Time Skip: Fourth Year

Remus and Sirius ended up taking it easier than I thought they would when it came to finally sit down and sign a Magical Binding Marriage Contract to be fulfilled by the time I was seventeen, though Cedric was now terrified of balloons thanks to one of their pranks on him. The rest of First Year flew by as I played to Dumbles strings to keep him in the dark by protecting the Stone and getting rid of Riddle with the help of Neville and Cedric, neither boy would let me do anything dangerous alone.

Second Year it took only the right planning to get the Diary from Ginny's cauldron and then paying the Goblin's to retrieve the Ring and Cup. Sirius was the Black Lord and I was his Heiress meaning he had a claim on the Lestrange Vault with them being locked in Azkaban, and he had made it known I had full rights to all Vaults under his name and control to the Goblin's. The destruction of the Ring, Locket, Diary, Diadem, Cup, and the one in my scar took place that All Hallows Eve of my Second Year with no one being the wiser, all but Neville and Cedric anyway as they once again stood beside me as I took on Riddle making the Ritual stronger as they lent their magic into it, now only the main Soul piece of Riddle was left.

"Could have gone worse." I muttered under my breath even as I winced since I knew the Basilisk had to be taken care of.

So I had taken a crate full of roosters into the chamber and let them kill it before using parseltongue, that I still had, to double check. Third Year was nothing special what with Sirius not breaking out of Azkaban since he wasn't ever sent there, though Cedric had taken me on our first official date now that I could go to Hogsmeade.

"Ready for our Fourth Year?" Neville asked breaking me from my thoughts surrounding the last three years making me blink.

"More than ready though I do fear that something is going to happen." I answered with a slight grimace knowing this would be the year that would really prove if things had changed or not.

I refused to let the men I had come to love die; he didn't deserve it and if that meant I had to stun him before taking the cup alone than I would do so. Anything to make sure he lived, to make sure my other half of my very being was safe.

"You are planning something." Neville commented with a sigh making me wave away his comment with a warning look as Sirius and Remus came bounding down the stairs with wide smiles.

"YOU BOTH READY FOR THE WORLD CUP?!" Sirius yelled making Remus, Neville, and I flinch back even as Remus leaned back over to smack him on the back of his head.

"We were waiting for the two of you old men." I teased making Sirius fake a gasp as he sent an offended hurt look that had Neville bursting out in laughter.

"We are meeting with the Weasley and Diggory family so we must be going now if we want to get to the portkey in time." Remus warned and with it being as early as it was I knew he was right as I moved to Sirius side so he could apparate us to the Weasley house.

"BAMBI!" Fred and George shouted with glee as they shot forward to pull me into a hug before whispering their thanks.

Once we had become friends at the end of my First year I had set up an area in my Lab at the Manor for them to use for their pranks so their mother couldn't destroy their hard work anymore. It was something I had never agreed with, and now I could help make sure she didn't ruin all their hard work.

"Time to go!" Mr. Weasley warned and so began the trek to the old nasty boot while ignoring Ron and Hermione who had tried to befriend me for the last three years along with ignoring Ginny's hero worship gaze.

"Little Red!" Cedric's voice brought a smile to my face even as I shot Hermione and Ginny a warning look as they shared a glance over Cedric even as I left Neville's side to hug Cedric.

"Hey Blue Eyes." I teased with a warm smile as I stood on my tiptoes in order to place a light innocent kiss to his lips ignoring Sirius and Remus's fake gagging in the background.


"That was an amazing game!" I shouted with excitement because just like the original Harry I had joined the Quidditch Team my First Year thanks to Draco, some things had stayed the same concerning the last three years that weren't as important or major in the grand scheme of things. Only I wasn't the seeker, no I was one of the chasers for Hufflepuff with Cedric being the seeker for our team.

"I can't wait to try that move myself." Cedric agreed as his arm stayed wrapped around my waist as he placed a kiss to my temple.

"Thanks for warning us to not bet with Bagmen." Fred and George said as one as they stood behind Cedric and I making me give them a nod of understanding.

All I really had to do was point out his weird behavior and the likelihood of him taking them for fools. I also made sure to point out the Goblin's who seemed to be watching Bagmen to make them second guess giving the man their hard earned money.

"Well time to head back to the Manor." Sirius said catching everyone's attention and that was one small thing that had change because instead of staying the night as in canon we would all be going back to the Black Manor.

"LETS GO!" Neville cheered with Charlie and Bill which was a surprising turn of things.

But before I knew it we were back at the Manor and everyone was either heading to bed or starting to celebrate the Irish's win.

"You know I love you right?" Cedric asked me making me hum in thought before laughing as he sent me a look.

"Of course, I love you to. Always." I answered before wrapping my arms around his neck so I could pull him down into a loving kiss.

"Goodnight Blue Eyes." I whispered as I pulled away to head to my room my mind already moving on how best to keep him safe this coming year.