
It's already mid-December, and the post-production of Jiang Cheng's debut film, also his directorial debut, "[Immortal]," had been completed. The next step is to submit it for review to the State Administration of Radio, Film, and Television (SARFT). This shouldn't be a problem because there is nothing in the film that conflicts with the socialist harmonious society throughout the entire movie. Even if some SARFT leaders want to make some cuts to prove their authority, it won't affect the overall storyline.

The post-production of "[Immortal]" mainly involved editing the filmed footage and adding music. Since there wasn't much film footage due to the short shooting time of just one day, the post-production work was relatively straightforward. Jiang Cheng and the editing team at Apex Films Studio worked on it for two days, and the final edited version was completed.

Afterward, Jiang Cheng calculated the overall cost of the film, including the salaries of the crew, film expenses, car rentals, location rentals, and prop production costs, which amounted to only 50,000 RMB, which is roughly $7,700 USD.

Although the budget was low, it didn't matter much because the film had minimal investment, and the short shooting time was seen as more of an experimental project. The actors who agreed to participate also had this in mind and didn't expect significant financial returns. However, Jiang Cheng felt it was necessary to show his appreciation. After treating some of the actors to meals, he gave each of them a red envelope as a token of gratitude. Huang Lei, Li Ruotong, and Sun Li received 10,000 RMB each, while the newer actors, including Hu Ge, Yuan Hong, Sun Xiao, and Han Xue, received 5,000 RMB each. Though the amounts weren't substantial, they served as a thoughtful gesture and covered their travel expenses.

With this additional 50,000 RMB, the total production cost of "[Immortal]" was precisely 100,000 RMB, which is around $15,400 USD. It was a modest budget, but it raised concerns about the film's chances of getting screened. In China, only a few major companies like China Film Group and Huaxia Film Distribution have the capacity for nationwide distribution. Other smaller companies might have distribution licenses, but they lack the nationwide reach and influence over theater chains.

Jiang Cheng's Apex Films Studio had distribution capabilities, but it could only influence around a few dozen theater chains. Additionally, they had faced challenges recently when some theater chains threatened to terminate contracts due to changes in the studio's ownership. It was a situation where the quality of the film would determine whether they would secure distribution.

In the film industry, a movie's potential for success is often tied to its budget. People tend to believe that larger investments attract more audiences to theaters and reduce the chances of releasing subpar films. Hence, filmmakers often inflate their budgets, even if it's not entirely accurate. For example, the movie "[Myth]," directed by Jackie Chan in a previous life, was claimed to have a budget of over 150 million RMB, yet its total box office earnings were not far from that number. Half of the box office earnings would typically go to theaters and distributors, so if the budget were indeed 150 million RMB, it wouldn't leave much room for profit.

Given the low budget and the lack of special effects or action scenes in "[Immortal]," it would be challenging to convince people of its potential success. However, Jiang Cheng had a plan to secure distribution through Shanghai Tangren, a company with significant influence in the entertainment industry. He believed that partnering with Tangren and leveraging Cai Yinong's connections would help them secure distribution in many theaters across China and even some in Hong Kong, Taiwan, and Singapore.

Once they obtained the screening permit for "[Immortal]," Jiang Cheng brought the completed film to meet with Cai Yinong.

"Are you saying that this is the film you shot in the past few days?" Cai Yinong pointed to the film reels of "[Immortal]" with a skeptical expression, even a hint of amusement on her face.

It was understandable because, before seeing the film, no one would believe that a movie could be made with such a low budget and within such a short timeframe. Jiang Cheng remained calm in the face of her doubt.

Jiang Cheng replied earnestly, "Sister Cai, this is a movie I shot in the past few days with Hu Ge, Sun Li, and others. I also invited Li Ruotong and Huang Lei. You can rest assured that the film's quality is guaranteed. Once you've seen it, you'll understand."

Cai Yinong was surprised, but she knew Jiang Cheng well enough to believe that he wouldn't joke about something like this. She took a deep breath and asked, "So, what are you proposing?"

"I'd like Tangren to be the distributor for this film," Jiang Cheng said.

"In terms of distribution, shouldn't it be the film's production company that contacts me?" Cai Yinong questioned with suspicion.

Jiang Cheng smiled and explained, "The reason I'm discussing this personally is that I'm also the producer, director, screenwriter, and lead actor of this film."

