Contract Signing (2)

In fact, Cai Yinong had been musing over whether to call or not. Originally, she was very optimistic about Jiang Cheng. He was a talent who could both act and write, if he joined Shanghai Tangren, she knew it would be a great addition to the firm, so she was very much hoping that Jiang Cheng would accept her offer and sign to Shanghai Tangren.

But, Jiang Cheng's behavior after their meeting was truly irritating. He said he would go back and think over it but then there was nothing from him. He neither agreed nor disagreed.

What did he think Shanghai Tangren was?

Although they weren't insanely massive they were still a prominent firm in the domestic scene and they were growing rapidly. So being seemingly brushed aside like nothing left her feeling somewhat indingant and she refused to contact Jiang Cheng first.

But it didn't take long for Cai Yinong to hear that Jiang Cheng was actually the author of the popular novel [Stories About The Ming Dynasty] and she was shocked again.

She had witnessed Jiang Cheng's talent firsthand, so she knew right from the beginning that [Stories About The Ming Dynasty] was written by Jiang Cheng, despite the rumors and allegations that followed after his announcement and sure enough, Jiang Cheng later proved himself.

Cai Yinong knew that Jiang Cheng was a talented writer, but she didn't expect him to write a book, let alone a historical novel at that. And it actually blew up becoming massively popular.

She knew Jiang Cheng was destined to become a star with his talent and this was just testament to that, he was bound to begin catching people's eyes at this rate. Which was exactly what she didn't want!

Cai Yinong wasn't an ordinary person, she was filled with drive and ambition so despite how she felt about Tang Yan's response to her initial offer. She quickly picked up the phone and made a call to Jiang Cheng. No matter what the result, it was better to have tried than to have just let him slip through her fingers.

Seeing Cai Yinong calling, Jiang Cheng suddenly felt a little embarrassed. Recently, he had been so busy with [Stories About The Ming Dynasty] that he had completely forgotten about her offer to sign him to Shanghai Tangren.

"Hey, Sister Cai. How are you?" Jiang Cheng said, picking up the call.

"I have been so busy writing and publishing my book recently."

"Are you calling about signing to Shanghai Tangren?"

"Ahhh I'm so embarrassed to say that it slipped my mind."

"How about this, let's meet tomorrow."

"Yeah sure, bring the contract, let's talk tomorrow."

Jiang Cheng had already told his parents about selling [Autumn's Concerto] and Shanghai Tangren's offer to sign him. At which, Jiang Dejun and Gao Linlan had nothing more to express except for a little surprise, Jiang Cheng's recent actions had shocked them enough already.

And after Jiang Cheng explained the importance of film and television media in detail, Jiang Dejun was now more accepting of Jiang Cheng entering the film industry.

Researching and running background on Shanghai Tangren, Jiang Dejun also held a good impression of the company, he expressed his opinion but asked Jiang Cheng to make his own decision. Jiang Cheng was already interested and leaning towards signing with Shanghai Tangren, and so when he heard that Jiang Dejun and Gao Linlan weren't against it, he made up his mind.


Jiang Cheng and Cai Yinong, along with her assistant met at the same Starbucks cafe but the atmosphere was different. The status of both parties had changed, Jiang Cheng felt more confident than a month ago.

Looking at the young but astute face in front of him, Cai Yinong couldn't help but sigh in her heart: Sure enough, the situation had changed.

There were no polite words between the two parties when they met. Cai Yinong asked Milan to take out the proposed contract before handing it over to Jiang Cheng.

The contract from Shanghai Tangren was extremely generous. The signing bonus was ¥500,000 yuan and the contract duration was three years. They were even offering him 5.5% on royalties for his future scripts. This was an insane contract for a newcomer.

Jiang Cheng instantly lost the last bits of hesitation he was having about signing. A half a million yuan signing bonus was generous but what really got him was the 5.5% royalty cut which was absolutely unprecedented for a newcomer. That was the rate of a veteran, someone who had written multiple scripts and had reputable accolades to his name.

Although a standard salary wasn't bad, compared to getting royalties on a popular film or tv show, it really couldn't compare. Even if your movie only made a $1 million, you would earn at least $55,000 from the box office and that's before reruns on TV and selling DVDs and merchandise.

And not stopping it there, Shanghai Tangren actually put in a clause allowing Jiang Cheng to suggest and put forward his own amendments to the show/film.

At which if his suggestion was adopted, then Shanghai Tangren would provide a consultation bonus!

If the contract was made public, it would definitely attract jealousy from other newcomers and even among some veterans.

Originally, Jiang Cheng reading that the contract duration was three years, was a little hesitant but reading all the benefits they were offering, it made sense they would want to hold onto him as long as possible and recoup their investment.

He had nothing to pick at from the contract, he was more than satisfied.

"It's a very good deal. Unprecedented for a newcomer probably. I am very satisfied! Then Sister Cai, let's sign the contract now!"Jiang Cheng said to Cai Yinong with satisfaction after reading the contract.

And with that both parties signed the contract and Jiang Cheng became a screenwriter and actor under Shanghai Tangren.

After signing the contract, the distance between the two parties immediately decreased, and Cai Yinong said with a smile: "Acheng, what are your plans for the future?"

Jiang Cheng thought for a while and replied: "I'm focused on writing right now and finishing off my book but after [Stories About The Ming Dynasty] is published and I hold the book signing. I plan to quiet down, go to school and study for a while."

Cai Yinong looked at him admiringly and nodded. This was what she was hoping for, although Jiang Cheng was on a roll right now this was all in writing. He was still a newcomer in acting and needed to finish off his studies. It was great that he was sober and not drunk on his sudden success. He was still young and needed to continue sharpening himself.

"I think that's a great plan, I plan to announce that you've signed under Shanghai Tangren after October, when we begin filming for [Autumn's Concerto]." Cai Yinong said while smiling at him.

Jiang Cheng nodded. Smart move, it seemed that this time he had really found the right company!