Pain. Pain. Pain.


"What are you waiting for? GET OUT! YOU'RE FIRED!" Justin yelled to which Alice flinched. He turned to her with worried eyes and lowered his volume. "Sorry," he whispered to her. 

Her eyes stared at the ground as she clutched her baby. Justin's eyes wavered down to her baby bump and he smiled. "Are you ok?" he asked again, looking up at Alice's hidden face, "did he do more harm to you? Touch you anywhere that-"

"No…" Alice replied, her voice tiny and trembling. "Not more than you saw."

"Ok," Justin replied. "You ready to go?"



They sat there for a moment, watching the servant scramble into the mansion, and then sat in the darkness with no words. A cold breeze washed over them, chilling but light. It sifted through Alice's hair, making her long brown hair flow back and forth in the wind. Justin turned his head in her direction, watching her silently.