Trending: [Stories About The Ming Dynasty] (1)

After he rushed home, Jiang Cheng collapsed into the sofa.


Slowly letting out a deep breath and relaxing, he began to review bits and pieces of the meeting with Cai Yinong today.

What an outstanding woman!

She took control of the meeting right from the beginning, observing him and subtly displaying her doubts about him. Fortunately, his foundation was solid enough, to not only dispel her doubts but reduce her control, making the situation more balanced.

And it should have ended there, but who knew she would suddenly propose to sign him, throwing him off his game slightly, making him reveal his interest which gave her a slight upper hand.

Sure enough this was the class of someone well-known in the industry, intelligent and observant!

But ultimately the situation wasn't too important, because his ultimate goal was to be a director!

Although he could only start with acting now, it wasn't too big a contradiction. After all, even those from Shanghai Drama Academy's - Directing Department, wouldn't find it easy to become a director.

They could start out as an assistant director, if they were lucky, but in a film crew there could be multiple assistant directors, many of whom were actually miscellaneous. If they had good work quality and connections they could be promoted to an actual assistant director and be responsible for a part of filming.

Slowly rising in their role as assistant director and finally winning the trust of investors, they could be made a director but not a film or TV director probably a director for a short film or a music video! Only when they were truly famous or earned them enough money would a studio risk letting them become a film or TV director.

This was a path many well-known directors had taken, step by step.

However, Jiang Cheng had chosen another path, that is, he would first become well known as a screenwriter and actor and then become a director. There were actually a lot of directors like this, for example Mel Gibson, the guy even won an Oscar!

But currently these were just goals, things had to be done step by step.

The current focus now was to post [Stories About The Ming Dynasty] online!

He wanted the book to gain some fame before it was published.

Currently if you wanted to publish a book, you would first recommend the book to a publishing house, they would look through it, publish it and advertise it for a cut of the profits. But now thanks to the internet things were becoming easier. Many books of this generation were being made popular on the Internet first, before then being picked up and having physical copies made. And the publishing house came to see you!

Originally, since his father, Jiang Dejun was the chairman of a publishing house, there was no need to be so troublesome.

However, Jiang Cheng wanted to gain his own fame first, and when people were talking about [Stories About The Ming Dynasty] then he would tell Jiang Dejun that he was the author 'Bright Moon'! He believed his father's face would be quite wonderful to behold!

But this meant answering another big question, where to post the book? At this time, online literature was just sprouting. The future was still unknown for it and even the future giants of the industry such as Qidian and hadn't been founded yet but there were of course alternatives, for example a site Jiang Cheng remembered-Tianya Club.

Tianya Club was an online community under Hainan Tianya Online Ltd founded in 1999. Since its inception, with its open and inclusive nature, it had grown to become the respected home of many Chinese netizens. After two years of development, it had built on its forums to include blogs, microblogs, photo albums, personal spaces, a music section and news stations. With a comprehensive virtual community, it was somewhat ahead of its time.

The author Wang Yi, had even posted his novel [The 21st Century Chaotic Thief] on there before it was eventually picked up and published by Guantian Teahouse two months ago. Showing just how great an influence netizens and the internet would have in the future. So with all this, if Jiang Cheng posted [Stories About The Ming Dynasty] on at this time, it wouldn't appear too abrupt.

Jiang Cheng glanced at the Tianya Community Creations list and finally locked his eyes on the 'Original Stories' section.

First, he created a new account, then created a post with the name [Stories About The Ming Dynasty] before adding the tagline "History should be fun to read" in red font. Then he uploaded a couple of the initial chapters, more than ten thousand words of content before posting.

After all this, Jiang Cheng found that it was almost ten o'clock. Tired after such a long day, he called it quits and headed to sleep.

Unbeknownst to him [Stories About The Ming Dynasty] would soon cause an uproar online! Faster than he could have ever predicted!