A Date with Luyu (2)

Jiang Cheng's first impression of Chen Luyu was just one word - thin!

So thin it seemed a gust of wind could carry her away.

Sometimes, mischievously, Jiang Cheng would wonder how her slender body supported her big head. Didn't her neck get tired from standing too long?

But personally, Jiang Cheng had a good impression of Chen Luyu. She was an impressive woman. Since its inception, the Phoenix TV in Hong Kong aimed to mold her into the "Oprah of the East," developing "A Date with Luyu" into a program as successful as "The Oprah Winfrey Show." And as far as Jiang Cheng knew from his past life, Chen Luyu undoubtedly achieved that.

"A Date with Luyu" started in 1998 and became a daily show in 2005, later entering mainland China and airing on various local TV stations. By April 14, 2008, it was on Hunan Satellite TV and then Anhui Satellite TV as ""A Date with Luyu - Share Your Story" from January 4, 2010.

In the show, she interviewed notable figures including the current director of the Xu Beihong Memorial Hall in Beijing, Olympic long-distance gold medalist Wang Junxia, famous poet Wang Guozhen, international superstar Jackie Chan, Yao Ming, former Hong Kong Secretary for Security Regina Ip, and idol Nicholas Tse, among others. The show was voted second in the Phoenix TV's "Top Ten Favorite Programs of 2002" by viewers.

Chen Luyu also played a significant role in major live news broadcasts such as "The Return of Hong Kong," "Journey of the Millennium," "The Funeral of Princess Diana," "The US Presidential Elections," the 9/11 attacks, and the Iraq War, demonstrating her talent in international news. In 2000, she was voted as the year's best female host in "China's TV Rankings 2000" and in 2001 as the "Best News Program Female Host."

"A Date with Luyu: Share Your Story" became a platform for heartfelt stories and honest conversations, reaching millions and probing into the experiences and secrets of the soul. Chen Luyu believes that everyone's story is fascinating. "I'm more interested in people and their stories. I have no interest in preaching," she says.

"A Date with Luyu" was hailed by "New Weekly" as "China's most valuable TV program in the past 15 years." With a brand value of 300 million RMB, Chen Luyu ranked in the "Most Valuable Hosts in China" list compiled by the World Brand Lab in 2006. She also clinched the "Annual Program Host" and "Best Talk Show Host" awards at the 2005 China Television Festival, unmatched at the time.

On March 5, 2007, an article titled "Chen Luyu: China's 'Oprah'" appeared on CNN's website, lavishing praise on Chen Luyu, her unique talk show, and her persistence over five years. However, she humbly considered herself "a host who has achieved some minor success" because "achievement and success are too grand."

Before Jiang Cheng's rebirth, "A Date with Luyu" had evolved into Asia's most influential TV talk show, and Chen Luyu's contribution was undeniable.

On February 9, 2002, a Saturday, Jiang Cheng came to Hong Kong as a guest on "A Date with Luyu."

At the recording venue, with a sofa on stage and Chen Luyu dressed in a white dress sitting on it, the show began with at least fifty audience members seated below. As the cameraman signaled, the recording started, and Chen Luyu greeted the viewers, "Welcome to 'A Date with Luyu: Share Your Story'. Today's guest is a young individual, only 17 years old and just started university. But he is already the author of three bestsellers and is the 'World's Youngest Director.' Can you guess who he is?"

The studio audience shouted, "Jiang Cheng!" and "Bright Moon!"

"Right, it's Jiang Cheng. Let's welcome Jiang Cheng!" Chen Luyu said.

As she announced, Jiang Cheng walked out from the backstage with a smile, with dry ice fog shooting up around him, looking quite cool.

Jiang Cheng was dressed in a black casual suit with a white high-neck sweater underneath, looking formal yet not overly serious.

As Jiang Cheng appeared, the audience burst into applause, most of them young people, clapping and shouting his name. Jiang Cheng smiled, waved to the audience, walked to the center of the stage, shook hands with Chen Luyu who stood up to greet him, and said, "Hello, Sister Luyu."

"Hello, Jiang Cheng," Chen Luyu replied with a bright smile, as they both sat down on the sofa.

"This is Jiang Cheng, this year's most famous 'new star' in the Chinese entertainment circle, and currently China's most successful young author," introduced Chen Luyu to the viewers.

