Press Conference [Autumn's Concerto]

The news that Shanghai Tangren was about to start filming on a new idol drama got out and received widespread attention.

In recent years, Shanghai Tangren had developed well. Since its establishment in 1998, they had produced a large number of films and television shows to good responses.

Just earlier this year, [Legendary Fighter: Yang's Heroine] had received a lot of attention, being named a must-see TV series even though it was still in production.

They had also gained attention with their announcement that they would be filming [The Book and Sword, Gratitude and Revenge] an adaptation of Jin Yong's book - [The Book and the Sword] next year.

People hadn't expected that with [Legendary Fighter: Yang's Heroine] not even finished yet, they would start on another new drama, with plans for [The Book and Sword, Gratitude and Revenge] not being shelved or cancelled. Shanghai Tangren sure had great courage!

As a matter of practice, Shanghai Tangren immediately announced a list of the main crew and cast: Announcing the directors, screenwriters, producers, male and female leads, and big-name supporting guest roles.

However, Jiang Cheng's identity as the 2nd male lead was concealed.

The idea was Cai Yinong and Shanghai Tangrens, they would wait until the news conference to announce Jiang Cheng's acting role in the show, borrowing from Jiang Cheng's current popularity to increase the show's publicity.

The idea was quite savvy.

The announcement of the main cast and crew was already causing an uproar!


▣ "Whose Director Zhang Da, it says he's a director at Shanghai Tangren, but I swear I've never heard of him before"

↳ "I don't know but I doubt it'll make a difference, the main producers are Cai Yinong, Li Guoli, and Xu Yiming. All big names at Shanghai Tangren."

▣ "Wow Vic Chou is in it and so is Barbie Hsu along with her sister, Dee Hsu!"

↳ "You guys are missing the point, did you see who was listed in the credits as the creator/screenwriter?! Jiang Cheng, pseudonym-Bright Moon!!!

↳ "Are you kidding me? Are you sure it's thee Bright Moon?

↳ "Obviously, what other writer called Jiang Cheng do you know with the pseudonym - Bright Moon."

Jiang Cheng was only a teenager but he had already become a best selling author but even that didn't seem to satisfy him, he was even expanding out to become a screenwriter, and his debut show had even been picked up by Shanghai Tangren!

Such talent was too devilish and many couldn't help questioning it.

▣ "Please, open your eyes and take a good look! He's only seventeen years old, is it so easy to be a writer? Do you know how complex and time consuming it is to create characters and build a world around them but what, he already has two books out, and still has time to write a script? Is he a God?

There has to be a ghostwriter behind him and if there isn't, there must be a problem with the quality of this drama. No one can be that productive, even if they are a genius. There is a limit! Shanghai Tangren have looked away this time, and let the ball roll away from them!"

↳ "Has Bright Moon ever cheated us though? Last time I doubted whether he was the author of [Stories About The Ming Dynasty]. But didn't he prove himself with an "On-site Ming History Debate"? Everyone doubted that his martial arts novel would succeed, but when [Kunlun] came out, look how many people were competing to buy and read it?"

"Now he's just become a screenwriter, what is the big deal. Shanghai Tangren's catalogue has been solid, the quality of their films and television dramas over the past few years is obvious to all. Why would they put their money on a script that isn't any good? If you're jealous just say you are and move on!"

A debate was sparked online as two camps formed on the announcement that Jiang Cheng was the writer of [Autumn's Concerto], the two camps started to attack each other, indirectly making [Autumn's Concerto] trend, increasing its publicity. The first group was made up of Jiang Cheng's fans who called themselves [Alum].


October 9.

The news conference for [Autumn's Concerto] was being held today. Dozens of media outlets and hundreds of reporters came to crowd the halls of the news conference. 

Countless camera flashes lit up the room. Cai Yinong, Li Guoli, Vic Chou, Barbie Hsu and Dee Hsu were used to the scene, and didn't react much. Jiang Cheng also behaved indifferently, this scene was still small compared with what he had seen out in Hollywood. Only Hu Ge, who was new and tender, couldn't adapt.

And worse for him was that Jiang Cheng actually pulled him along into the seat next to him. He was just a supporting role so generally speaking, he should have been sat close to the edge, leaving the spotlight to the big names. But now Jiang Cheng actually had him sat so far forward, attracting attention, which left him slightly uncomfortable.

But Hu Ge still thanked Jiang Cheng in his heart. Without Jiang Cheng's recommendation, he wouldn't have been able to sign with Shanghai Tangren so quickly, nor would he have been appreciated by Cai Yinong, getting a chance to audition, and eventually get the role of Jacko. It could be said that without Jiang Cheng's strong support, he wouldn't even have a seat at the table.

For this Hu Ge swore in his heart, he would find an opportunity to repay him in the future.

"Why are you two standing about? Go and get prepared, the press conference is starting soon!" Cai Yinong said.

