Meeting Cai Yinong (4)

"In the beginning, I just wanted to create a dynamic female character, Liang Mu Cheng. A kind and naive girl, she has a pureness which is second to none.

She doesn't shed tears often but when she does her crystal-like tears have the ability to sweep away pain and lust.

She loves the idea of true love, she's never discouraged in the face of difficulties and is full of passion, justice, strength and optimism. She hides all her regret and sadness behind a calm smile.

But when the script was done, I thought deeper.

What is happiness? From person to person, the meaning of happiness differs. But one thing in common is that happiness is the best pursuit in life.

That's how I came up with the train analogy:

[Some people's lives are like direct trains.]

[Others indirect. They have to pass through many stations in the middle and experience many situations.]

[Some go to the wrong platform and miss their train. Missing the scenery outside their window and the person that would have sat beside them.]

[But some make it, though unsure who the next person to sit next to them will be.]

Mu Cheng, is a girl who doesn't know where she'll get off the train and doesn't dare to relax for fear of falling asleep.

Guang Xi, is a guy who just rides the train to it's destination and can't decide his own direction in life.

The two don't know where their happiness will lead them, so they cherish each other. Unfortunately, the frustrations of life cause many twists and turns in the love between the two, and also makes the two's pursuit of happiness longer and longer.

But in the end, everyone will reach their own happiness terminal. And the journey during this period is exactly the story of happiness I want to tell... "

Looking at Jiang Cheng, who talked eloquently, though Cai Yinong had no expression on her face, she was sighing in her heart: This was a truly talented young man!

Not only had the script been analyzed in the most concise manner but he easily explained the thematic meaning, exposing many things Cai Yinong hadn't even noticed after reading the script several times. It was only after listening to Jiang Cheng that she suddenly realized, grasping the deeper meaning.

Another idol drama, had been Cai Yinong's first thoughts when Xu Yiming pitched it to her over the phone.

Although the concept of a mainland idol drama was just taking shape with the popularity of [Meteor Garden], Cai Yinong, who had many years of work experience across both sides of the Taiwan Strait, had long understood the concept of an idol drama.

They basically consisted of a small number of episodes, a large number of beautiful-looking actors, modeling costumes, idol artists suitable for a young audience, many delicate love scenes and a simple plot.

The biggest difference between idol dramas and soap dramas or other dramas that were popular on TV was that the first emphasis of an idol drama wasn't the tension of the script, nor the performance of the actors, but their appearance and fame.

However, Jiang Cheng's script was different from the idol dramas in Cai Yinong's mind.

When she saw the script, Cai Yinong knew instantly that the drama was bound to be a hit, which was why she was pursuing it with her full strength and even came to meet the author personally.

But learning his age, she had some doubts about whether the script was actually written by him.

But now, she felt sure that the young man in front of her was the author of the script, otherwise it would be impossible for him to have such profound insight into it.

After listening to Jiang Cheng's explanation of the script, she couldn't help saying: "Little Jiang, you have a very good grasp of the script. It's clear to see you've devoted a lot of effort into this! I can only say that you are a truly talented young man!"

Jiang Cheng smiled a little shyly: "Thank you! Sister Cai."

"You deserve the praise!" Cai Yinong said solemnly, "However, Little Jiang, I'm a little bit puzzled." Although when reading the script, the location of the characters aren't very clear, if you look closely, you will still find traces of Taiwan. Did you use to live in Taiwan?"

"Yes." Jiang Cheng nodded. "My mother is Taiwanese and she used to live in Taiwan before coming to the mainland with her parents. We go on holiday there a lot so it's basically my second home at this point. So, when I wrote the script, I must have unconsciously added parts from Taiwan. Hahaha I didn't even notice."

"Ahh, no wonder! "Cai Yinong smiled. At this point, she had no doubts in her heart. Certain, she gave her assistant Milan a wink.

Milan, who had just been listening in till now, after seeing Cai Yinong's signal, smiled at Jiang Cheng:

"Mr. Jiang, now we've got to know each other. I believe you know that the main purpose of our visit is to buy the script. I wonder what are your thoughts on selling Autumn's Concerto?"

"If you weren't so busy questioning me, we could have got to this point ages ago." Jiang Cheng couldn't help thinking to himself.

