An Interesting Yule

The next three months flew by in a blur of classes and getting to know other First Years along with Cedric Diggory, that before I knew it Yule Break was coming up. It surprised me how close I became to Cedric in the last three months to the point that any free time I had from classes and the study group my First Year friends created was spent with him.

"You excited for Yule?" Neville asked breaking me from my thoughts causing me to focus back to the present where Neville, Cedric, Hannah, Susan, and I sat in a corner in our Common Room.

"More than ready! You guys?" I asked after answering getting mostly nods of agreement in return since we all planned to head home for Yule Break.

"Sirius has asked me to ask you all if you would like to come over the day after Yule?" I asked only now remembering the last letter Sirius had sent me that asked about inviting my friends over along with Remus and his plans for Yule Break.

"You know grandmother and I will be coming." Neville was the first to answer with a shrug of his shoulders as his attention turned back to the last bit of homework Sprout had given us the other day.

"I will have to ask my Aunt, but I don't think we will be able to come since she plans for us to visit family out of state." Susan answered next with a small frown causing me to wave it off so she knew I wasn't mad that she couldn't likely come.

"Same here but I know I won't be able to make it." Hannah offered next before moving closer to Neville to ask for help on the homework.

"My father won't mind but I will likely be coming alone if that is alright." Cedric said softly causing for my attention to once again focus fully on him alone.

"That shouldn't be a problem." I answered with smile getting a light chuckle in return.

Friend wise I had easily befriended Hannah, Susan, Cedric, Blaise, Dean and Seamus with Neville already being a friend and brother in all but blood. So a good number of friends for having only attended Hogwarts for three months.

"Well I am heading to bed, night everyone!" Neville called out with a yawn getting a goodnight from us all in return though Hannah and Susan ended up heading to bed not to long after.

"You alright?" Cedric asked now that it was just the two of us and really the fact he could notice something was wrong just showed how close the two of us had become.

"I just have this bad feeling about this year and the whole Third Floor Corridor issue." I answered truthfully.

In this time I hadn't befriended Hagrid since he was so loyal to Dumbledore, but I had seen both Ron and Hermione getting close to him and then getting detention one night letting me know that the whole Dragon incident happened.

"You know that you can talk to me about anything right?" Cedric asked next moving to sit beside me and pull me into his side for comfort.

"Of course I know that!" I answered slightly shocked that he didn't think I would trust him and truly I wish I could just show him how much I trust him.

"Holy Merlin." I gasped out a second later as his bare hand touched my own bare hand and an electric shock went through my body.

It wasn't until that moment that I realized any time we had hugged or touched in anyway (nothing perverted) we always had clothes between us. Meaning this was the first time we had touched skin to skin.

"What was that?!" I whisper shouted taking in his slightly shocked but happy facial expression leading me to believe he knew what just happened.

"That dear Bambi was a Soulmate Bond appearing." Cedric answered causing me to chock on air because seriously that was a thing?!

"I didn't know they existed." I answered seeing his reaction to my own and hoping to explain making him relax.

"We will need to talk to both of our guardians and Head of our Families so no Marriage Contract can be written with anyone other than each other." Cedric said next already moving to stand up causing my eyes to widen because this was happening really fast.

"Wait! Cedric is this even what you would have wanted?!" I questioned holding onto his arm making him turn toward me with a warm brilliant smile lighting up his face.

"These last three months have let me see the type of person you are Dorea and either way Soulmates are the other half of you, I am happy with this." Cedric answered as he pulled me into a tight hug before placing a kiss to my temple.

"I need to head on to bed after writing to my father, goodnight Bambi." Cedric said before moving away from me leaving me in a state of complete shock.

"Padfoot is going to kill him, forget Padfoot, he needs to hide from Moony!" I whispered to myself already feeling sorry for Cedric but knowing I would keep him safe from the two I saw as parents.


"WHAT DO YOU MEAN SHE HAS FOUND HER SOULMATE!?" Remus shouted causing Sirius to wince and calm his own rage as Remus's eyes began to glow gold.

"Now Moony if you would just take a moment to think about this." Sirius began for while he was angry he wasn't as upset knowing it was likely to happen from the feelings Dorea expressed in her letter without realizing it when it came to the boy.

"THINK ABOUT IT?! HAVE YOU LOST YOUR FUCKING MIND SIRIUS ORION BLACK?! OUR BABY GIRL JUST FOUND HER SOULMATE AND THIS BOY THINKS HE CAN JUST WALK IN AND TAKE OUR BABY FROM US?!" Remus continued to shout making Sirius sigh in defeat knowing there was only one way he could defuse the situation for now.

"Forgive me Moony old pal." Sirius whispered before sending a stunner at the Werewolf while he was distracted ranting at the letter about all the ways he would end the Diggory boy.

"Bambi owes me big for doing that." Sirius said to himself as he levitated his friend to his room while humming a tune under his breath.