That woman

"That woman?" Dominic repeated hoping to get a more detailed answer, but Memoline had already left the tent.

"That woman…" He repeated as he walked back to his desk. 'Who is that woman?' he pondered, 'am I supposed to know her? And the debt…' He scratched his hair wildly as none of the words Memoline had stated seemed to make no sense.

"Why do they speak in parables?" Dominic groaned, "do they think I have enough mental power to read between the lines in the midst of all this?" He looked through the cut again and sighed. 'At least this was going to end soon…' he thought to himself.

He had spent months in battle and the mental plus physical stress was catching up to him. To think that there would be this huge celebration waiting for him at home...where in the world was he going to get enough energy to hold a large party for the entire kingdom? The mere thought of it made his head spin.