He smiled and said: "Of course, I don't mind selling the script to Shanghai Tangren, I just hope you can produce an excellent show from it, but I need to know how much your company is going to invest into the show and how much I'll earn per episode?"

"Good questions, the contract has been prepared, please take a look." Milan replied as she took out an already prepared contract from her briefcase and handed it to Jiang Cheng.


[Shanghai Tangren Films & Television Co., Ltd is hereby-after 'Party A' and Jiang Cheng is hereby-after 'Party B']

[Party A will wholly invest into the TV series and will ensure that no less than ¥8 million yuan in production fees is invested, not including actor appearance fees and Party B's signing fee...]

[Party A will pay upfront for all manuscripts at once.... ]

[Guaranteeing that the whole drama is no less than the 21 episodes presented in the project case, the price of each episode will be a base amount of ¥10,000 yuan but the script content must be enough to shoot more than 60 minutes of film.....]

[In the result of excellent ratings...]

[If Party A unilaterally proposes cancellation to Party B, or Party A violates any of the terms stipulated, Party A will be held liable by Party B. By then, Party A must pay Party B a termination fee of ¥1 million yuan on top of any existing fees owed.....]


Jiang Cheng read through the contract in his hand and was surprised. Shanghai Tangren was really courageous. Such a generous contract, no one in their right mind would refuse.

"I've read the contract and it's truly generous especially as a newcomer, I'm very satisfied." Jiang Cheng said putting down the contract, showing a pleased smile to Cai Yinong and Milan.

Cai Yinong smiled gracefully: "Little Jiang, since there are no issues, let's sign the contract now."

"Okay, Sister Cai."

Nodding, the two parties signed the contract. Afterwards, Jiang Cheng took out the printed 13-episode scripts from the schoolbag he had brought with him and gave it to the two. Shanghai Tangren already had the other 8 scripts from when he sent them as a preview. So with this they would have their 21 episodes.

After signing the contract, the two parties were no doubt closer and the two sides continued to chat.

Cai Yinong took a sip of coffee and said to Jiang Cheng: "Little Jiang, now you've seen our filming plan. Any suggestions for the drama?"

Jiang Cheng thought for a while, and said rightly: "The story focuses on the shaping of the characters, so the actors must be selected carefully. They can't be the same as other idol dramas, only focusing on appearance and not skill. Especially the heroine, Mu Cheng is pure and kind, revealing strength and innocence simultaneously, it requires an actor with good looks and acting skills, not just the former."

Cai Yinong nodded in agreement. They had to have higher requirements for the actors this time round in order to pull this off and live up to the script.

Thinking, Cai Yinong asked: "Do you have any candidates in mind?"

Jiang Cheng thought about it and replied: "What about Sun Li from your company, she's beautiful, fits the innocent and pure vibe and has good acting skills, just right for the role."

Cai Yinong smiled a little embarrassed: "Unfortunately she can't, she'll be busy shooting [Legendary Fighter: Yang's Heroine] in the second half of the year and her schedule can't be shifted!"

"Ohh." Jiang Cheng said slightly disappointed, but then he suddenly thought of someone, "Have you seen [Meteor Garden]?"

"Of course." Cai Yinong nodded but then suddenly understanding what Jiang Cheng was referring to, "Little Jiang, you mean....Barbie Hsu?"

Jiang Cheng nodded, "Yes, her performance as Dong Shan Cai was well-formed and she is also a girl with a strong personality. She has a lot in common with Mu Cheng. I believe she can do it."

Although Jiang Cheng didn't like to use big stars very much, she was undoubtedly the best candidate currently.

Nodding, Cai Yinong asked again: "What about the male lead?"

"Ren Guang Xi, because of the shadow cast by his childhood, views the world in his eyes as hypocritical and despicable, he is a little cold in temperament, so those actors who look like sunlight and like the boy next door won't work. It needs to be someone who initially looks cold and ruthless but innately kind when he smiles. I think Wallace Huo would be a good fit."

Thinking of Wallace Huo and comparing him with the impression of Ren Guang Xi in her head, Cai Yinong felt satisfied.

She had to say, the two recommended by Jiang Cheng, whether in temperament or appearance they matched the male and female protagonists perfectly.

They finished discussing the other characters as the meeting began drawing to a close.

Looking at Jiang Cheng, Cai Yinong suddenly asked: "Little Jiang, how would you like to sign with Shanghai Tangren?"