spotted and attracted the attention of the villagers. Kazumi is a gorgeous woman. She has long black hair with a full fringe tied in a large Japanese bun and brown eyes. She also has a mole on her bottom right eye.

She wears a white short-sleeved traditional kimono dress with a red rope tied on each side of her shoulders, a red ribbon attached to the back of her shirt connected to the red rope, and a gray diamond designed obi which is tucked into her kimono dress. She has an off-white traditional kimono dress tied in a white karate belt on her waist, and both sleeves of the kimono dress are hanging loose with flower designs on her sleeves and the skirt of her dress. She also wears white and red fingerless gauntlets with a golden shell design tied in red ribbons on each side underneath her arm and wrists. The interior of her off-white kimono dress is red. She also wears white tabi, which is tied in red ribbons and traditional Japanese geta. She also has a Mishima Zaibatsu insignia at the center of her waist.

But besides her foreign clothing and astounding beauty, the villagers didn't pay much attention to her as she wasn't the first stranger to arrive. Kazumi asked around the village for a bit and was then directed to the Village Leader's house.

Knock knock. After a moment, the door opened, revealing an older man with white hair and another muscular middle-aged man with black hair and a full beard. The middle-aged man was cradling a baby in his arms.

"Can I help you, Miss?" Asked the Old Man.

"I wish to trade with your village. My family and I plan to stay a couple of minutes out of town," said Kazumi.

Old man Jack, the village leader, looked Kazumi over a few times, then asked, " What would you like to trade for? The village only has so much to give. But if what you offer is good, then we can come to an agreement"

"Whatever the village needs, I'm sure I can get my hands on it," Kazumi replied with a sweet smile.

The middle-aged man squinted as he looked at Kazumi, 'she's strong. I sense power. But not the same as the power that spiritual masters use… Who is this woman? Maybe I should take Xiao San and find a new village.' thought the man.

"Hmm, Tang Hao, you say that you want to purchase the smithery. And Miss…"

"Kazumi Hachijo"

"Miss Kazumi Hachijo wants to trade goods and provided the village with what we can't obtain ourselves… So, I'll sell you the Smithery if Miss Hachijo agrees to trade in materials for whatever she might need."

Kazumi and Tang Hao looked at each other. From the memories of the dead Spirit Ancestor, Kazumi knew that the absence of any energy most likely meant that Tang Hao is a Titled Douluo. Even none cultivators had some sort of slight fluctuation of energy. But to appear completely mundane was a skill reserved for the spiritual masters of the highest cultivation. This scared Kazumi a bit. Because she knew that her top strength was equivalent to a Spirit Ancestor and Akuma a Spirit King.

"And I assume that you would want me to sell what I forge for the village. What's my cut?" Asked Tang Hao. In all honesty, he didn't care about money. Money wasn't something he lacked.

"Sixty forty." replied old man jack

"And for Miss Hachijo?"

"Hmm, what would you like, Miss, besides those goods you want to trade for?"

"Everything else, I can get once I'm on my feet. For now, food, permission to cut trees, clothes, and most importantly, discretion and the utmost privacy."

"Not a problem at all," replied Jack.

The days that followed that agreement were pretty calm. Like Tang Hao, Kazumi and Akuma built up quite the tab with Old Man Jack. Tang Hao did this as a cover. He could pay the old man at any time. However, Kazumi and Akuma needed food, drink, and clothes to focus on other things, like building a safe place for them and the boy.

About two months later, Kazumi and Akuma had built themselves a Japanese styled home and dojo. Kazumi and Akuma sat in the dojo after a training session discussing the oddities of their new world.

"Do you understand now? If you keep up your antics, you'll get us all killed. We can't cultivate the energy these people call spirit power. That means we can't ever hope to fight the best masters this world has to offer."

"So spirit masters cultivate spirit power, every 10 ranks they acquire a new spirit ring and an ability by killing spirit beast. Each rank allows for the absorption of older spirit beasts' rings. And we, along with Heichi and my brother, Gouken, can match Spirit kings at best. I don't believe it. If we can get this strong without spirit power, then we can become stronger." Akuma clenched his fist, and fire ignited in his belly

Kazumi sighed, "Your debt is paid. You can stay, or you can leave and continue on your life mission. But you can't do both."

Kazumi pushed herself up from the floor and took the Infant from his crib. The two left Akuma alone. Resting under a tree. Kazumi breastfeeds the small babe with a smile.

