Season Two: Chap 1 (back to the past)

"Kalmi, please open your eyes, we're almost there," Alice muttered quietly as she shook her brother's arm, "please wake up."

Alice shifted uncomfortably in her seat on the carriage, the bumpy ride made her nauseous. The human in her belly seemed to agree as it kicked whenever they went over a crater in the ground. 

"Hmm..?" Kalmin muttered, trying his best to reply as he fought the hands of sleep that covered his eyes, "f-food?"

"No… Kalmi, please wake up," Alice pressed, her voice dropping to a whisper, "I don't want to be awake right now but I don't want to sleep. Please wake up, he's staring."

Although Kalmin was well wrapped under the blankets of sleep, her last four words had woken him up immediately. He jolted awake and rubbed away the sleep in his eyes. Kalmin looked across from his seat and surely enough, Justin was there, staring hungry bullets at Alice. Like the first child, he had already made her conceive wasn't enough.