Meeting Cai Yinong (1)

Hengdian, Hengdian World Studios.

President Cai Yinong slowly leaned back in her chair, relieved.

Recently, Shanghai Tangren was busy filming 'Legendary Fighter: Yang's Heroine'. So she had to worry about balancing the size of the crew whilst managing company affairs. Being personally involved in everything left her feeling knackered.

As the company's president, she shouldn't have needed to be so involved. Unfortunately, Shanghai Tangren had only been established for three years. They started too late. At present, there were too few people in the company and even less could be used. As the president, Cai Yinong had to take up several positions to slowly support the company.

Although the company was established late, Shanghai Tangren in the past few years, had produced several popular works such as:

Suzhou Second Tolerance

The Legendary Siblings

Legend of Heaven and Earth, the Beauty Mermaid

Legend of Heaven and Earth, the Lotus Lantern

All of which got good responses. Legendary Fighter: Yang's Heroine, which was currently being filmed and produced, brought together a large number of excellent actors and film and television producers from both sides of the Taiwan Strait. Only by strengthening their foothold in the entertainment circle, could Shanghai Tangren usher in further vigorous development after which she could finally rest.

So due to the importance of Legendary Fighter: Yang's Heroine, Shanghai Tangren was in an overloaded state of operation. Everything revolved around the production of the show to ensure its excellence.

Cai Yinong would inspect the crew every day. She even took to checking trivial matters personally. Sometimes she also felt that she was a little too nervous, but whenever she thought of how much was invested into the show and the future development of Shanghai Tangren, she couldn't help being nervous.

At this time, Cai Yinong's phone suddenly rang, Cai Yinon frowned slightly and picked up the phone, the caller ID showed: Xu Yiming - Project department.

So late, what could he be calling about?

Answering the call, he heard Xu Yiming excitedly say, "Boss, are you busy?"

Cai Yinong frowned slightly. Why was he so excited?

"No I'm not busy, what happened?"

"That's great! Please turn on your computer. I found a great script today, I sent it to you. You should hurry and have a look! It's excellent!" Xu Yiming said quickly.

Xu Yiming was the director of the company's project department. He was responsible for selecting scripts. He had worked for many years and had a unique vision. Since he said it was a great script, it must be good.

The company was currently lacking in good film and television projects. If it was really worthwhile, they could take it on for next year.

Switching on her computer and connecting the ethernet cable, she opened up the script folder on the company's internal LAN network. There was a new script file.

"Autumn's Concerto?" The name is pretty good." Cai Yinong said to herself. "Well let's see what the contents like."


[Some people's lives are like direct trains.]

[Others indirect. They have to pass through many stations in the middle and experience many situations.]

[Some go to the wrong platform and miss their train. Missing the scenery outside their window and the person that would have sat beside them.]

[But some make it, though unsure who the next person to sit next to them will be.]

[Which leads to my question. Can one truly love another till death does them apart? ]


Cai Yinong was quickly drawn in. Her eyes showed dignity and brilliance. After reading the script for the pilot episode several times, she immediately picked up the next script and read it carefully. It was not until all eight episode scripts were finished that Cai Yinong moved her eyes away from the computer screen.

Rubbing her temples to relieve her slightly buzzing head, Cai Yinong said to herself again: "When was the last time I saw a script like this?"

After years of experience and countless scripts, Cai Yinong could instantly tell the script was excellent and had great potential to sell.

Picking up the phone, she dialed Xu Yiming.

"How is it? Xu Yiming knew that Cai Yinong must have finished reading the script and asked quickly.

Cai Yinong replied, still looking at the computer screen: "Who wrote the script?"

"Someone sent it to our company two days ago and it was sent to me after one of the teams discovered it."

"Fast track ​​contacting the author, we must get this script, it will be our main focus for next year, notify the planning department.

"Put the script on file and after the script is bought, immediately start preparations. You will be the producer in charge of this drama."

"Hahaha, yes" Xu Yiming said excitedly. "You can rest assured I'll get the script."

Cai Yinong thought for a while and said, "Contact the author and invite him out. I will return to Shanghai tomorrow. I want to see him."

"Got it, boss."

The two spoke a few more words and ended the call.

As Xu Yiming rushed to prepare, Cai Yinong opened the script again and re-read it murmuring: "We definitely need to get this."