"We've had you long enough. I think we should give you a name"

The babe smiled on Kazumi's nipple. Kazumi giggled, "How about… Hachijo Tenko… Yes, Hachijo Tenko"

Kazumi rested her head against the tree and took in the peace and quiet. For the first time, she could rest without worry. She no longer had a clan to order her around, A husband she didn't have to hate because she loved him. She now lived in a place where she could choose to be human or demon.

Kazumi drifted into a relaxed sleep, and Tenko soon followed his new mother. When Kazumi woke up around sunset, she carried Tenko back home and found the place empty. Akuma was gone. She searched the house and then the Dojo. All she found was a book, Akuma's prayer beads, and note.

Kazumi sat Tenko in his cradle and proceeded to read Akuma's note:


I believe that even in this world, I can become the best. And in this world, I can achieve what was so far away from me in our old world. The boy… The boy has the perfect constitution for the Satsui no Hado. In the book that I left, there are details about Ansatsuken, Ansatsuken So Ryu, and Ansatsuken Ki Ryu. I also left my Prayer beads. They will help with his Ki training, and hopefully, someday, the beads will reveal, Raigō: Senjusatsu, a technique that even I was not worthy of. Train him well so that he may have a future and someday stand across from me on the field of battle.


"Tsk, damn him." Kazumi looked over to Tenko and just sighed. "Akuma likes to throw around Ki and Killing intent. I'll teach you how to control it. Shape it and change its nature. I couldn't admit it before, but the Mishima family were the best when it came to nature transformation, but their Kii lacked the raw power that Akuma had. Lucky for you. I trained with the best, my son.."

From that day on, Kazumi did her best to provide for Tenko. When she was off acquiring metals, herbs, and books to teach Tenko about the Douluo continent. Tenko stayed with Tang Hao and his son, Tang San. It took less than a year to pay off her debt. But when Tenko turned 2 years old, she treated him like a true Hachijo male.

"My sweet boy," she said.

Tenko's young and innocent eyes looked up at her with a sweet smile.

"You've gotten so big. Now, it's time to give you what I could never give Kazuya. Something only a Hachijo mother can give her son" Kazumi picked him up and held him close

"What's wrong, Kaa-chan?" Tenko spoke into her breast

Kazumi sniffled. "Nothing. Nothing at all. Just relax and breathe slow."

Using her demonic powers, she conditioned his body to start his training. Rubbing his back, Kazumi massaged her energy into his small feeble body. She freed her left breast with her free hand, and Tenko latched on her nipple and kneaded her boob to drink his feel of milk. As the warm liquid flowed into his belly, he felt a warm sensation that energized his body, Like every cell in his body had taken on a life of their own, and he was experiencing them all.

Though Tenko was already walking, talking, and had been learning to read for the past month. It was obvious that Tenko was weaker than his friend Tang San. Determined to make her son strong enough to survive the hardships of the world. Kazumi pushed him hard. Tenko read about the Douluo continent and literature focused on all things related to spirit masters and cultivation until the age of four. During those two years, he did nothing but body conditioning and practiced his Katas daily. His body was becoming increasingly stronger, but Kazumi had committed to a forbidden practice long abandoned by her people since they decided to live on the righteous side of life in order to cleanse the rapidly growing impurities in Tenko's body.

When Tenko turned four years old, Kazumi had him practice with 1000-year-old Ironwood dummies, she spared with him on her free time, and he had finally begun to cultivate his own Ki.

After the first week, Tenko's limbs were constantly wrapped in bandages, and taking elixirs to heal his body as fast as he destroyed it. Between the Ironwood dummies and Kazumi's tough love, Tenko had no breaks. It was hard work every day, and every day was increasingly harder than the last. When it came to his Ki gathering, it took a year before his body could gather and hold Ki within him without hurting himself.

Tenko was now five years old, and it was the first time she ever saw Kazumi cry. She wept tears of joy for almost an hour straight as she smothered Tenko in her bosom. "You don't have to be sick anymore, Kit."

Tenko thought back to when his mother first arrived and saw him covered in black tar from head to toe. "The impurities," he muttered.

"Yes, The Ki cleanses your body. In ways, I never could. You have to be diligent about your cultivation. It will keep you healthy."

"Why do I have so many toxins in my body?"

"I don't know, my love." Kazumi stared off into the distance.

Tenko soon learned from Kazumi that the stronger the body, the more Ki it could hold. But the amount meant nothing if the opponent had similar Ki levels. In the battle of masters, victory was determined by combat skills and advanced Ki control.

