Of Course You Didn't

"W-what do you want to do Mother?" Annabeth trembled, her voice weak and her legs quivered, " after all, the punishments fall in your hands right? Please fix this mother."

Annabeth turned around and shot a targeted gaze at her father, "since father is too afraid to do so." 

Mrs. Crowly clutched her hand, clenching it tightly. 'What can I do?' she thought to herself. 'What was in my power to fix anymore?' She turned around and looked at her family, each of them stained with a sin she had failed to recognize? 'What was in my power to fix?' Her precious elder daughter, one she had raised with her husband for a year before the birth of another. One that she had poured in all her love into, raised with only her in mind even if it was just for one year. She had dressed her in the finest clothes from the moment she was born to even now, hoping that one day her love would be returned when she became a beautiful woman. 'What was all that work for?'