Ning RongRong

We were pacing ourselves as we ran around the village. We were just by a fairly isolated farm when a strong gust of wind hit. Oscar and RongRong are small. They had to stop and protect themselves instead of running through it.

I have to admit RongRong is a high-class beauty. And Oscar thought so too. He was enchanted by the girl. So he reacted like guys would and took his chance on her.

"RongRong, are you tired? Do you want some of my sausages? It could help you recover your physical strength-- I, your father, has a Big fresh sausage!"

A juicy and savory sausage appeared in a yellow flash. RongRong spun around, and her hand collided with Oscars'. The sausage was sent flying, and RongRong's face was covered with malice.

"Big and fresh, my ass! Do you think I really want to eat one of your disgusting sausages!" RongRong said every word with a splash of venom. She summoned her Tool Spirit and said, " Tsk. Your mother has two generous buns. How about you eat your own size."

She activated her spirit ability and speed off. I couldn't help but laugh. "You should've kicked her ass. Finish up. I'll go see what her problem is? I said.

I used the Ashura Senku to teleport after here. Over the past year, I tweaked the technique by adding my spatial ability to increase my teleportation distance. I then appeared at the market and Followed RongRong into a nice restaurant.

I approached the table, catching her a bit off guard, judging by her flinch when she saw me. Her big icy blue eyes stared at me. I could see the gears inside of her head turning. But I had no idea what caused them to turn. Yunshiro was right. This social thing will take time.

RongRong's face was hard, and it gradually softened. She held out a menu and looked away as if she was telling me she wasn't going to ask me to join her.

I grab the menu and sit across from her. I didn't say anything as we read through the menu. Every once in a while, I could feel her gaze fall on me and leave as fast as it came. The silence was soon broken by the appearance of the waiter.

"I'll take the Iron Rash Bull platter and bring two jars and two short glasses." I put my order in and handed the man the menu as he looked at RongRong, awaiting her order. Her expression changed again. The aura around her became sharp like it was when she scolded Oscar.

The waiter stiffened and wrote her order down as fast as possible and scurried away. When he was gone, RongRong focused on me, and it was like shattering glass. As the sharp aura fell, it revealed the sweeter side of RongRong. She was giggling. She was… Amused by her antics.

"So were you serious, or were you just teasing Oscar?" I asked, and she instantly regains her indifferent face.

"Why does it matter?" She asked, "Did you really come here to question me about how I treat your rival?"

"Rival?" I ask.

RongRong put on a devious smile and leaned forward. " You do want me, right? Well, Oscar wants me the same way. That makes you two rivals and I, the prize."

I couldn't help but chuckle. I have no idea how she reacted because I was so amused I naturally squinted in tears. When I regained my bearings, the waiter had returned with two jars and two short cups.

I thank the man and toss him a gold spirit coin before refocusing on RongRong. I open the jar and pour two servings. I slide one to RongRong and say, "Oscar will be strong. I can smell it. But I am my only rival. And I have a woman. Two actually. But that just means you have a chance to become my third."

RongRong's brow furrowed, and I continued, "This isn't your clan, and I'm not Ning Fengzhi. I will not dote or cater to you. I will not bend backward for your approval. And just because you have a magnificent tool spirit does not make you magnificent. You have to work for that: no trash spirits, just trash people. Ning RongRong, I am the prize. And whether you get me as your man depends on the work you put out. I don't like weak women."

I empty my cup into my belly, and its sweetness coats my pallet and sets my taste buds dancing to its divine symphony.

"Trash people? I'm the first genius that my clan has had in generations. I broke through rank 20 before --"

"Breakthrough when I was 9 years old. I was born with Innate Full Spirit Power. Last year I broke through rank 30 and received my third spirit ring. I'm already at rank 38 and probably reach rank 39 within the next week. I'm only 12 years old, and I've trained to the point that my body shut down on numerous occasions."

RongRong looked at me with complete shock. She probably assumed I was older and didn't think my rank was all that great. I don't know.

"That's... That's not possible…"

"It is. And my auxiliary type tool spirit doesn't lose out to yours. But, I'm not here to scold you or belittle you." I try to reel the conversation back to my original purpose.

