The First Task

Being forced to follow after the other two Champions into the room set aside for this purpose let my mind drift to the positive in this situation, Cedric would be safe. Entering the room I barely spared Fleur a look as I moved to sit in the only arm chair available as the adults came rushing in behind me to talk about this twist.

"I do not believe that she could be emancipated, she tricked someone into entering her!" Igor Karkaroff shouted with a sneer making me raise an eyebrow even as I crossed one leg over the other.

"I am Lord Potter along with being Lord Gryffindor, Lord Peverell, and Lord Slytherin so watch how you speak to me." I warned causing all eyes to widen around me at just how much power I held in our world.

"Where is the proof?" Fleur asked before her Headmistress could stop her making me send a look of disdain at the Half Veela.

"Is this proof enough then?" I asked with sarcasm as I flashed the Lordship Rings that rested on my fingers only appearing as I called them forward to be seen.

"That would be enough proof." Dumbledore answered trying to ease the tension now filling the air and stopping Snape from saying whatever he would have said.

The next thirty minutes was spent going over just what it meant to be a Champion along with the first clue for the first task causing me to sigh in relief once we were released from the room.

"You alright Love?" Cedric asked once he laid eyes on me from where he was leaning against the wall making me send him a thankful smile as I moved to hug him needing it after the disaster that just happened.

"I'm fine now Blue Eyes." I answered truthfully as he wrapped his arms around me letting me seek comfort in his embrace.

"Any idea on what you will be facing?" Cedric asked making me hum in thought since I did in fact know what was going to come.

And now that there was only three of us it made me wonder which three dragons would be brought here for the task. But knowing my luck I would still end up with the deadliest one, the Hungarian Horntail.

"You act like a mother Dragon sometimes with your worry Blue Eyes." I teased instead knowing the walls had ears making his eyes harden in realization even as he let out a huff of laughter to cover it up.

"Then let this mother Dragon teach you just how to deal with me then." Cedric teased as he pulled me up and further into the castle as he headed for the Room of Requirements where Neville awaited us along with Sirius and Remus.

"So?!" Sirius asked with worry as we stepped into the room making me send him a soft smile full of love.

"It seems you are looking at the Third Champion, I also have to face a mother Dragon to get a golden egg in the first task." I answered simply knowing I could trust them and not fear oversharing since they had become used to it and trusted me.

"I'll start researching in the Black Family Library then." Remus stated as he grabbed Sirius arm to drag him forward so both could pull me into a tight hug and kiss my forehead before they left so Dumbledore wouldn't get suspicious.

"I can begin looking into Hogwarts Library while Cedric helps you learn more physical spells and to keep up your strength and stamina, and I don't mean that in a perverted way." Neville offered next hugging both Cedric and I before he left to begin searching leaving Cedric and I alone once again.

"Always and Forever Little Red." Cedric said simply as he pulled me into his arms holding me close to his chest as he placed a kiss to my temple.

"Always and Forever Blue Eyes." I agreed as I placed my own kiss against his chest right against where I could hear his heart beating.


The nervousness I thought I would be feeling along with the fear never came as I sat there calmly between Sirius and Remus with Neville and Cedric having joined us before I had to leave to start the First Task.

"You got this in the bag Bambi." Remus reassured while Sirius held me in a tight hug making me let out a light laugh in agreement.

"It's a good thing Dragons understand parseltongue." I agreed hinting at how I planned to deal with this issue making both men relax further.

"Miss Potter-Black it is time." McGonagall called out making me be passed around one last time for hugs and well wishes before I followed her to where the other Champions waited.

"Ladies first!" Bagman said cheerfully and with a shrug did I allow Fleur to go first and of course she pulled out the same one she had in the movies.

With only slight trepidation did I reach forward and pull out a miniature life like Dragon, the complete deadpan look on my face as I locked eyes with the Hungarian Horntail was so obvious it caused the others to send me a look of confusion.

"Some things have to stay the same it seems." I muttered as I sat there waiting for both Krum and Fleur to take their turns getting their eggs as I focused on just how I planned to get through this without getting hurt.

"AND OUR LAST CHAMPION FACING AGAINST THE HUNGARIAN HORNTAIL IS DOREA POTTER-BLACK!!" Bagman called out getting the crowd screaming in excitement as I stepped out and having eyes only for the Dragon before me.

'Easy there Beautiful, I am not here to hurt you or your young. The other humans have placed a fake egg in your nest that I am tasked with taking.' I hissed out after placing a sonorous on myself making everyone fall deathly silent as we all watched how the Dragon would react.

'THEY HAVE DONE WHAT?! TAKE IT! REMOVE THE FAKE EGG FROM MY NEST AND YOUNG IMMEDIATELY!' The mother Dragon hissed in rage and so without further ado I stepped forward and completed the task in not only the shortest amount of time but without even getting a scratch on me, take that Dumbles.