
Antonio lost the game. Well, in a sense he had won, but not for the group that he wanted. He was in group one, going in the team that didn't have the girl his eyes were set on. He was on a team with girls though, just not the one he wanted to interact with. 

His knight on the other hand had somehow beat him for his spot. He shot a glare at Ciergo, shooting lasers at him with his eyes. 

Walter and Falls burst into laughter as they both noticed Antonio's crestfallen face as they were in the second group. Antonio shot them glares and they quieted down soon after.

"Pfft, at least we'll get to the food first," Antonio scoffed, "I'll make sure to take most of the chocolate and snacks when I get there."

Walter's expression fell to the ground at the sound of this. "You…. You wouldn't." 

"In the face of food, who knows what I'll do?" Antonio smirked.