Kazumi also added weights to his body and turned up the intensity of his training that year. He no longer used the training dummy and was restricted to only having all-out battles with a Kazumi without the aid of Ki. Kazumi pushed the boy to the brink of death every day. But not before Tenko wore himself out with the Hachijo family's green devil routine, The Might Hachijo Guy's daily workout.

To further advance his Ki control. Kazumi made Tenko walk up walls and trees. Within a few months, he was already walking on water…

He now sat shirtless in the lotus position in the middle of the lake, around his neck, were the prayer bead left to him by his uncle Akuma. Calmly on top of the lake's surface. Tenko sat as still as a rock, but he did not sink, bob, or driftway with the current.

Tenko gathered and circulated his Ki diligently. He then pushed his Ki to the prayer beads around his neck. The beads' surface gave way to his assault, but the moment his Ki penetrated the beads, it was forced back with great force.

Tenko heard whispers. The beads were telling him things. 'Gift of the sage' Tenko internally repeated what the voice had said. Most of what the voices whispered were gibberish to him. But the small snippets he did hear caused the way he cultivated to change, and as a result, his Ki became dense and pure. The more his Ki transformed, the further he penetrated the prayer beads, the closer he got to the secret within.

Another year soon went by, and Tenko was six years old.

"Mom!" Tenko called out. It was a day off, and he had spent the day practicing with his friend Tang San. Tang San liked to spar with Tenko. Tang San used family techniques just like Tenko. Though they never gave each other details. But Tang San worked 10 times harder after he and Tenko went all out one day. Tang San had realized that Tenko's natural speed slightly surpassed his shadow perplexing track --movement skill. He was even shocked to see Tenko's body and strength far exceeded his.

"Mom!" Tenko called out again. He eventually found Kazumi in her room, moving boxes around. It looked as if she was cleaning, But Tenko paid no attention to it.

"Mom, I know we haven't talked about it. But I want to go to the spiritual awakening ceremony with Tang San and old man Jack. Will that be okay?" He asked.

Kazumi's hair was up in a ponytail, but one unruly bang hung in her face. In the past six years, she hadn't aged a day. Though her breast had increased in size since she committed herself to breastfeed Tenko daily. Her ass had become plumper and her thighs thicker. She had curves that could kill a titled Douluo, thanks to the hoarding of energy inside of her. The only time she released her build up energy is when she fed Tenko.

"You can go. But I want you to come straight home afterward," she said as she caught her breath.

Tenko smiled and hugged Kazumi, "I promise. But, shouldn't I drink before I leave? You look a little--"

Kazumi put her fingers up to silence the boy. "I'll be fine. It just means you'll have a bit extra tonight. So don't you go snacking around at the market."

Kazumi kissed his forehead and sent him on his way. When she heard the door slam and felt Tenko's presence fade. Kazumi got up and began to pack everything she and Tenko would need. She had no idea how long the awakening ceremony would be, but from the knowledge she received six years ago from the mind of the spirit hall agent. She knew that Tenko was capable of awakening a variety of odd and great spirits.

When everything was settled, Kazumi was panting heavily, and her body was sore all over. Taking a seat at the edge of her bed, she slowly undressed. Her massive breast had read veins that covered her mounds and converged at her erect pink nipples. At the tips of her nipples, sweet-smelling nectar leaked down her breast and onto her tight, firm stomach.

Her breast ached as she cleaned herself and then laid back on the bed to rest. She took long deep breaths but only worked for so long until the room was choked by the smell of Kazumi's sweet juices that now gushed from between her legs. She then closed her eyes and entered a deep sleep that all but stopped the flow of her strange nectar.

In Heavenly Spirit Village. Tenko stood next to Tang San with a worried face. He had smelled the overwhelming sweetness in Kazumi's room. And he had noticed that Kazumi was sweating moving boxes. Boxes that he could have handled with ease. He knew something was wrong, And he knew it had something to do with the daily meals she gave him every day.

He had talked to Tang San a few months ago about it, and his friend had told him that it was unusual to breastfeed as a kid. Tang San didn't tell him that he knew stories of Demonic sects in his old world that will have some mothers in their sect Breastfeed prodigies until puberty. From that point, they would partake in sexual ventures together until the last of their demonic energy had been passed on.

'What the hell is wrong with him today?' Tang San asked himself.

Tang San sensed Tenko's anxiety and attempted to calm him down as all of the kids walked past them into the ceremony hall. Once they entered, the doors slammed shut behind them and the Awakening Ceremony began.