"T-then, why are you here?"

"I want to know why you're here? And hopefully, I can figure out a reason to stay."

RongRong looked at me, and I could fall deep into her eyes. The hues of her eyes changed as she continued to search for an answer.

"I guess… I guess I wanted to be free. I was raised in the palms of my clan's most powerful people. As you know, my father, you know that I'm the clan's little princess. And that's all I've ever been.."

For the first time, RongRong emptied her cup, and I swiftly poured another as her body instinctively moved for a refill. Her gaze shifted again, and she said, " All I know is being the little princess. I've never been seen as anything else. And I've never seen people as anything more than servants. No friends, just clan elders, and servants. I...I want to be more, experience more...."

Like most of us young folk, I could see that RongRong had an ocean of thoughts, and there wasn't enough time to express them all coherently. Although we came from different backgrounds, RongRong and I, most likely every student at Shrek Academy, are just trying to figure out life and their place in it.

"My mother used to tell me that Old habits, Diehard. It's why my Uncle Akuma left her alone with me. But the good thing is. Your habits don't have to die. They just need a little adjustment. You can't treat the students at Shrek the way you treated your servants. Because they are not your servant. If you insist, that bunch will drive you back home. Especially Tang San. He's always been wise beyond his years. It was a bit annoying when we were younger." I emptied another cup, and our food finally arrived.

My platter was huge. Bigger than I had thought it would be. RongRong's meal was pretty large as well. She had ordered some type of Spirit fish imported from the coast.

"I'm not apologizing to the perverted sausage boy," Rongrong spoke in an innate haughty manner as she grabbed her utensils and began to work on her meal.

"I'm perverted, and I've been told that I actually do have a big sausage. Like everything else, I am highly developed." I cut into my bull meat as I watched RongRong take a momentary pause as a faint blush dyed her porcelain cheeks.

She put on a soft smile, "I have read many books. And I've always been intelligent for my age. And though I may be a princess, I'm actually not that prude. But it's a noble lady's way to act as such. So, please keep your voice down and try not to tease me in public."

I chuckled a bit and continued eating without a response. The silence regained dominance of the atmosphere. Though this time, it was pleasant and comfortable.

"Hachijo Tenko.."

"Tenko is fine," I tell her.

"Why did you come after me?"

"Several reasons," I answer truthfully " To know your purpose here, get to know you a bit, and you're a beautiful young woman. I'm sure you have very few equal. Besides, you need to finish your laps."


"So you have two choices," Said Tenko. "You can finish the laps with me, or you can do whatever you do."

RongRong played with the end of her dress as she thought, "What if I choose to stay?"

Tenko sighed and said, "Then your a disappointment, and you're weaker than I thought."

"That is very rude, Tenko."

"You don't respond well to nice things. And even if you did, you don't deserve it right now. So what do you choose."

RongRong put on a devilish smile and drew out the process. She then asked, "And if I decide to go? Will you play nice then? Or is the beast your only manner?"

"Haha, if you can finish the laps and keep a secret…'" Tenko closed the distance between them and lowered his voice. "Then I'll give you a gift fit for a little princess of your status."

Rongrong sucked the air in around. "I said no teasing in public."

"I'm not teasing. I intend to follow through. So make your decision, princess."


"Tenko, this is bullshit!" Shouted RongRong.

Tenko laughed as he jogged in place. "Come on, it's late. We only ran half of what we were supposed to, but we have class."

Rongrong panted heavily while she laid flat on her back. Tenko held out his hand, and she weakly grabbed it.

When she was back on her feet, Tenko wore a smug smile on his face. He shook his head and started to run towards Shrek Academy. Rongrong was on his tail, and he took care not to lead too far ahead. By the time Tenko and RongRong made it back. The students were already gathered, and Flender was surprisingly missing.

"Hey! You two are late!" Shouted Zhao Wuji.

Beside him was Teacher Li. Teacher Li wore a smile that just shouted special treatment. Two of his three treasured students had arrived late, but it's okay because they were finishing a task. "They were finishing a training exercise, Zhao Wuji. Now that they are here, we can leave. Flender wants this done tonight."