✞︎✞︎✞︎𝓒𝓱𝓪𝓹𝓽𝓮𝓻 5 ✞︎✞︎✞︎
Jk : why didn't you tell me that I have to deal with 6 year old kid who is actually a man!?
Jk shouted at his noona while sitting on sofa
Y/n : cholly~kookie yah~ I've brought cake and banana milk for you~
Jk : ah I wnat to know who made him prince so I can see our dark future
He said dramatically
Y/n brust out in laughter
Jk : did you just said u brought banana milk!?
Y/n : yes?
after hearing banana milk jungkook jumped up full with energy
Y/n just awwww at his cuteness
Yoon : can I have too?
He asked cutely while still holding the saucepan
Y/n giggled and nodded
[ at y/f/n]
Tae : excuse are u Miss. Y/F/N?
Tae asked a woman who is looking her clinic door
Y/f/n truned back at a familiar voice
Y/f/n : You!?
Tae : you!?
Y/f/n :- wth do u really wanna pick up a fight with me or what!?
Tae silently smriked and showed his detective ID To y/f/n
Tae : You need to answer few questions
Y/f/n : what is it about?
Tae : none of your business and this is investigation so do not ask me foolish questions and answer me
Y/f/n looked at him with disgust expression on her face
Tae took out a recorder and started to speak
Tae : the girl with you this morning... Is she is your friend?
Y/f/n : yes she is why are you asking!?
Tae : how long you know each other? She is park y/n right?
Y/f/n : I know her from my 1st year of college and yes she is park y/n. Can I leave now?
Tae : one last question. Since how long she is working here?
Y/f/n : oh wait she is not working here she just came to visit me
Tae switch off his record he bowed to y/f/n and left
Y/f/n furrowed her eyebrows and she started walking too and she saw jimin was waiting for her under the street light ~
*Meanwhile at y/n*
Jk:- *burp*
Yoongi :- *BURP*
Y/n smiled and asked : did u both eat well?
Both of them nodded like 2 year old school going kids
Y/n : aww... Kumao Jungkook ah
Jk:- NOONA~ UK that's my favorite place frok where u brought the banana milk
Y/n giggled
Yoongi :- my eomma used to make banana milk for me
He said staring at the can missing his eomma and y/n noticed it
Y/n : kwenchanayo... I'll get u more if u need
Yoongi looked up at her and show her his gummy smile
Jk:- ahh noona look at the time.....hyung will kill be if I'm late again
Y/n : ah jinja it's OK.. See u jungkook ah~
Jk:- nee thank u noona for treat ~
Jk:- and bye kiddo~
Y/n : kwenchanayo kookie yah
Yoongi : yah!
He bowed to both of them and left
Yoongi noticed y/n was yawning
Yoongi :- Ahh I'm tired~ I did a lot of exercise to keep that muscle pig lock in bathroom
Y/n : ne ne too much work u better go and sleep now
Y/n said while looking at work place in house
Yoongi :- Gn....jagi...?
He said while yawning
Y/n : jagi? Yah!
Yoongi :- mmh not me ur phone is saying that
(He innocently pointed at phone)
Y/n took Her phone and left to her room to work
*Meanwhile at y/f /n*
Y/f/n just run past by taehyung to jimin
Jimin smiled at her
Jimin : baby wht happend
Y/f/n:- Baby!? Ur a baby huh! (Hit his arm playfully)...ahh can u see the man behind us!?
Jimin holded her waist and pulled her closer
Jimin whispered : then play along
Y/f/n was speechless
(She was adopted by his flirting nature but this was something of another level)
Y/f/n :- yah yah yah! (She hit his chest playfully)
That made jimin smile wider. Jimin just unable to control and kissed her
Y/f/n just widened her eyes as she was shocked and taehyung just can't stop staring at them
Y/f/n:- u little brat!
