
"About wh-"

"Don't play dumb," Boris interrupted, his words short and precise like a sharp sword cutting at Adia. 

"About Dominic," Adia stated meekly, her voice quiet as the tension weighed down on her shoulders. 

Boris set down his pen and then the paper he was holding soon after and turned to Adia, his golden gaze settled in a tranquil state. Calm, peaceful, but yet the tension was ever so high for Adia. 

Before she could avoid his gaze, her eyes were sucked into his, dragged into locking with the golden undisturbed gaze. Her lips quiver slightly as she straightens out her back, an attempt to get her more alert, more apt, and ready to answer his questions. 

"Why aren't you speaking?" Boris asked, his head cocking to the side as he peered at her, "you seemed more than happy to be talking earlier."