"Last year, under the pen name 'Bright Moon,' he published three books: '[Stories About The Ming Dynasty],' '[Kunlun],' and '[Zhu Xian].'

'[Stories About The Ming Dynasty]' and '[Zhu Xian]' broke sales records in recent years. He's also been hailed as China's 'J.K. Rowling.'

'[Kunlun]' was serialized in a mainland magazine called 'Southern Weekly - Literature Edition,' setting a new sales record for the past decade. His first film, '[Immortal],' premiered on January 11th in Shanghai, making a remarkable 8.42 million RMB on its opening day and 1.2 million HKD in Hong Kong! Now, nearly a month after its release, the domestic box office has surpassed 60 million RMB, with a global total over 100 million RMB! He's become one of China's 100 million-box office directors! Jiang Cheng, you're really incredible!"

"Hahah, you flatter me!" Jiang Cheng modestly replied.

"Seriously, are you really only seventeen?" Chen Luyu suddenly asked.

Jiang Cheng shrugged, "Authentic. Do you want to see my ID?"

"No need, I know you were born on March 19, 1984, and haven't yet turned 18. It's just a bit fantastical! You're not yet of age, but you've already achieved so much! Looking at you, many people must feel this isn't quite real," Chen Luyu said, her tone filled with astonishment.

Jiang Cheng smiled at her.

"Let's start with your novels. We all know your first novel is '[Stories About The Ming Dynasty],' a fun take on history. What prompted you to write this book?" Chen Luyu, who had mentioned being a fan of "Bright Moon" backstage, couldn't wait to ask this long-pondered question.

"It's thanks to my father. Last year, during college entrance exams, I applied for Shanghai Drama Academy, aiming to enter the entertainment industry. My father didn't say much at the time, but I knew he wasn't very supportive of my choice. He always wanted me to pursue a literary career, and he's particularly fond of history, so I thought of making a splash in this area to leave him speechless. That's why I wrote '[Stories About The Ming Dynasty].'"

"And what's your father's attitude now?" Chen Luyu was obviously more interested in the follow-up.

Jiang Cheng grinned slightly, "Now, my father has expressed that he won't comment on my entertainment career."

"So you can say you 'conquered' your father with your novel. Then you wrote the martial arts novel '[Kunlun]' and the fantasy novel '[Zhu Xian].' How did you come up with these ideas?" Chen Luyu continued.

"Actually, I had these ideas even before '[Stories About The Ming Dynasty].' While researching for that book, I looked at a lot of historical data, not just from the Ming Dynasty but also the Song and Yuan Dynasties. I did this mainly for ease of writing and comparison. But the more I read, the more new ideas I had, thinking, 'Why not write another novel about Song and Yuan history?' But having just written a fun historical book, I felt a bit weary of writing another '[Stories About The Ming Dynasty].' Young people always want to try new things. So I thought of martial arts novels and remembered Jin Yong's '[The Legend of the Condor Heroes]' and '[The Return of the Condor Heroes].' I believe every Chinese person has a 'martial arts dream,' so why not write a martial arts novel set during the late Song and early Yuan period? That's how '[Kunlun]' came to be," Jiang Cheng slowly recounted the creation of '[Kunlun].'

"And '[Zhu Xian]'?"

"'[Zhu Xian]' was an idea I've had for a long time, mainly because I read many mythological stories as a kid. I always wanted to create a fantasy novel like 'The Legend of the Swordsman,' depicting the world of immortals and swordsmen I imagined. But I didn't start writing it due to limited writing skills. After finishing '[Stories About The Ming Dynasty],' I felt my writing had improved, but then I had the idea for '[Kunlun],' so '[Zhu Xian]'s creation was delayed. Later, after joining the academy and signing with a company, I was quite busy, but I still managed to write this novel in my spare time, fulfilling a childhood dream," Jiang Cheng explained the creation of '[Zhu Xian].'

"So you've finished writing all three books?" Chen Luyu asked.


"My God!" Chen Luyu exclaimed, "That's just over half a year! And you were busy with so much else during that time; you're really prolific!"

Jiang Cheng replied, "I don't like to drag things out. Once I start, I like to finish quickly and move on to other things. Plus, if I don't write down my ideas quickly, I'm afraid I'll forget them later."

