Promise Me

"No…" Annabeth muttered again, a smile slowly beginning to form. "You were right about the place thing… I do need a place to sit and eat."

"Oh…" Antonio uttered blankly before his eyes lit up again, a bright smile showing on his face. "In that case, then…"

Annabeth stared at him as he talked, his words fading away slightly. 'Huh… I didn't expect that..' she thought to herself, as she watched him curiously. 

"...that place might be good too- My lady? Lady Annabeth?" Antonio called out when he noticed Annabeth's blank gaze. "Was that too much information? I can just lead you ther-"

Annabeth tilted her head back looking down at the food in her hand. 'Heh..' she thought to herself, a smile appearing on her face. 'That's unexpected..'

"L-lady Annabeth?" Antonio muttered, his face heating up immediately when he spotted her smile.