"Tonight we have the one and only, TJ!" The announcer says as the illegal crowd pours into 'The Underground' as they say. I give my next opponent a cold, icy glare, and he does the favor of returning it. Getting that smug look on his face, the guy in front of me, squares up in his position, bounce back and forth shifting his weight from one foot to the other. Me, I stand still and grounded, trying not to show too much of my movements to give him any hints to my weaknesses. Although for 230lbs he sure as hell's got muscle, but he doesn't have the brains. He's showing his weaknesses to easily, his shifting position is off and he's exposing his stomach way to much. " With all the bets in place, and fighters in their corners I guess I have no choice but to say... Fight!" He says sliding out of the ring. None of us needing any rules established, we've all been here long enough to know the rules. With a swift move I jab at the guy's part of his stomach he left exposed, taking the quick blow he, re-positions himself. Swinging his right arm to the left side of my face, I dodge his faulty punch, grab his arm and sweep at his feet sending him colliding with the floor. With that the crowd grimaces at the fall, but he gets up despite the slight limp I can see in his left leg. He gets up fast and throws his fist straight for my face and it collides with my left eye, slightly cutting my eyebrow, sending a trickle of blood down my face. Setting my cold glare at the middle aged fighter, I quickly hook my left fist to his face causing him to fall to the ground with a ground shaking thud. Pushing him onto his back, I get a good position on top of him and throw punches at him left and right, till the ref calls the match. "Ok, ok ,ok. That's enough TJ." The ref says separating my from the unconscious low life in front of me. Gripping my wrist he lifts my arm in the air as the crowd of betters whoop and cheer for my win. Sliding under the ropes I walk up to the betting table to collect my prize money.
"Hey TJ, how you doin'?" Frank says trying to make conversation.
"Not the time Frank, where's my money?" I say giving him a bored look.
"Ok, ok, jeez you teens and not wanting to talk." He mumbles shuffling through his metal box. He pulls out a wad of hundreds.
"Estimate?" I grumble setting my gaze on the roll of cash.
"I'd say around 2 grand." He states giving me a satisfying answer.
"Perfect. See ya' round' Frank." I yell as I move toward the exit and the bouncer, Benny, lets me out. "Night Ben." I say and walk up onto the streets of Manhattan, New York. Breathing in cold air, I walk down the streets to the hospital I visit everyday. Walking in I get hit with the smell of those chemically wipes, walking up to the counter I look up at the receptionist, Janet.
"Hello Theo, sorry but visiting hours are over you'll have to come back in the morning, visiting hours start at 8:00 a.m." Janet says giving me a warm smile.
"What time is it now?" I question as I search the walls for a clock.
"2:57 a.m." She says staring at the clock on her desktop.
"Then I'll wait." I say settling into an uncomfortable, old, leather chair. Resting my backpack on a chair next to me.
"So be it." She says sighing at my answer. I look at my backpack and decide I'm going to do my homework, the only reason I still go to school, my mom believes that academics is key to your future. But I believe you don't have to focus on your academics to become successful even without the education, as long as you have the drive to keep trying and to keep on going. Pulling out my papers I shuffle through them till I find one, math. Great.
"Theo. Theo." A small voice whispers in my ear. Opening my tired eyes I find a little girl with golden locks, and crystal blue eyes. Amy, Amy is one of the grandkids of Mr.Terrow, he always has accidents and has to come to the hospital occasionally, and his granddaughter, Amy, always comes to visit with her mom.
"Amy, leave Theo be." Amy's mother Rebecca scolds her.
"It's alright Mrs.Terrow." I say giving her a warm smile. She replies by giving me a sweet one.
"Amy I'm gonna run in and see grandpa, if you want you can stay with Theo is that's alright with him?" She says sending her gaze over to me.
"It's alright you go see him I'll watch her till you get back." With relief she lets out a drawn breath and walks down the white halls.
"You want to play a game?" Amy says with happiness beaming from her face.
"Ok, let's play Rock Paper Scissors!" I say.
"Ok." She says going along with whatever game we compromised on. First it was rock, paper, scissors, then chopsticks, then tic-tac-toe with some of my blank paper from my backpack, then I Spy, etcetera...
"Come on Amy, it's time to go home, grandpas asleep." Rebecca says pulling Amy by her arm.
"Okay. Bye Theo!" She says hugging my legs. Pulling her up I pull her into a great big hug.