"That's too fast! Others might not finish a novel in three years, like J.K. Rowling in England. Her 'Harry Potter' series has been going for years, and she's only written four so far, with three more to come. But you, you've completed three long novels within a year, who are you trying to scare?!" Chen Luyu said exaggeratedly.

Jiang Cheng shrugged and smiled, "I didn't intend to, just avoiding trouble."

The audience laughed, making the atmosphere even livelier.

As the laughter died down, Chen Luyu asked, "Will you continue to write books in the future?"

Jiang Cheng nodded, "I will, if I find a suitable subject."

"Good, keep writing. I'm also a fan of your books; I've bought and read them all. It would be such a shame if you stopped! You have such a talent for writing; not continuing would be a great loss for us readers," Chen Luyu earnestly said.

"You flatter me, but I'll continue to strive," Jiang Cheng smiled.

"Alright, let's leave your novels there. Now let's talk about your other roles!" Chen Luyu turned to Jiang Cheng and then announced to the camera, "Besides being an author, Jiang Cheng is also an actor, screenwriter, and director. Let's learn more about that."

On the large blue screen behind them displaying "A Date with Luyu: Share Your Story," a montage of information about Jiang Cheng played, with a voiceover introducing, "At only seventeen, he can write scripts, and his first script '[Autumn's Concerto]' has been completed, where he also plays the male second lead. Now, he has created another miracle. With just 100,000 RMB, he's made a film that grossed over a 100 million, becoming the world's youngest director and China's youngest 100 million RMB-box office director..."

After the footage, Chen Luyu continued, "Jiang Cheng, I don't even know what to say! You're truly remarkable, making a 100 million RMB-box office film with just 100,000 RMB, and the box office is still growing." Jiang Cheng listened with a smile as she asked, "So, I heard you fell in love with movies in junior high. What movie was it?"

"'The Shawshank Redemption,' my favorite!" Jiang Cheng said, "That's when I started to become fascinated with movies. I'd watched some before, but none struck me as deeply. After seeing that film, I realized the immense charm of movies! They can create a world, explore humanity so profoundly! Afterwards, I became addicted to films, frequently visiting cinemas, sometimes living there, watching hundreds of movies!"

"I love 'The Shawshank Redemption' too, and 'Forrest Gump.' But..." Chen Luyu said doubtfully, "I remember 'The Shawshank Redemption' wasn't released in mainland China, was it? How did you see it?"

"I watched it on DVD, but it was the genuine article!" Jiang Cheng clarified.

Chen Luyu chuckled, "That explains why you wanted to study at the film academy. But why didn't you apply directly for the directing department, choosing acting instead?"

Jiang Cheng pondered, "Maybe I'm a bit greedy. I want to enjoy the pleasure of movies from both in front of and behind the camera. And playing different roles in my own films feels quite fascinating."

"We've already seen you in '[Immortal],' and honestly, you don't seem like a newcomer. Both your acting and directing, although they can improve, have already surpassed many. Do you have any secrets?" Chen Luyu inquired.

"Well... it's probably the result of a long accumulation. Although I hadn't acted before, I learned a lot from the books I read. When I first started at the Shanghai Drama Academy, my acting wasn't great, but after a month, I surpassed everyone in my class. My teacher said that even though I had only theoretically studied acting before, I still had a foundation. Especially having watched so many movies... Isn't there a saying, 'If you read three hundred Tang poems, you can recite poetry without even composing it yourself'?" Jiang Cheng explained with a shrug.

"You're making a lot of people jealous!" Chen Luyu laughed. "It must be a kind of talent that others can't easily acquire."

"Perhaps," Jiang Cheng agreed.

"Let's talk about your movie '[Immortal].' I've seen the film and have a question that I believe many others share. Is the protagonist of the movie really immortal? Can you tell me?" Chen Luyu asked curiously.

Jiang Cheng shook his head with a smile, "I can't answer that question because everyone interprets the film differently. If I just tell you, you'll lose the chance to enjoy your own interpretation. It's better to keep some mysteries."

Chen Luyu seemed a bit disappointed, "I knew you wouldn't tell. But I guess you're using this mystery to get people to watch the movie more than once, right?"