"Got it!"

The press conference soon began. After briefly introducing [Autumn's Concerto] and the creative staff of Shanghai Tangren, it was the reporter's turn to ask questions.

At the beginning, the questions were mainly directed at Cai Yinong, Li Guoli, Vic Chou, Barbie Hsu, Dee Hsu and director Zhang Da, whilst Jiang Cheng was ignored.

But it didn't take too long before some focus began to shift onto Jiang Cheng.

"I would like to ask Jiang Cheng, oh, I mean Bright Moon….actually what should we call you?"

A reporter called out stumbling over Jiang Cheng's two identities, he didn't know if he should call his real name or his pen name.

Everyone was amused by this and the hall fell into light laughter, Jiang Cheng also chuckled: "It doesn't matter which name you call me by, but since today I am here as a screenwriter, it's better to call my real name. After all, everyone else is using their real names."

Bright Moon was a name everyone at the scene knew. But Jiang Cheng wanted to introduce them to Jiang Cheng, the screenwriter, actor and soon to be director.

Originally, the distance between the literary world and the entertainment circle was still large in China, but here he was writing a screenplay, with his first ever script being picked up and made into a TV series.

The reporter getting an answer continued: "....Jiang Cheng, what is the reason behind your shift to screenwriting?"

Jiang Cheng replied: "Because I like to create, and writing scripts allows for a new form of creativity. And the gap between literary works and film and television is only getting smaller and smaller, many excellent films and television shows are being adapted from novels.

So I wanted to try my hand at screenwriting. Since I have already written a novel, why not try to write a script? It was then that I had the idea for [Autumn's Concerto]. It's here, I would like to thank Sister Cai. She took a fancy to my screenplay and got to work on making all this possible. To see my work being made into a TV series, for all to see, is a gratifying feeling!"

The reporter nodded and sat down, and another reporter stood up and asked, "So, Jiang Cheng, what was your original intention in creating this script?"

"Well the idea behind the show is to have a discussion on happiness? What is happiness? For different people, the meaning of happiness is different. But one thing is common, that is, happiness is the best thing in life.

Some people's lives are like direct trains.

Others are indirect. They have to pass through many stations in the middle and experience many situations.

Some go to the wrong platform and miss their train. Missing the scenery outside their window and the person that would have sat beside them.

But some make it, though unsure who the next person to sit next to them will be.

Which leads to the question. Can one truly love another till death does them apart?

How do you find happiness?

The whole drama is a story about happiness."

Getting such an answer the reporter sat down with satisfaction, and then several reporters stood up and asked Jiang Cheng questions...

Looking at Jiang Cheng's ability to deal with the reporters, the rest of the crew, looked at him with surprise and envious gazes.

"He's such a natural, when can I have this ability?" ​​Rang Hu Ge's thoughts.

"Wow, how is this fair, look at all the attention and publicity he's taking up. Dammit!" - Dee Hsu

"Well, he's certainly something, I just wonder how we'll get along?"- Director Zhang Da. He was worried about potential ego clashes during filming.

"This kid just showed his edge. When he breaks out, everyone will be surprised!" - Li Guoli.


The atmosphere at the scene became extremely warm, as the press conference continued the other crew members were also questioned by the reporters. Even Hu Ge was questioned by several reporters because he was sitting next to Jiang Cheng.

With the reception the show was getting from the reporters, things were looking good.

The headlines should be friendly. Thinking this Cai Yinong and Li Guoli smiled at each other.

At this moment, a reporter asked Jiang Cheng: "Jiang Cheng, I've noticed everyone else only has one name plaque next to them, but you have two next to you, that one says screenwriter. But what is the other one next to you for and why is it facing away from us. Do you have another role in the crew besides screenwriter?"

Many had noticed the two name plaques beside Jiang Cheng, but no one had asked about it, just thinking it was a mishap.

Watched by the audience, Jiang Cheng smiled and glanced at Cai Yinong. They locked eyes and she nodded her head slightly.

Jiang Cheng didn't speak, but turned the plaque that was facing away from the reporters in front of him, so that the reporters could see it clearly.

[2nd Male Lead - Hua Tuo]

"What?" All the reporters were in an uproar. This….Jiang Cheng wasn't only the screenwriter, but also the 2nd male lead in the show?!

With this, Cai Yinong suddenly spoke up: "It hasn't been announced yet, but in fact, Jiang Cheng is a freshman in the performance department of Shanghai Drama Academy, and he signed with our company as early as August this year. He is a talented young man who can write and act and he will be starring in the show as the 2nd male lead. I hope you all support Jiang Cheng and pay attention to [Autumn's Concerto].

The reporters were shocked again, the kid wasn't only a writer, a screenwriter, but also an actor! And he had already signed with Shanghai Tangren!

An uproar, when this got broadcasted it would cause an uproar!