"Bye Amy." I say and set her on the ground, as she turns and runs to her mom at the entrance. 'Well, it's visiting hours, time to see mom.' Walking past Janet, she smiles and sips from her coffee, I walk down the halls and windows of the patients rooms. Walking to the end I take a left at the end of the hall and head to room A58. Seeing my mom she is sitting up, drinking some water.
"Hey mom, how you doing?" I say taking a seat closest to her.
"Theo! I'm doing alright, hey why aren't you in school." She says with concern written all over her face. "What happened to your face?" She says rubbing her finger over my left eye causing me to flinch.
"It's ok mom, I just got in a little fight at school." I say grabbing her hand and pulling it closer to me."And I'm not at school because it's Friday mom." She gives me one of those mom looks and I give her a sheepish grin.
"Son, you still need to go to school on Friday." She says. Yawning she settles into her hospital bed.
"Ok mom, you go to bed, I'll go to school for the rest of the day." I say getting her to sleep and tucking her in. I kiss her forehead and leave, closing the door. Walking out of the hospital I'm met with the cold morning air. Walking down the street with my backpack in hand, I look up at all the other people happy and smiling, as they walk down the street as well. Getting to the school there seems to be no one outside, 'well looks like I'm late.' Walking into the halls, I pass the other classes till I come to mine, room 14.
My two classes I didn't miss went by like a flash and I was off to lunch just like that. Strutting into the lunchroom all eyes turn to me, not liking the stares, I glare at them causing them to look away, to most I'm considered terrifying. But some bubble headed idiots can't get that through their thick skull, and if you haven't caught on, I'm talking about this slut stroking my bicep."Get off of me." I sternly grunt at her.
"Why we could go and have some fun, if you know what I mean." She says trying to sound seductive, but ends up sounding like a dying goat with chronic asthma.
"If you're implying we go have sex then you got another thing coming, because I don't want to have sex with a walking STD." I growl in her makeup caked face. 'I know it was mean, but I'm really not interested, and before you even start, no I'm not gay.'
"Jerk!" She says and stomps of with her other slutty friends following behind. Getting all the others stare at me because of the incident that happened before them, their eyes start to annoy me as I feeling their stares burning holes into my back.
"What so interesting?" My voice echoes through the deadly quite cafeteria."Nothing? So stop looking at me." I growl at the crowd of teens. All of them end up shifting their gaze away from me and go back to talking.
'School is finally over.' I thought as the final bell rings for dismissal. Walking out the school doors I start on the walk home. When I get home first I unlock the door and put my backpack on the couch, and start heading upstairs to take a shower. Pulling off my shirt, I throw it in my dirty clothes. Undoing my belt I pull it off and toss it on the floor. Hearing a knock at the door I run downstairs and unlock it and pull open the door. Looking at the person in front of me at the door she looks terrified."A-are yo-u Theo R-Rennant?" The girl says scanning me over.
"Yeah, who's asking?" I question quizzically looking at her.
"Lindsay. Lindsay Taylor." She says more confidently sticking her hand out. Reaching mine out I grip her hand and shake it firmly. Pulling her arm away she looks up at me.
"Ok, Lindsay, why are you at my house?" Looking down at her feet, she whispers her response.
"Mr. Wilcker partnered us for art."
"1st period?" I say questioning my schedule to her.
"Yes, art 1st period, we sit across from each other." She says giving a 'duh' look.
"Alright come on in." I say pulling my door open wide enough for her to slip by."You can start whatever it is you want on the project I'll be right back, I'm gonna take a quick shower." I say running up the stairs before I could get a response from her.
Walking down the stairs in my white V-neck and gray sweatpants, I walking into the kitchen to find her already sketching ideas on a notebook she brought."Ok, so we have week to make a 'Masterpiece' as Mr. Wilcker put it." She says putting finger quotes around the word 'Masterpiece.' Taking a seat across from her looking at her features a lot closer, taking in her physical features. She has long wavy brown hair and rich green eyes. Her thick rimmed glasses cover most of her face and her hair drapes over her face.
"Okay, what do you think we should paint for the project?" I ask her, arts not really my forte.
"Well is was thinking a landscape, but you can make any added details with it, maybe animals, I noticed you can paint animals pretty well, but their not really my type painting." She says finally taking her eyes off of her notebook.
"Yeah, I guess I can paint animals." Painting really isn't my forte I'm just good at painting some stuff, like animals, I suck at landscape, and that sorts of stuff.
