Hated Plans

Dinner came around quickly, about 30 minutes after the announcement while servant dances entertained the big audience. The Crowly's were seated at their table, their father trying to keep the conversation alive. It was drowned out immediately. 

The aura of the air around them had returned to its truest form. A heavy blanket of distrust, disappointment, and calm tension. Mr. Crowly, trying his best to live with the environment and peacefulness his family had had since coming into the building, tried to interact with his wife. 

There was a cold silence.

The Crowly's turned to their own silent worlds, easing the air around them when someone neared their table or a curious eye was drawn to them. Their facade was thicker than any wall and stronger than steel yet as flimsy as a sheet of paper from the inside, one flicker and it would be burnt down to shreds. 

Jena looked up and smiled at her mother, she smiled back and the air loosened.