Press Conference

The press conference for the end of filming was unremarkable – the usual exchange between directors, producers, actors, and visiting journalists. Journalists asked questions, and the crew members answered. The atmosphere was similar to the kick-off press conference, but with added discussions about the filming process and expectations for the TV show's future broadcast.

Jiang Cheng's main role was to show support. He also took a few interviews, speaking favorably about the show, though who knows if he had actually watched it. The journalists didn't probe too deeply. He also promoted the ongoing "[Autumn's Concerto]," giving it some publicity.

One side sought publicity and public attention; the other sought scoops and news. Both had their needs met.

Perhaps Jiang Cheng's biggest gain was getting to know the members of the "[Legendary Fighter: Yang's Heroine]" crew, like Zheng Peipei, who played She Taijun, Guo Jinan as Yang Si Lang, Zhang Zhiyao as Yang Zongbao, Ning Jing as Mu Guiying, and especially Li Ruotong as Yang Bamei, his childhood idol.

In "[Legendary Fighter: Yang's Heroine]," Yang Bamei is She Taijun's youngest daughter – a capricious, precious young lady, smart as ice and snow, confident, eloquent, brave, talented, and shining with brilliance. She possessed a man's courage without losing feminine gentleness, challenging traditions, undaunted by the world's opinions, fearless of power, somewhat headstrong and audacious. Initially, she didn't agree with She Taijun's decision to accept a stone tablet as an honor for the Yang family, but later understood its significance as a symbol of the Yang family's spirit and heroism, taking up the family's mission and displaying the valor of a Yang family heroine.

Jiang Cheng's impression of Li Ruotong wasn't from this series but from the 1995 TVB version of [The Condor Heroes]. In that series, Li Ruotong's portrayal of Xiaolongnu left a deep impression on Jiang Cheng, even leading him to believe for a time that she was the embodiment of Xiaolongnu, until Liu Yifei's appearance in the 2006 version gave him a new interpretation.

However, Li Ruotong's Xiaolongnü remained a highly regarded interpretation for him. Jiang Cheng had grown up watching that version of [The Return of the Condor Heroes].

Of course, Jiang Cheng wouldn't say all of this out loud; it might offend someone! Especially when it came to women, if someone said they had grown up watching your work, it was like saying, "Hey, you're getting old!" The other person wouldn't appreciate it and would find you annoying!

Jiang Cheng certainly wouldn't make such a low-level mistake. He simply praised the roles Li Ruotong had played in the past, such as Xiaolongnü, and her role as Wang Yuyan in the 1996 TVB version of [Demi-Gods and Semi-Devils]. He praised her enthusiastically, and which star wouldn't want more fans? Especially now that Jiang Cheng had become a well-known rising star, it made Li Ruotong even more delighted! So, for a while, Li Ruotong's fondness for Jiang Cheng grew significantly.

After exchanging contact information and business cards with various celebrities, Jiang Cheng felt that the trip had been worthwhile.

Later, Jiang Cheng visited the Hengdian World Studios alone. Honestly, upon closer inspection, Hengdian wasn't as large as it appeared in TV dramas. Besides the shooting locations, there were a few commercial streets, and it didn't take long to explore them all.

What left the deepest impression on Jiang Cheng wasn't the filming bases representing different dynasties but the "drifters of Hengdian" who waited day and night at Hengdian hoping for the chance to catch someone's eyes and break into the industry. They came from all over the country, some genuinely looking for work, while others had previously lived comfortably but gave up their stable lives to pursue their "hollywood dreams" here.

Seeing them, Jiang Cheng felt like he was looking at his past self—the young man who went to Hollywood in pursuit of his dreams, all for that elusive "dream."

Both being wanderers, Jiang Cheng couldn't do much to help them, but he silently wished them success in achieving their dreams.

After exploring Hengdian, Jiang Cheng reunited with Liu Qing and then took a car back to Shanghai.

Tomorrow, it was back to filming!


"CUT!" Director Zhang Da suddenly shouted, and the actors stopped their performances. The crew members in charge of photography, lighting, and others all looked at him. Zhang Da took a deep breath and smiled mysteriously, saying, "The last scene is done! It's over, filming is officially complete!"