"Well, what animals do you want to add to the painting?" She says looking back at her notebook.
"Umm, maybe a wolf or some deer, or something like that." I say staring down at my hands.
"Ok, wel-" A loud Ding! Interrupts her. Pulling out my phone I don't see anything, 'must be my other phone.' Opening my backpack, I pull out my spare phone. Reading the text on the screen it reads, Now.
"I've gotta go, can we do this tomorrow?" I look at her hoping she doesn't get pissed.
"Umm, yeah. Ok. See you tomorrow, I guess." She say packing up her stuff and walking to the door.
"Yeah, see you then." I say grabbing my hoodie and putting it on, grabbing my backpack I walk with her to the door. We both walk out and I lock the door behind me. Jumping into my old beat up Ford truck I hop into the driver's seat and pull out the driveway."I would give you a ride, but I'm running a little late for something." I say waiting for her response.
"No it's all cool, my house isn't that far away." She says and walks down the stone path to the sidewalk.
"Ok, weel see ya' 'round." I say as I rev the engine and drive down the road. I speed down the road looking around for anyone passing by, seeing no one, I make a turn off the main road and into the woods. Gliding down the dirt road, I come across my warehouse I had specially built for my own purposes.Parking my beat up Ford truck in my warehouse, I jump out and hop into one of my other cars, one on the more expensive side, to be more precise I mean my 2011 sky blue Bugatti Veyron. Pulling out of my warehouse, I drift down the dirt road, gliding around the tight corners. Pulling back onto the main road, I Tokyo drift back onto the asphalt. As I race down the road a Ding! From my phone. Trying not to crash in my expensive car, I quickly look down at the message. Where are you! Looking at the caller ID I recognize the number immediately, Jace. Responding to his text, I hastily type, Calm your tits, I'm on my way Jace. Getting the ring of the delivered message I put my phone on the passenger seat and put the ringer on silent, knowing he would be blowing my phone up with questions about when I'll get there. Pulling behind the old abandoned factory, in the shady area of town, I see Jace anxiously waiting for me. Pulling up near him he walks around the side of my car and I look at him with bored eyes."Ok, make this quick what you want?" I ask him hoping to get this over with soon. This is not one of my most proud moments of my business.
"I was hoping for some crystal." He says leaning closer to the side of the car. Smashing my foot on the floor of my car, my secret compartment opens and I look around for the product.
"What size?" I ask him hovering over the bags.
"Small." He says anxiously as I grab the small bag, I hold it up waiting for his payment. "Here." He says tossing the wad of cash at me.
"3k?" I ask taking the wad in hand.
"Yep." He says snatching the bag out of my hands.
"Calm down." I say rolling my eyes at Jace."C'ya!"
Rolling up to my house, in my beat up pickup truck. Parking the truck in the driveway, I jump out and grab my backpack from the passenger seat and unlock the door. Opening the door wide enough to enter, I dump my bag on the couch and enter the kitchen, opening the fridge, my eyes shift around the inside of the fridge, searching the empty shelves. Nothing. Glaring at the fridge I close it with anger. 'Whatever I'll have to pick something up', I think grabbing my wallet and car keys. Walking out, I start up the truck and pull out the driveway for the 3rd time today.
Parking in the parking lot of Safeway, I drag myself into the store full of old people and a bunch of moms getting food for their families. I walk through the door and stop when I see a father and his kids, the little girl on his shoulders and the boy clinging to his waist. I always wished my father was like that, when he found out I was born he left my mom to fend for herself, he then came back when I was 7 and tried to worm his way back into the family, but gave up trying after finding out my mom had cancer. Whenever I think of him I get pissed that I'm half of him. Glaring off into the distance I clench my fists till my bruised knuckles turn white. The thought of him just makes me want to punch someone, but I don't, knowing I'm going to need to learn to keep my anger in check. Sauntering away I grab a basket and walk down the aisle, I grab some chips and bottled waters. Snatching all the things I need off the shelf, I walk to the register and slide all my products onto the conveyor belt.
Dragging all the bags to my car I set them on the floor in the car and in the passenger seat. Walking around the truck I hop in the front seat and drive out the parking lot and onto the unattended road, I like it, it's like a ghost town, quiet and easy to navigate around, no one coming around the corners, no possible crashes. Just, perfect.