"What?!" Cai Yinong was taken aback. While she could understand him being the lead actor and screenwriter, it was unbelievable that someone his age could be the director and producer.

In any country, it was unheard of for a teenager to take on the roles of director and producer. Even with a decade more of experience, they would still be considered young for these positions.

"Acheng, are you joking?" Cai Yinong asked with disbelief.

Jiang Cheng shrugged and said, "Sister Cai, do you think I'm the kind of person who likes to joke around?"

Knowing Jiang Cheng's character, Cai Yinong couldn't help but be astonished. If he had Hu Ge, Sun Li, and Li Ruotong on board, it meant that the film had potential. These three actors were not the type to take part in frivolous projects.

Knowing that Jiang Cheng wasn't that kind of person, Cai Yinong found it even harder to believe. She took a deep breath and asked, "How did you end up becoming the director for this movie?"

"I recently bought an entertainment company in Wuhan, which came with a complete production system. I turned it into a film studio because all the equipment was already there, and I went ahead and made a movie," Jiang Cheng explained.

Cai Yinong furrowed her brows. This guy had quietly established a film studio!

Feeling a sense of betrayal, Cai Yinong said with a slightly cold expression, "Acheng, couldn't you have entrusted this film to Shanghai Tangren for production? Do you realize how disheartening your actions are?"

Jiang Cheng quickly explained, "Sister Cai, please don't be angry. I know what I did may not be very conventional, but I really wanted to make a movie of my own. Please forgive me!"

He finished speaking and looked at Cai Yinong with a sincere expression.

Cai Yinong was still angry, but she knew that Jiang Cheng was telling the truth. If he handed the script over to Tangren and had them produce it, he would never have had the opportunity to be the director and producer. After all, no one would believe a seventeen-year-old could be a director! Even at twenty-seven, they would still be considered young!

"Indeed, this young dragon won't stay in my shallow waters for long, but I didn't expect it to happen so quickly," Cai Yinong sighed. From the first time she met Jiang Cheng, she knew he was extraordinary and not the kind of person to be underestimated. That's why she had given him such favorable contract terms, with a duration of only three years. Afterwards, Shanghai Tangren could also play the emotional card, hoping to keep Jiang Cheng at Tangren for a longer time. However, she had underestimated Jiang Cheng; she didn't expect him to have a change of heart in just half a year!

At this moment, Cai Yinong even wanted to block him and make him realize her power, but her rationality told her that she couldn't do that. This young man had already made significant progress in just half a year, and who knew how capable he would become in the future? If she couldn't successfully block him and offended him in the process, there would be no possibility of future cooperation, and she would be creating a formidable enemy for Shanghai Tangren. It would be more harm than good.

So, since blocking and luring him back didn't work, the only option was to cooperate.

Although it was hard to say, Cai Yinong still asked, "Are you planning to terminate the contract with Shanghai Tangren?"

Jiang Cheng shook his head repeatedly and said, "Sister Cai, you've misunderstood me. I established this film studio because I wanted to produce some movies that I personally wanted to make. If there's money, I might also invest in some movies I like. I don't intend to go independent right now; I don't have the capability and experience for that yet. Besides, the film studio is only for making movies and music videos; I don't plan to produce TV dramas. So, for TV dramas, I still want to follow Shanghai Tangren's arrangements."

Cai Yinong's expression improved somewhat. "So you still want to stay with Shanghai Tangren. What about after the contract expires?"

Jiang Cheng smiled and said, "Let's talk about it when the contract expires; it's too early to discuss it now. But even if I leave Shanghai Tangren at that time, I'll still collaborate with Shanghai Tangren frequently. After all, Sister Cai has taken such good care of me, and I should repay that kindness. And for now, if I have any good scripts, I'll give priority to Shanghai Tangren."

"Well, hearing you say that puts my mind at ease," Cai Yinong said, quite satisfied with Jiang Cheng's response. This matter was not trivial, and Cai Yinong couldn't simply agree to it without first assessing the quality of the film.

"Alright! Sister Cai, let's invite Mr. Li, Director Zhang, and the others to watch the movie, as if I'm treating the company's employees to a free screening," Jiang Cheng said with a confident smile.

"That's a good idea. It's rare that you have such goodwill!" Cai Yinong responded with a smile.