Let's Dance

Annabeth blinked blankly, looking up at him with slightly taken aback eyes. "What?"

Antonio flinched, touching his nape, "You don't have to if you don't want to but I wanted to dance with you…"

Annabeth continued to stare at him with blank eyes, her hand loosely holding her next cake victim. 

"Y-You can just think of it as repaying me if you want since you did that little thing earlier.. But I'm not using it as a reason to force you to dance or anything, just a way for you to think of it. If you don't want to, you can always just hold the paying me back thing on the backburner," he muttered nervously, "and- and you don't have to dance with me if you don't want to! I'm not trying to rush you or anything neither am I just trying to force you to dance with me in general so you can always refuse if you want-"

"Ok," Annabeth replied.

"-I won't take any offense if yo- what?" Antonio paused, looking at Annabeth with wide eyes, "you… you will?!"