Knock! Knock! Startling me I fall onto the ground and groan in pain, as I push myself up and run downstairs. Unlocking my door, I pull it open really wide to be blinded by the burning sunlight. "Oh! Jeez, sorry maybe I should come back another time!" Getting used to the light I look down at Lindsay.
"No, it's cool you can come in." I say opening the door wide enough for her to slip by. She doesn't even look at me, instead she shields her eyes with her hand and faces to the side. "What's the problem?" I question her giving her a quizzical look.
"Umm, umm. Y-you're n-aked." She says blushing furiously. Looking down at myself I find I'm wearing my boxers.
"Well I'm still wearing boxers." I say giving her a look. She looks down and walks into my house, she goes to the couch and takes a seat, looking up for a split second and bringing her head back down. "Like what you see?" I say smirking like the douche I am.
"Shut up and go get some clothes on." She demands.
"Oh, feisty. I like it." I laugh walking up the stairs and head into my room slipping on a pair of sweatpants and a loose Three Days Grace band-tee. Walking back down the stairs I find her sitting on the couch but this time with her art supplies set out on the coffee table. I take a seat next to her on the couch and look at her, she glances over and me and lets out a drawn breathe. "Better?" I ask looking for her approval.
"Much better." She says focusing her gaze back on the project.
"Ok, let's get started." I say pulling out my sketchbook we use in art. I flip to a blank page and do a quick sketch of the landscape she set up in her notebook. I lay my notebook on the coffee table and kneel down on the ground. I pick out areas in the landscape where I can add animals and I start outlining them and then adding good amounts of detail into the outlines making them look more lifelike.
"Ok, what do you got so far?" She says setting her notebook down next to mine on the coffee table. I look at her drawing and scan every inch of the paper.
"Umm… This is what I got so far." I say pushing my notebook away from me.
"Wow. That's really good." She says looking intently at the wolf I put stalking in the field. The wolf is in the middle of a field getting ready to jump on a rabbit.
"I guess, but I really like the landscape." I say glancing at her paper.
"It's ok. Well anywho let's start the painting process." She says pulling out her paints and canvas. I look at her as she pulls out all her supplies, 'that's a lot.' I get in lost in my thoughts as she pulls out the endless amount of stuff from her bag.
"Jesus." I breathe. She puts the canvas in front of the both of us so we can get to work. She pulls out two green pencils, setting them out in front of us. Lindsay picks up one of the pencils and lightly sketches her drawing on the canvas so she knows where to separate the paint in different areas.
After about 6 hours we finished the project, we know that it's due in a month but it's better to finish early than later.
"Done." Lindsay drags on.
"Yep, done." I sigh sinking into my couch closing my eyes. "You want to stay for dinner?" I ask her not bothering to open my eyes.
"Sure." She says slowly getting up. "Do you want help with the food?" She asks holding her hand out to help me up. Taking her gesture, I grip her hand and try to pull myself up ending up on the floor with her on top of me. I grunt falling to the ground, I open my eyes and look at Lindsay. Her hair falls into her face, I reach my hand up and sweep it out of her face, pushing her hair behind her ear.
Quickly she gets up clearing her throat and looking down at the floor. I slowly get up standing in front of her my 6' 2" figure towering over her small one.
"Let's go make dinner and I'd love if you'd help." I say leading her to the kitchen. Smiling I pull out some pots, plates, and a strainer.
Pasta. My mother used to make pasta for us every Friday. Her father taught her and she taught me. My mom's side is Italian and the other side, my father's side, is from the US. So that makes me half and half, but my mom's side, the only side that was around, had us keep the Italian culture in the family, wanting to keep it alive.
"This is great." Lindsay moans taking a sloppy bite of the pasta we made.
Smiling at her, I take a bite and reply, "Well it wasn't all me, you helped make the sauce." I finish off my plate and get a second helping.
"Are you Italian?" She asks sitting back in her seat.
"Quite." I chuckle, looking over at her.
"So, what's your secret?" She asks anxiously looking over at me. Hearing this leave her mouth, I freeze.
"Well, when I finished the sauce I saw you do something to it, what was it?" She says.
"Oh, umm, I just added onions and some salt." I say going back to eating the pasta.
"Really? Cause it tastes so much better." She says licking sauce off her finger.
"Well, I'm glad you like it." I say setting my plate aside.
"Full?" She asks.
