
"Don't say things like that!" Theodore blushed, "I'm not that mean."

Dominic looked from Regina to Theodore. "Her back? What happens to her back?" Dominic asked.

Theodore and Regina grew tight lipped. 

The king looked at his oldest and second eldest before looking at his youngest. 

"Dad?" Dominic pressed. 

The king tried to look away, but it was too late, he was already caught in his son's gaze and it didn't look like he was getting away. Dominic looked up at him with sparkling bright eyes, a slight pout on his face, and his puffy cheeks glowing pink. 

"Ugh, why do every one of you have to look this cute when you were younger?" The king muttered as he let out a sigh.

"Daddy doesn't like my face?" Dominic's pout reduced to a face that was close to tears, "I thought Dad said he likes my face…"

"And you thought correctly it's just that-" The king looked down at Dominic again, once again caught in his gaze.