

Week woke up with a start. He was covered in sweat and his body felt too hot for him to be in his own skin anymore. Screams of a woman could be heard throughout the house and his body didn't calm, instead it seemed to pull him towards the mirror in his room.

As he looked at his reflection, a million images passed before his eyes. Every single one had a girl with silver hair and eyes that could be both silver and blue. He saw her in pain, and he saw her die before his eyes all at one moment, and he collapsed to his knees, tears falling down his cheeks.

A door being thrown open sounded in the room and a pair of arms wrapped around him in his grief. He blinked back his tears and looked at the face of his mom in front of him, giving him a weak smile.

"Hey, don't cry, what's wrong, buddy?" she asked sweetly. She looked into his eyes and seemed to understand everything in the world at that one moment. Her eyes widened and she stood up, backing up into the bookshelf across the room and knocking books off the shelf.

"Mommy!" He called, but she held up her hand and rapidly shook her head, tears starting to fall down her cheeks as she stared at her baby boy. The boy she protected and prayed that he would never get the call of a promised.

"Week, go meet her. The pull you feel, it will take you to her if you wish to go."

Week stood up at her words and ran through the house, stopping at the room of Grace and knocking on the door. The scream had just stopped and he was told to enter. Inside, Grace sat on her bed, staring down at the baby in her arms. Week stared and sucked in a quick breath.

Grace looked up at him then and smiled, shutting the door behind the boy with her magic, then waving him over to the bed. The baby was fast asleep in her arms and Week took a seat next to the bed. A snap rang in the room before they noticed a picture had been taken by Lavender as she giggled and ran out of the room.

Grace then looked back down at the baby and started humming some strange song, a soft glow traveling between her and the bundle in her arms. The baby then opened her eyes and let out a soft wail, causing the woman to kiss her forehead. The glow died down and Grace laid back in her bed, looking over at Week as her eyes fluttered shut, leaving one message to the boy.

"Protect my Rose, please..."


Lizzie stood up and ran, knowing she could never look back at the life she had just left behind. She wanted to turn back and at the next thought she stopped in her path. What about Rose? How will she take my supposed death? Will she be okay on her own?

Tears started to fall from her eyes. She had to go back, she couldn't leave her Rose like that. She quietly turned back and made her way to Rose's apartment. She slid her spare key into the hold and walked I to the small space, noticing how nothing had been touched since she came here last time, before she knew she had to disappear.

Lizzie walked into Rose's room and plopped down in the bed, the place she would sleep to offer comfort to Rose when her nightmares would get too hard for her to handle and she would lash out on herself.

She noticed how the place felt abandoned, like no one had been here in a while. It had only been a few days since she left and the first thought was that she had to be with Levi. She looked down at the group chat spamming her phone and smiled softly. She couldn't bare to leave that piece of them behind. The lock screen picture was one of all of the group ofHeavenly together, dressed up in the outfits from their first actual concert together. All of the girls wore matching gold sequined jumpsuits and high heels that they danced and performed in. The guys wore black dress pants and white shirts with gold sequined ties around their necks. All of the looked so happy in the picture and Lizzie noticed for the first time the color of Rose's eyes in it. They were baby blue.

She quickly opened her photos of her and noticed the fact that most of them had her with silver eyes in them. Her breathe caught in her throat and she dropped her phone.

She couldn't believe it, then she opened the group and finally noticed the conversation.

[Heavenly Group Chat]

To you, Angel, Baby girl💖💖, Levi, Untrustworthy fudge bars

Untrustworthy fudge bars: What do you mean she's GONE?!

Levi: I checked everywhere and I got messages from her phone from someone who had her!

Angel: Why would someone just take her like that?!

Levi: Angel, calm down, I'll find her, I promise

Angel: I can't!!! Don't you understand, Rose is out there somewhere, lost, scared, and ALONE

Untrustworthy fudge bars: I'll take care of Angel

Untrustworthy fudge bars: Levi, please find our girl

Levi: Already on it!

Lizzie dropped her phone and cried. She cried for all her stupidity. She should have taken Rose with her. Why did she chose to leave her behind? Now, her family had their claws in her.

She let out a long scream and let herself break on the bed of the girl she fell in love with. The first person to understand her and love her for who she was, no matter how many people she hurt or how many she betrayed, Rose wanted her. Just Lizzie, and that's all she ever wanted.

The war that raged in her head only got louder the longer she let herself break. She thought about her smile, her precious eyes that glowed when she was happy, and her happiness that made an entire room turn their heads. She just wanted her Rose. The Rose that had accepted her when she felt so torn and broken. The Rose who helped put her back together.

She cried for every scar she had seen littering Roses skin. She cried for every night where she pushed Rose away telling her that she had more important things to do. She cried for the fact that her brother now had his promised, who was the girl that made Lizzie feel for the first time. She cried for the fact that every emotion was true and that she could never take back what was left behind in her panic.

For the first time, as she fell asleep, the war inside fell silent.