"Ok, let's clean up." She grabs our plates and utensils setting them in the sink. I then pick up the extra food and place it in the plastic containers, setting them aside, I then walk over to the sink seeing Lindsay doing the dishes. Seeing this I join her and we wash the dishes and set them on the drying rack.
"Hey can I take the leftovers?" Lindsay asks pointing at the containers I set aside.
"Sure, I can make more if I wanted to."
"Thank you." She says sliding them into her hands. Chuckling, I help her by picking up her bags and she grabs the food.
"Come on, I'll drive you home." I say opening the passenger seat for her.
"No, no it's ok, I'll walk." She says taking her bag and slinging it over her shoulder.
"You sure?" I ask looking at the handful she has. "Cause, I don't mind driving you, and if it's an environmental thing I'll even walk with you." I say hoping she'll agree to one of my offers.
"No, it's quite alright, I'm a big girl, I walk myself." She mocks.
"I insist." I say, holding my hand out bowing a little as I hold open the door for her.
"No, and that's final." She says sauntering off down the sidewalk.
"Ok, if you insist." I mumbled closing my car door shut. I then walk up to my porch and stop on the first step. Turning around I watch as Lindsay's retreating figure turns around the bend.
I open my front door, locking it behind me, and walk up the stairs. I open my bedroom door and strip down to my briefs. I then collapse on my bed and let the darkness consume me.
"Holy fuckin' shit!" I yell as the loud noise of serines pass by my house. Startled, I jump off the bed and land on my TV remote, thus turning on the TV in my room. The News comes on and shows a lady in a pink blouse and a gray pencil skirt.
"Diane Sharp here, at the scene of the crime. The police have just caught illegal drug traffickers here, smuggling 30 kilos of cocaine." She says pointing at the van by the warehouse. 'Well it's not mine, I don't think.' Interested I listen to the news a little longer. "We have caught four guys waiting for the handoff, George Bennet, Drake Tame, Alex Cassie, and Brendon Escobar."
"Fuck! That stuff is mine, but that still isn't my ware house. Ugh! They went to the wrong warehouse." Grumbling, I grab my phone and dial Brian's number.
"Hey." He says cheerfully.
"So, did you hear the news?" I yell into the phone.
"No, calm down Boss."
"Calm down, calm down?" I'm fuming. "The cops just caught the guys at the trade off, they had 30 kilos of product, 30 kilos! Do you know how much that is?"
"Ummm, no."
"30 kilos Brian, is almost 70 pounds of crack!" I growl into the phone.
"So, do you want me to go bail them?"
"No, I don't want you to bail them because the cops would be onto us." I state the obvious. "I got it. Get his rich nephew to do it, I'll give him the money he makes the bail. He's never committed a crime before and it wouldn't look suspicious."
"Got it Boss."
"Ok, good, now go to the warehouse and pick up some cash from my vault, and don't forget your keycard again, or else you're unemployed." I growl hanging up before he could answer.
"I see you're on time today Mr.Rennant." The art teacher says tipping his glasses down his nose, staring boredly at me.
"I see you know my name by the minimal times I've actually been in your class." I reply smartly.
"Uh huh." He says going back to his book. I take a seat and wait for the bell to ring and students to file in.
"Hey, dude that's my seat." Says Brad Withers, The Jock of the school.
"Not anymore." I grumble and slouch deep into my seat looking away from him.
"What did you say to me pipsqueak?" He says. Turning toward him I get out of my seat and stand around 4 inches taller than him. Although that's not that much, but still intimidating to one of the tallest people in the school.
"Excuse me?" I growl looking down at him.
"Oh, umm, Theo I-I uh-h d-didn't kno-ow that wa-ss you." He says steadying his gaze elsewhere and backing down. Brad then backs away and wanders around the class looking for a new seat. Scanning the class, I see that there is an extra seat, someone's absent. After further scanning, I see that Lindsay isn't here today. Weird.
"Ok class, now, who started their class projects?" The class goes silent, until I decide to speak up.
"Lindsay and I finished ours." I state my loud voice booming through the silent classroom.
"You did Mr.Rennant?" Asks Mr.Wilcker.
"Yes, Lindsay and I got to work on it right away." I state boredly.
"Oh? So, you wouldn't mind showing the class the painting that is if you have a photo?" He asks acting like he won. He thinks we didn't finish.