Immediately, everyone in the crew cheered with joy. The cameraman turned off the camera, the lighting team put down their tools, and everyone clapped and celebrated the completion of the series.

About half a month had passed since the wrap-up of "[Legendary Fighter: Yang's Heroine]," and "[Autumn's Concerto]" also had its wrap-up, lasting over a month and a half, setting a new filming record.

Seeing Director Zhang Da sitting there dazed after finishing his first work, not sure how to handle his emotions, Jiang Cheng also felt the same way. However, as a director, he needed to say a few words. But seeing him in this state, he needed a reminder. So Jiang Cheng walked over and praised him, "Director Zhang, you did an excellent job directing. It was a pleasure working with you, and thank you for your cooperation!"

After shaking hands with him, Zhang Da smiled wryly and said, "You don't need to say that! You are the biggest contributor to this series! Without your help, I wouldn't have been able to shoot so smoothly. I should be the one to thank you!"

That statement was not wrong at all. Jiang Cheng was not only the screenwriter for this series but also played the role of the second male lead and even worked as a composer for the music. He wore multiple hats and worked hard throughout the production. Especially in the later stages of the TV series, after six years had passed in the show, the people remained the same, but the relationships had changed. Dealing with the resulting complexity and emotional entanglements was extremely challenging. Without Jiang Cheng's assistance, guidance, and careful explanations, the production wouldn't have been so smooth and successful. Therefore, Zhang Da's thanks were heartfelt.

With a smile and a shake of his head, Jiang Cheng said, "It's everyone's effort. I just gave a few pointers, nothing special. Director Zhang, now that the filming is over, and everyone will be going their separate ways, shouldn't you say a few words?"

"Right, right, how could I forget that!" Zhang Da tapped his forehead and said, then turned to the crew members. "Everyone, please hold on for a moment! Let me say a few words!"

The crew members who were celebrating and hugging each other paused and turned their attention to the director to hear what he had to say. 

Zhang Da glanced at everyone before speaking:

"Ladies and gentlemen, the TV series has wrapped up. We spent over a month working together, experiencing joys and sorrows, sharing smiles and tears, enduring hardships, and creating unforgettable memories. Fortunately, we all made it through, and our collective efforts have brought this series to life. I want to thank each and every one of you for your hard work and support in making this series possible. Thank you, and well done!"

"No need to thank us, Director. You've worked hard too!"

"Director, it's been a pleasure working with you!" 

"Your temperament is excellent; you never scolded anyone. Thank you, Director!" The crew members shouted their appreciation and applause echoed in response, showing their gratitude for the series and the director.

After a round of applause, Zhang Da continued:

 "I also want to express special thanks to someone. Without his diligent help, I couldn't have directed at this level, and the production wouldn't have gone so smoothly. He is the one who took on multiple roles in this series—screenwriter, second male lead, and composer—Jiang Cheng! Let's thank him together!"

Once again, everyone clapped enthusiastically, but this time, it was all directed toward one person—Jiang Cheng.

"Jiang Cheng, you're awesome!"

"You're so handsome, Acheng!" 

"Thank you so much, Acheng ! We're so grateful!" 

The crew members praised Jiang Cheng's significant contributions to the series, and not just the supporting actors but even the main stars like Vic Chou, Barbie Hsu, and Dee Hsu were in awe of his work. So, the praise wasn't sparing.

Seeing them like this, Jiang Cheng couldn't help but smile genuinely from the bottom of his heart.

The first series had ended just like that, and it felt... truly wonderful!

With the filming stage coming to an end, the crew of "[Autumn's Concerto]" also disbanded. 

People from all over the country enjoyed a wrap-up feast and a farewell gathering, and then they all went their separate ways.

Shanghai Tangren was the first to reveal the news of the wrap-up of "[Autumn's Concerto]" to the media. Once again, the media and the public were surprised that the series had finished in less than two months!

While the media and the public continued to discuss and speculate, Jiang Cheng and Hu Ge set aside the noise and returned to their campuses to continue their studies.

One chapter had ended, marking the beginning of a new one. Time moved forward, and life had to continue. 

It was time to start planning the next step.