Y/f/n looked at him with disbelief
Y/f/n :- I'm gonna kill u
Jimin giggled
Jimin : I'd love to die in your arms my princess
Y/f/n:- ahh I can't even hit u anymore now! I told u to stop eating cheese ur becoming cheesy day by day
She said while pushing jimin and walking again
Jimin : I love u tooo baby.... Byeeee
He shooted a flying kiss
Y/f/n :- whatever.....
*Late night*
*At y/n's house*
Again that unknown sound coming
Whisper :AH AH AH
Y/n's head was blasting off
She didn't know what to do
She stared to cry
Whisper :AH AH AH
Y/n Also screams loud Due to the pain
Y/n : Ahhh!
Y/n threw the flower vase at that direction.
After few min y/n's door blast opened. And lights where switched on. Y/n was lying unconscious on floor.
Yoongi :- y/n!!!!!
He ran to her picking her up from the ground and placing in bed
Yoongi :- y/n.. Y/n...
The room is completely a disaster. Y/n opened her eyes. Yoongi got scared.
Yoongi :- are u ok!?
Y/n : hm... Yes... Thank u suga..
Yoongi :- should I call I ambulance! ?
Y/n : no it's OK I'm fine
Yoongi :- are u sure!?
Y/n : yes
Yoongi :- do u want me to say with u here!/
(He asked concerned innocently)
Y/n : it's OK... I am fine.. U can go now
Yoongi looked at her then nodded
Yoongi:- gn…~
Y/n : good night
When he left that sound came again.
Whisper :AH AH AH
Y/n tought of namjoon. She got out of the house and started to run towards his house. Whispers all over the way in her ears.
Whisper :AH AH AH
*At namjoon's house*
Y/n knocked the door
Namjoon opened the door with sleepy eyes.
NM:- y/n!?
Y/n instantly hugged Namjoon. Whisper stopped. He rubbed his eyes while hugging back y/n
Nam:- aww how sweet u just woke me up at 3am for a Hug!
(He softly tap y/n's back)
Y/n : I can't live like this anymore.... Somthing is calling me...
Y/n : my head hurts badly...
Y/n said while hugging him. Nam sighed
Nam :- Did u again got a bad dream!?
Y/n : I didn't even sleep from week...
Nam wide opened his eyes
Nam:- what are u kidding me!?
Nam:- get in first
Y/n : um... Ne..
Y/n got in..
he slowly closed the door.
Nam:- want something to drinking! ?
He said while moving towards his fridge
Y/n catched namjoon's hand : no
Nam stopped at his way And both of them sat on there couch.
Nam:- ok now tell me what happened huh!?
Y/n : *explains about the whispers*
Y/n : it's not letting me... . To sleep....
When she looked at Namjoon he was almost dosing off.
Nam:- ahh y/n... how many times I have to tell u it's all in ur head only....
Whisper :AH AH AH
Suddenly whispers came again. This time Namjoon herd it too.
Y/n : Ahhh my head
She held her head. And this time namjoon can heard it too but he didn't react.
Namjoon:- don't worry y/n its nothing just go to my room and rest
Y/n : what's wrong with me... Why am I only getting this... Am I the only one to hear this...
Nam:- don't worry y/n its just because ur too much stressed with work
Nam:- now goo to my room and sleep!
He forced her.
Y/n made puppy eyes at him.
Nam:- I say goo~
Y/n was still making that cute face at him
Nam:- ok ok just go I'll be coming I need a drink.
Y/n : ne ~
She went to his room and closed the door. As she did Namjoon ran our closing the main door.
Nam : what is she actually...
Whisper :AH AH AH
Nam:- stop it whatever ur doing....I don't knoe why ur doing this with her but just leave her alone!!!!
(He should to the whisper)
Whisper didn't stop. Namjoon took out his pendent and hold it in his hand and whisper something. And suddenly a invisible female figure starts burning.
Whisper: - Ah ah ah u can't kill me I'll be BACK|
and the sound stops while namjoon wear back his pendent again.
He straight enter into his room just to see y/n was sleeping peacefully. He smiled at her And slept on the couch in the room.