"I'd be happy to." I smirk, walking to the projector. After this his smirk falters and becomes a frown. I set up my phone to the projector and swipe to the photo, the projector throws an image of light onto the whiteboard. "This is our painting, a painting of four wolves drinking from a river in the snow." I point to the board and stand off to the side of the projection. Slowly a hand rises from the crowd.
"Did you really paint that?" The boy asks, I recognize him from the halls, he's Brad's main target.
"Yes, Lindsay and I did." I say kindly to him, I feel as though people like him in highschool always get picked on because he's smarter then all these other hormonal idiots.
Ring! Ring! Ring!
"That's the bell, you may leave." Mr.Wilcker dismisses us and sets up for his next class.
"Hey, umm, Theo?" Says a familiar voice.
"Huh? Oh, yeah?" It's Brad's target.
"Oh, yeah, I'm Brendon." He says extending his hand.
"Theo, but, you already know that." I say gripping his hand firmly.
"Have you seen Lindsay today?" He asks concerned.
"No? Why?" I question.
"Oh, nothing really, I have to go, uhh, see you later." He says jogging down the hall.
"Hmmm, I'll look into it." I talk to myself and rush down the hall to P.E.
"Mr. Rennant!" Yells the coach, Mr. Tandem.
"What?" I growl annoyed.
'You're late." He growls back.
"No I'm not the late bell hasn't even rung."
Ring! Ring! Ring!
Coach opens his mouth to yell, but I beat him to it. "Yeah, yeah. LATE!" I yell, rolling my eyes walking into the locker rooms. I walk over to my locker in the corner. I punch in my combination and the lock pops open. Sliding off the lock and setting it on the bench, I pull out my P.E. clothes. Striping into my boxers, I pull out my P.E. shorts with the school name and mascot on the bottom corner of the shorts. Before I can slip my shirt on, coach yells for me.
"Get your lazy ass out here!"
"But I haven't finished chang-." I try to argue, but get cut off.
"I don't care."
"Whatever." I growl walking out of the locker room with no shirt on. The guys glare at me as their girlfriends gawk at my shirtless self.
"Today we are going to the field and playing soccer." The coach booms through the gym. At his statement one kid raises his hand. "Yes?" The coach says waiting for his reply.
"Isn't it freezing outside, I mean it's the dead of winter." He states.
"Yes, it's quite cold, and Rennant, you can't get a shirt on." Coach Tandem grins evilly.
"What? I'll freeze to death."
"Too bad, you should've been here earlier." With that he starts towards the backdoors and sets onto the field with one soccer ball in hand.
"Ok, Casey, Lynch, you're team captains." He says lazily pointing to Kyle Casey and Cameron Lynch. "Casey, take your pick."
"Theo." He says pointing at me. When it comes to P.E. no one really likes to get in between me and the ball, they fear I might do something to them, even if it's as stupid as a soccer game. So I dominate in the sports area, other than the fact that I'm actually good at sports.
"Brad." Cameron says pointing at Brad. Looking down at his feet, Brad slowly walks over to Cameron. Kyle and Cameron continue to pick their teams till everyone is on a team.
We set ourselves up on the field and wait for the coach to blow his whistle.
"Ok, so you guys know the drill." With that he blows into the whistle causing an ear piercing noise. I got set up as a goalie because I'm the biggest on the team.
I wait for the ball to come from any direction as the cold nips at my skin. Adamo Barsotti is an Italian foreign exchange student, he speaks little English, but since I'm the only kid in the entire school that knows Italian, I'm basically his translator.
Brad comes up behind Adamo and shoves him to the ground taking the ball from under him. When Adamo hits the ground he collides with a mud puddle.
"Che cazzo l'uomo!" I yell over the field abandoning my position, I walk over and help Adamo up.
"Stai bene?" I say pressing my hand to his back.
"Sì. Sto bene, ma questi ragazzi sono un jerk." He mumbles straightening himself up.
"Si ', è un jackass vero." I say offering him a warm smile. "Beh, se hai bisogno di aiuto, basta chiedere." I say jogging back to my position seeing Brad doing his victory dance near the goal.
"Looks like you lost Theo." Brad says.
"I don't give a crap about the stupid game, but what I am mad about is you pushing Adamo." I say giving him a stone cold glare.
"The gay transfer kid?" He says aiming his head in the direction of Adamo.
"He's not gay, just stop being such an asshole." Brad then gives me a disfigured face.
"You sure he's not gay." Brad says squinting over at the transfer.
"Yes, I'm sure Brad."