
"What?" Dominic asked, backing away slightly.

"JUST TAKE MY BODY!!" the girl pleaded, tears running down her eyes, "I don't care what you do to me, sell me… use me… anything. I'll do it. Just take me and end things."

"You?" Dominic asked, his voice breaking into laughter. He stopped and shrugged, then ran his fingers through his hair again. He walked towards the girl and placed his hand under her face, lifting it up to look into her eyes, "what should we do? I don't want you."

"What?" the girl muttered, her lips quivering as she fell into Dominic's emerald eyes, "you...don't want me?"

Dominic stared into her eyes, emitting such dominance that her legs went numb and her pupils started to shake.

"Of course I don't you," Dominic chuckled, leaning close to her face, "you're not enough."

"What?" she muttered, her voice barely above a whisper, "not enough?"