
The sound rang out like a siren, ringing through the room like an alarm. The cry of a new being, the sound of a child. 

Kalmin's head turned to Alice's legs, his eyes widening as he looked up at the nurse that stood in front of Alice. In their hand was blood and feces smeared little human. A child, a baby. Her child. 

The nurse turned to the physician with a smile on a face. "It's a female."

The words hit Kalmin like a train. A female. It was another beautiful girl that would look just like his sister. The room seemed to stand in silence, a breath no one knew they were holding seemed to slowly be exhaled. It was over. 

It was done. 

Kalmin turned back to Alice as the nurse walked over to a little barrel on the ground filled with water in which she cleaned the baby with a small smile on his face. He locked eyes with the dazed gaze of his sister. "It's over, you did it, she's born Alice. Your baby girl."