"Partly," Jiang Cheng admitted with a smile.

After a light-hearted scolding from Chen Luyu for his cunning, she continued, "We also know that you self-wrote and starred in a TV drama called '[Autumn's Concerto].' We've learned a bit about it from the promotions. Is it finished? When will it be released?"

Jiang Cheng replied, "Post-production is done, and we're currently discussing airing dates with TV stations. It should meet the audience around March or April."

"How's the drama? Is it good?"

"I think it's very good, and I believe everyone will be satisfied," Jiang Cheng assured.

"We'll look forward to it," Chen Luyu said expectantly. "We understand that you sent the script to Shanghai Tangren, and after they liked it, you signed up with them."

"Yes, it was quite a coincidence. I initially just wanted to sell my script but ended up selling myself too. In this matter, I'm very grateful to Tangren's CEO, Sister Cai. She's a wonderful person and has taken great care of me. Otherwise, as a newcomer, how could I have had the chance to make a movie so quickly?"

Nodding, Chen Luyu said, "I know Sister Cai too, she indeed is a great person. Another thing, at the beginning of '[Immortal],' in addition to the Shanghai Tangren logo, there's another logo for 'Apex Studio,' the production company of the movie. As far as I know, this studio isn't a part of Tangren. Where did you find this film studio?"

"I didn't find it," Jiang Cheng corrected, "I started it myself."

"What?" Chen Luyu exclaimed, and the audience also seemed surprised. "Your company? When did you start it?"

"After finishing '[Autumn's Concerto],' I suddenly really wanted to make my own movie. I knew that even if Sister Cai valued me, she wouldn't agree to let me direct. Just then, I learned that a entertainment firm called 'New Century Entertainment' in Wuhan was up for sale due to some issues. I thought, why not buy it and establish a film studio so I could directly produce my movies in the future? So, I bought the company, established Apex Studio, and then made '[Immortal].'" 

Shaking her head to clear her somewhat jumbled thoughts, Chen Luyu remarked, "That's quite a shocking piece of news, but it seems like you might have been a bit... "

"Reckless. I know," Jiang Cheng said with a wry smile. "I was just so obsessed with making a movie at that time that I didn't consider the consequences. Fortunately, Sister Cai was very understanding and didn't blame me much. Instead, she agreed to help distribute the film. I'm really grateful to her!"

"Are you still with Shanghai Tangren then?"

"Yes. I've signed a contract for several years, and it wouldn't be right to break it. Besides, Sister Cai has been so supportive, it would be rude to just leave. Plus, my company only focuses on making movies, so I still need Shanghai Tangren's help with TV dramas and variety shows. I've also promised Sister Cai that all movies produced by Apex Studio will be distributed by Tangren. It's a win-win!" Jiang Cheng explained with a smile.

"It does sound like a happy ending," Chen Luyu commented. "We've also heard that you're currently shooting your second movie, a youth campus musical. What inspired you to make this film?"

"It was early last month when my three roommates, Hu Ge, Yuan Hong, and others, took on a stage play, 'I'm Crazy for Singing.' This play, as many know, is a successful animated movie that has captivated many young people like me. It shows that our generation really loves musicals. So, why not make a musical film for our generation? Depicting the lives and aspirations of contemporary high school students should resonate with many. Hence, the idea for 'Youth Musical' was born," Jiang Cheng shared.

"For you, I really can't find the words to describe."

"Oh, why's that?"

"Because you're too fast! You thought of the movie concept at the beginning of January, and by early February, you've been filming for half a month. You're incredibly quick!" Chen Luyu exclaimed in admiration.

Jiang Cheng spread his hands and replied, "As I said earlier, I don't like to drag things out. Once I decide on something, I get it done quickly to avoid unnecessary complications."

Chen Luyu didn't know what to say, realizing she had been astonished more times tonight than in the past few months, all thanks to the young man sitting before her. In her heart, she marveled,

"There are always some geniuses beyond ordinary comprehension."

Gathering her thoughts, she asked, "Can you tell us a bit about what the movie is about?"

Shaking his head, Jiang Cheng responded, "It's better not to say too much. It's more enjoyable to watch without prior knowledge. But I can tell you this..."

He suddenly grinned mysteriously, "This movie might create another miracle!"