Be Careful

They stared for a moment before Maria immediately pulled Annabeth away, her arm swinging into Annabeth's and dragging her into the crowd. 

"Byebye Marquess Antonio," Maria waved with a bright smile as they disappeared into the crowd, Annabeth stealing one more glance at Antonio. He was blushing. Heavily. She turned to Maria. 

"Where are mum and dad?" she asked. 

"Where are mum and dad?!" Maria repeated her voice rising slightly, "have you lost your mind?!"

Annabeth flinched at Maria's tone. "What is it?" she asked, "Were we supposed to meet at a certain time or something? Oh… we were… sorry, I was completely unaware of the time…"

"NO! That is NOT the issue here," Maria exclaimed, her voice trying to quietly scold Annabeth as she greeted some of the nobles that noticed them. 

"What is then?" Annabeth asked, greeting the nobles along with Maria.