
"Great decision, your highness," Litian grinned.

"Agreed," Feline smiled, Desilva showing Dominic a thumbs up.

Dominic blushed, hiding his face for a second.

'How cute,' Axel chuckled, catching a glimpse of Dominic's blushing face.

"That's only if I get the lists on time… right?" Dominic smiled at Axel and Desilva, this time his kind eyes held a glimmer of threat.

"Yes sir," Desilva saluted, Axel agreeing with her with a nod.

"Good, but now down to the final issue, clothing," Dominic sighed.

"Clothing…" Desilva muttered, turning to Axel in confusion, "what do we do about that?"

"Is there any loose pair of clothing we have? In fact… What is the percentage of supplies we have right now?" Dominic asked.

"OH!" Desilva exclaimed, digging into her pockets and pulling out a piece of parchment paper, "I wrote down the list of supplies we had while I was gathering the list of physicians."

"Huh?" Dominic muttered, looking down at the paper in her hand and back up into her eyes.